

Incorruptibility is a mystical phenomenon that concerns the maintenance of the physical integrity of human bodies after death. This state is seen as divine intervention, especially in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Bodies considered incorruptible are often associated with religious figures such as saints and beatified. The perception of incorruptibility as a sign of holiness is widely shared by the followers of these religions.

The normal process of decomposition of bodies after death is interrupted in cases of incorruptibility. The bodies are considered intact and preserved, with no signs of putrefaction. This phenomenon is considered a miracle by believers, who see in incorruptibility a manifestation of divine grace.


saint francois de sales

Incorrupt body of St. Francis de Sales


It is important to note that incorruptibility is not a concept explainable by science. The causes are often attributed to factors such as weather, environmental conditions and burial practices. However, in many cases, the causes are still mysterious and cannot be explained by science.

Despite this, incorruptibility remains a subject of fascination for believers and non-believers alike. The incorruptible bodies are often displayed in churches and places of pilgrimage, and attract thousands of visitors each year. Incorruptibility is also a subject of controversy, as some scientists and skeptics question its authenticity and regard intact bodies as the result of specific burial practices rather than divine miracles.

There have been many scientific explanations offered to explain incorruptibility, but none have been proven. Some hypotheses include the natural preservation of bodies under specific conditions, such as drought, cold or salt. Other hypotheses include the presence of natural bactericidal substances in the body that prevent decomposition, or even divine interventions.

Despite the mysterious nature of incorruptibility, these cases continue to arouse the interest and fascination of many people around the world. They are considered signs of holiness and divine grace, and are often associated with miracles and healings.

The main purpose of the cult of saints is to promote the incorruptibility of holy bodies and fasting. According to Jacques Maître, sociologist of religions, this practice creates an intermediate zone between the world of the dead and that of the living. The deceased body is considered alive because it does not decay, while the living body seems eternal in death because it no longer needs food or excretion.

The idea of ​​incorruptibility is linked to the development of cult of relics. Originally, the term "relics" simply referred to the corpse, but over time it specialized to refer to holy bodies. In the Middle Ages, the trade in relics became very important and the texts of canon law gave primacy to the so-called "insignia" relics, that is to say the whole bodies of the saints. Thus, incorruptibility became an important issue for shrines, monastic communities and cathedrals. This insignia relic is a source of prestige and substantial income, notably generating pilgrimages. Moreover, it allows communities to come out of financial difficulties and to reaffirm the power of a bishop.

The incorruptibility of relics is a criterion increasingly associated with canonization. To verify that the body is worthy of beatification, it is exhumed for the purposes of the instruction. It is not uncommon for religious authorities to claim to have found the body in "extraordinarily preserved", "intact" or even "incorrupt" condition.

In order to preserve this state, the relics of a canonized saint are placed in a shrine. If the body is partially decomposed, the relics are inserted into a full or partial body reconstruction, often encased in a wax body. This is the case of saints such as Thérèse of Lisieux, Bernadette Soubirous, Vincent de Paul or Padre Pio, whose face is covered with a hand-painted silicone mask. This kind of sculptural trompe-l'oeil shows the importance of the myth of incorruptibility in the Church and in popular culture.

The belief in incorruptibility still persists today, although it does not necessarily have a religious basis. The mere discovery of an undecomposed body can still arouse great interest and devotion to the body itself, even if it is not considered as such by the Church. Embalmed bodies, although not considered incorrupt, can also arouse strong interest when displayed.

However, it is important to remember that this so-called "incorruptibility" can be explained by natural factors such as the embalming techniques used, the climatic conditions or the composition of the soil, or even the preservation properties of the one. -this.


Characteristic phenomena:

At the end of the 19th century, the Catholic priest Herbert Thurston carried out the first study of cases of physical incorruptibility after death. This Jesuit identified 42 saints who died between 1400 and 1900 who remained incorrupt. He associated six characteristics with incorruptibility, but not all of them are mandatory:
  • A sweet fragrance emanating from the body
  • Absence of rigor mortis
  • Persistent warmth of the body
  • Absence of putrefaction
  • Abnormal discharge (oil coming out of the tomb, bleeding continuing the stigmata)
  • Post-mortem movements.

One of the best-known cases of incorruptibility in the Catholic religion is that of Saint John of Nepomucene, a Czech priest living in the 14th century. Saint John was tortured and thrown into the Vltava River for refusing to reveal the queen's confessions. Since his death, his body has remained intact with no signs of decomposition, which has been considered a miracle by the faithful.

Another famous case of incorruptibility in the Catholic religion is that of Saint Bernadette Soubirous, the young French girl who saw the Virgin Mary in Lourdes in 1858. Saint Bernadette died shortly after these apparitions, but her body remained intact for more than 50 years, despite the unfavorable conditions of his grave. This event was considered a sign of her holiness and reinforced the devotion of the faithful to Lourdes.

There is also the case of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, a 19th century French nun known for her deep devotion and unconditional love for God. After his death, his body was buried in a vault, but several years later, during his transfer, it was discovered that his body was still intact, with no signs of decomposition. This phenomenon was considered a sign of the holiness of Saint Thérèse and reinforced the devotion of the faithful to her cult.

Finally, the case of Padre Pio, a 20th century Italian priest, is also considered one of the most famous cases of incorruptibility in the Catholic religion. Padre Pio was recognized for his gifts of healing and clairvoyance, and after his death in 1968 his body remained intact with no signs of decay, which was considered a miracle by the faithful.


Census in the Catholic Church:

236 cases of incorruption, of which 56 are stigmatized marked with an * asterisk. That's almost a quarter: remarkable connection.

135 women; 101 men (or more exactly 103, numbers 2 and 3 having two names).

According to the centuries:
Before the 11th: 8 - 11th: 2 - 12th: 1 - 13th: 11 - 14th: 10 - 15th: 22 - 16th: 28 - 17th: 42 - 18th: 17 - 19th: 41 - 20th: 54

The list is certainly incomplete, especially for recent cases (Thérèse Neumann, etc.).
The postulations keep the exhumations secret:

of Madre Speranza de Jesus, who died in 1983,
of Sister Maravillas of Jesus, Carmelite who died in 1974,
of Sister Marie-Joséphine Catanea, Italian Carmelite,
although there are rumors that their bodies were found intact."

1. Saint Nazaire of Milan, martyr (died 68/70).
Incorrupted in 396 (more than 300 years old), traces of blood still fresh. excl. tax.

2. Saints Gervais and Protais, martyrs (died around 160).
Incorrumpus around 390 (over 200 years old), blood flowing from corpses. excl. tax.

3. Saints Marcellinus and Peter, martyrs (died around 295).
Incorrupt around 800 (more than 500 years old), bleeding from the remains. excl. tax.

4. Saint Severin de Norique, bishop (died 482/483).
Incorrupted in 489 (6 years), suave fragrance emanating from the body. excl. tax.

5. Saint Ethelred of Ely, Queen of Northumberland, widow and OSB nun (died 679).
Incorrupt for several years after his death. excl. tax.

6. Saint Cuthbert, OSB, Bishop of Lindisfarne (died 687).
Incorrupt and flexible in 698 (11 years old), still intact in the 11th century. HT.

7. Saint Werburg of Mercia, Abbess OSB of Trentham (died 703/4).
Incorrupt for several years after his death. excl. tax.

8. Saint Willibrord, OSB monk and bishop, apostle of Friesland (died 739).
Incorrupt for several years after his death. HT.

9. Saint Elphege (died 1012).
Incorrupt for several years after his death. excl. tax.

10. Saint Edward the Confessor, King of the Angles (died 1066).
Incorrupt for several years after his death. HT.

11. Saint William Fitzherbert, Archbishop of York (died 1154).
Incorrupt for several years after his death, corpse exuding oil. excl. tax.

12. Saint Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln (died 1200).
Incorrupted in 1280 (80 years old), oil issue. HT.

13. Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln (died 1224/25)..
Incorrupted in 1278 (over 60 years old), oil issue. excl. tax.

14. Saint Bertrand de Garrigues, Dominican priest (died 1230).
Body found "whole and without any corruption" in 1253, still intact in 1398 when transferred to Orange, and in 1561 (331 years), when it was burned by the Huguenots. JB.

15. Saint John of Beverley, OSB monk (died 12...))
Incorrupt several years after his death, oil issue. HT.

16. Saint Edmund Rich, Archbishop of Canterbury (died 1240).
Incorrupt for several years after his death. excl. tax.

17. Jean "le Bon", actually de Buono or de Buonis, Augustinian monk (died in 1249).
Incorrupted in 1251 (2 years), still intact in 1798 (5th canonical recognition). excl. tax.

18. Saint Rose of Viterbo, Franciscan tertiary (died 1252).
Incorrupt and supple for many years, currently the body is dried up and blackened (mummification). excl. tax.

19. * Helena of Hungary, Dominican nun (died 1270).
Incorrupted some time after her death, during the exhumation: perfume emanating from the corpse and emission of fresh blood. IG.

20. * Conrad d'Ascoli, Franciscan priest (died 1289).
Incorrupt several months after his death. IG.

21. Sainte Marie du Secours de Cervellon, Mercedarian nun (died 1290).
Corpse found incorrupt and supple in 1380 (90 years old), still intact, but desiccated and browned, in 1991 (exhibited in a crystal urn). JB.

22. * Saint Margaret of Cortona, Franciscan Tertiary (died 1297).
Incorrupted in 1715 (418 years), the body spreading a sweet smell. Now, body still intact, desiccated. IG.

23. * Blessed Joan of Orvieto, Dominican Tertiary (died 1306).
Incorrupt, but desiccated, in 1755 (449 years). IG.

24. Blessed Angelo Scarpetti, priest of the Order of Saint Augustine (died 1306).
Incorrupt body in the 16th century (canonical recognition). JB.

25. * Saint Clare of the Cross, of Montefalco, Augustinian nun (died in 1308).
Still incorrupt in 1881 (573 years old), and currently slightly mummified. GI, HT.

26. * Blessed Angela of Foligno, Franciscan Tertiary (died 1309).
Incorrupt for several years after death. IG.

27. Saint Christiane Menabuoi de Sainte-Croix, Augustinian nun (died 1310).
Body remained incorrupt, flexible and fresh for 18 days after his death. JB.

28. Saint Agnes Segni of Montepulciano, Dominican nun (died 1317).
Body intact in 1362 (45 years old), distilling a fragrant oily liquid. Intact, but desiccated, in 1991. JB.

29. * Blessed Margaret of Città di Castello, Dominican Tertiary (died 1320).
Incorrupted in 1678 and 1743, supple and exhaling a sweet smell (423 years old). IG.

30. Sainte Roseline de Villeneuve, Carthusian nun (died 1329).
Fresh and supple body in 1334 (5 years), then in 1614, 1644, 1657, 1835 (506 years), fresh eyes; body a little dried out, blackened, in 1929 (600 years old) and in 1951 (622 years old), traces of mold. HL.

31. * Blessed Villana de' Bottis, Dominican Tertiary (died 1361).
Incorrupt for a month, body exhaling sweet perfumes. IG.

32. * Saint Catherine of Siena, Dominican mantellate (died 1380).
Incorrupt at least until the beginning of the 19th century. GI, HT.

33. * Elisabeth Achler, Franciscan nun (died 1420).
Partially incorrupt in 1623, skeleton intact in 1991. JB.

34. * Lucia de Norcia, Franciscan tertiary (died 1430).
Incorrupt and flexible in 1599 (169 years old). IG.

35. Blessed Angelina of Marsciano, Franciscan nun (died 1435).
Body found incorrupt and supple in 1492, during the translation (57 years old), still incorrupt, but desiccated and blackened, in 1991. JB.

36. Saint Françoise Romaine, widow and Olivetan Oblate (died 1436).
Incorrupt body, supple and sweetly fragrant four months after death, intact skeleton exhaling a sweet odor in 1638. HT.

37. Margaret of Foligno, Franciscan nun (died 1442).
Body found incorrupt and exhaling a sweet perfume, in 1492 (50 years); reduced to ashes in 1588. JB.

38. Saint Bernardine of Siena, Franciscan priest (died 1444).
Corpse intact in 1472 (28 years old), then in the 17th century. excl. tax.

39. Blessed Anthony Migliorati d'Amandola, priest of the Order of Saint Augustine (died 1450).
Corpse found incorrupt and flexible in 1460, in the same condition in 1464 (canonical translation of the remains); presently intact, but blackened and dried out. JB.

40. Saint Lawrence Justinian, Patriarch of Venice (died 1455).
Corpse intact, supple and fragrant for 67 days. excl. tax.

41. Saint John of Capistran, Franciscan priest (died 1456).
Uncorrupted for some time, until 1765 HT..

42. * Saint Rita of Cascia, widow, Augustinian nun (died 1456).
Body perfectly intact in 1626 (170 years), movements (1628 in particular), corpse currently intact, but desiccated and blackened. IG.

43. Saint Antoninus, Dominican, Archbishop of Florence (died 1459).
Flexible and spreading a sweet smell for eight days, incorrupt and flexible in 1589 (130 years), currently dried and blackened. HT.

44. Saint Didace, Franciscan lay brother (died 1463).
Incorrupt corpse, supple and perfumed for six months, perfectly intact in 1582 (119 years old). excl. tax.

45. * Christopher Crivelli, Franciscan (died 1467).
Body "long incorrupt with exhalation of celestial perfumes". JG.

46. ​​Blessed Elizabeth de' Piccenardi, Tertiary Servant of Mary (died 1468).
Corpse found incorrupt and fresh in 1506 (38 years old), still intact, but blackened and desiccated, in 1991. JB.

47. * Hugolino of Mantua, Augustinian monk (died 1471).
Body intact in 1540 (age 69), wound on side spilling blood. Still incorrupt in the 19th century. IG.

48. Saint John of Kenty, priest (died 1473).
Incorrupt in 1539 (66 years old, unconvincing evidence), fragrant ashes in 1603. HT.

49. * Saint Eustochium Calafato, Poor Clare nun (died 1485).
Incorrupt body, supple and fragrant, exuding fragrant liquor, in 1487, 1491, etc. (6 years old) - body still incorrupt, but blackened and stiff, in 1991. IG.

50. Blessed Françoise d'Amboise, founder of the Carmelites in France (died 1485).
Body found intact in 1492 (7 years old). JB._

51. Blessed Jacques Varingez de Bitecto, lay Franciscan friar (died 1486). Corpse found incorrupt, supple and with a colored complexion, in 1505; still intact, but withered and browned, in 1913 (canonical recognition), exhibited since then in a crystal urn. JB.

52. Blessed Jeanne Scopello, Carmelite nun (died 1491).
Corpse incorrupt and exhaling a sweet smell 6 months after death, still incorrupt in 1493 (2 years). JB.

53.Blessed Bernardin Tomitano de Feltre, Franciscan (died 1494).
Body found perfectly intact and spreading an exquisite perfume, during the translation in 1630, still very well preserved in 1811, in 1837 (the left arm and forearm were cut off), and in 1894, desiccated but "full" ( 400 years old), now on display in a crystal urn. JB.

54. Blessed James of Pesaro, priest of the Order of Saint Augustine (died 1496).
Body found incorrupt, but stiff and browned, in 1847 (351 years old), still intact and as though mummified, in 1991. JB.

55. Saint Joan of Valois, founder of the Annonciades (died 1505).
Body still intact in 1562, when it was burned by the Huguenots. JB.

56. * Blessed Osanna Andreasi of Mantua, Dominican Tertiary (died 1505).
Body incorrupt and fresh in 1508, a little dried out in 1602 (97 years old), in 1686 (183 years old) and in 1699 (196 years old). Body desiccated and blackened in 1991. IG.

57. Saint François de Paule, founder of the Minimes (died in 1507).
Soft and fragrant body for a week, incorrupted in 1562 (55 years old) and burned by the Huguenots. excl. tax.

58. * Saint Catherine Fieschi of Genoa, widow (died 1510).
Body intact and flexible in 1512 (18 months), incorrupt, blackened and desiccated in 1991. IG, HT.

59. Paul Rendace de Paterno, Minime priest (died 1511).
Intact and flexible body, exhaling sweet perfumes for 40 days, still incorrupt in 1594, but desiccated and blackened (83 years old). JB.

60. * Joan of the Cross Vasquez Guttierez, Franciscan nun (died 1534). Incorrupt body and sweetly perfumed in 1552 (18 years old). IG.

61. Saint Antoine-Marie Zaccaria, founder of the Barnabites (died in 1539). Body incorrupt in 1566 (27 years old), reduced to the state of a skeleton in 1664. HT.

62. Saint Angela de Merici, foundress of the Ursulines (died in 1540).
Supple body, intact, sweetly fragrant, in 1672 (132 years old), intact in 1867 (327 years old). excl. tax.

63. Venerable Marie-Laurence Longo, founder of the Capucines (died in 1542).
Incorrupt and supple corpse, giving off a sweet smell of violets, in 1543, and movement of the arm; beginning of incorruption in the following months. JB.

64. * Blessed Lucia Broccadelli of Narni, Dominican (died 1544).
Body intact, flexible and fragrant in 1710 (166 years), wound on the side wet with blood. !G.

65. * Blessed Catherine de' Matteis de Racconigi, Dominican (died 1547).
Body intact, supple and sweetly perfumed in 1548 (6 months). IG.

66. Saint John of God Ciudad, founder of the Hospitallers (died 1550).
Whole body and fragrant in 1570 (20 years), except the tip of the nose. HT.

67. Saint Francis Xavier, Jesuit missionary (died 1552).
Body intact, fresh and supple in 1553, although buried in quicklime; body intact and flexible in 1556 (4 years), body still intact, but partly desiccated in 1615. HT.

68. * Venerable Dominique Narducci de Paradiso, Dominican (died in 1553).
Incorrupt body, supple and fresh, sweet perfume, in 1748 (195 years old). IG.

69. Saint Thomas de Villeneuve, osa, archbishop of Valence (died 1555).
Body incorrupt in 1582 (aged 27), fragrant ashes a few years later. excl. tax.

70. Saint Peter of Alcantara, Franciscan reformer (died 1562).
Incorrupt and fragrant body in 1566 (4 years), perfumed skeleton in 1616. HT.

71. Cosimo Munoz de Valladolid, Minime priest (died 1573).
Incorrupt body, spreading a sweet perfume, until 1612. JB.

72. Saint Catherine Thomas, Augustinian nun (died 1574).
Perfectly incorrupt and supple body in 1577, still intact in 1815 (241 years old). JB.

73. * Saint Teresa of Jesus of Avila, reformer of the Carmel (died in 1582).
Incorrupt body, very fragrant, supple, exhaling perfumed oil in 1583 (8 months); same observations in 1585, 1586, 1592 (the emission of fragrant balm ceased), and until 1760 (178 years); still intact in 1982. IG, HT, HL.

74. Saint Charles Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan (died 1584).
Body (embalmed) largely unharmed in 1606 (aged 22) and in 1880 (aged 296). HT.

75. * Saint Catherine de' Ricci, Dominican nun (died in 158_).
Partly incorrupt in 1733 (144 years). IG.

76. Martin de Jésus Marie Crozat, Discalced Carmelite (died 1590).
Body found incorrupt and perfectly flexible in 1597 (7 years old). JB.

77. Saint John of the Cross, reformer of Carmel (died 1591).
Intact body, exhaling a sweet smell, blood flowing from a wound, in 1592. Still intact in 1859, although covered with quicklime (268 years). excl. tax.

78. Saint Pascal Baylon, Lay Franciscan friar (died 1592).
Body intact and giving off a sweet smell, although buried in quicklime; in 1593, then in 1611 (19 years old). excl. tax.

79. Catherine of Christ Balmaseda y San Martin, Carmelite (died 1594).
Corpse perfectly supple and incorrupt in 1597, exhaling a sweet odor and distilling an oily substance; same condition in 1655, browned skin; incorrupt and flexible in 1927 (331 years old), "cardboard and blackened" corpse in 1981 (387), but still intact, preservation considered to exceed the laws of nature, because there was neither saponification nor mummification . JB.

80. Saint Philippe Néri, founder of the Oratory (died in 1595).
Eviscerated body found intact in 1599, 1602 and 1639 (44 years old). excl. tax.

81. Augustine of the Carrasco Kings, Discalced Carmelite (died 1596).
Corpse found incorrupt, supple and spreading a sweet smell in 1598, still incorrupt but a little stiff and with brown skin, in 1689 (93 years old). JB.

82. * Arcangela Tardera, Franciscan tertiary (died 1599). Soft and incorrupt body, very fragrant, for 12 days. IG.

83. * Maria Raggi, widow, Dominican tertiary (died 1600). Incorrupt and exhaling a sweet smell cn 1601 (1 year). IG.

84. Saint Germaine Cousin, shepherdess (died 1601).
Flexible and incorrupt body in 1644, in 1661, cn 1700 (99 years), flesh consumed in 1801 after the revolutionaries had plunged the body into quicklime. JB.

85. Saint Seraphim de' Nicola de Montegranaro, Lay Capuchin Friar (died 1604).
Body preserved intact in 1618 (14 years), reduced to a few bones in 1940. JB.

86. Saint Turibio de Mogrovejo, Archbishop of Lima (died 1606).
Incorrupt and flexible body in 1607 (1 year), then in 1622 (16 years), spreading a sweet smell. JB.

87. Blessed Cesar de Bus, founder of the Doctrines (died 1607).
Perfectly flexible and incorrupt in 1608 (1 year), intact but stiffened in 1617 (10 years). JB.

88. * Saint Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi, Carmelite nun (died 1607).
Soft and intact body, spilling an oily liquid, in 1608 (1 year old), still incorrupt and soft in 1663 (56 years old). HT.

89. Saint Francis Caracciolo, founder of the Clerics Regular Minimes (died 1608).
Body embalmed, partially preserved in 1628 (20 years old). excl. tax.

90. Saint Andrew Avellino, Theatine priest (died 1608).
Incorrupt and supple body in 1609, blood remained fluid (1 year). excl. tax.

91. Angèle-Marie-Séraphine Prat, reformer of the Capucines (died in 1608). Corpse found intact. flexible in 1609, then in 1615 (7 years). JB.

92. Saint Bernardin Realino, Jesuit priest (died 1616).
Body intact, but desiccated, in 24 (8 years); the flesh was detached from the skeleton and placed in crystal vases; in 1711 (95 years), during the translation of the remains, the flesh was intact and bathed in fresh blood. JB.

93. Saint Rose of Lima, Dominican Tertiary (died 1617).
Body intact and flexible, spreading a sweet smell, 18 months after death; incorrupt, but dried out, and still very fragrant, in 1630 (13 years old). excl. tax.

94. Blessed Victoire Fornari, founder of the Celestial Annonciades (died 1617) .
Buried in quicklime, the body was found perfectly intact, supple and fresh in 1622; in the same state and exhaling a sweet perfume in 1632 and 1636; still incorrupt and flexible in 1829 and 1870 (253 years). JB.

95. Venerable Ursula Benincasa, founder of the Theatine nuns (died 1618).
Incorrupt, according to IG, but no trace in the official documents, nor for that matter "stigma".

96. Venerable Véronique Laparelli, Cistercian nun (died 1620).
Body found perfectly incorrupt, flexible and fresh, lips supple and firm, face very beautiful, in 1630. JB.

97. Marianne de Jesus, Franciscan tertiary (died 1620).
Incorrupt body in 1624. IG.

98. Saint Francis de Sales, bishop, founder of the Visitation (died 1622).
Embalmed body, found intact in 1632 (10 years old), decomposed in 1656. HT.

99. Saint Josephat Kunciewicz, Basilian, Archbishop of Plock (died 1623).
Martyred, body thrown into the water, intact a week later, then incorrupt in 1637 and 1674 (51 years old). excl. tax.

100. Blessed Marie-Anne de Jesus Navarro de Guevara, mercédaire (died in 1624).
Body perfectly incorrupt, supple, sweetly perfumed, exhaling a balsamic essence of exquisite smell, in 1731 (107 years old), body darkened and hardened in 1766. HT.

law. Venerable Anne de Saint-Augustin de Pedruja, Carmelite nun (died 1624).
Corpse found perfectly incorrupt and supple, exhaling a sweet smell, in 1628; body still intact, but desiccated and browned, in 1926 (302 years). JB.

102. Bonaventure Guona, Minime priest (died 1630).
Corpse found incorrupt and supple one month after death, with emission of fresh blood from the nostrils and sweet smell; still incorrupt in 1648. JB.

103. Madeleine Morteska (1556-1632), founder of the Benedictines of Culm (Chelmno, Poland):
Face intact, body well preserved. JB.

104. * Venerable Agnès Galand de Jesus, of Langeac, Dominican (died in 1634).
Body intact and sweetly perfumed in 1653 (19 years old), progressive corruption of the uncovered parts (face and hands, probably due to humidity), but the rest of the body still intact, dried out, in 1857. IG, HT.

105. Venerable Jeanne-Charlotte de Bréchard, Visitandine (died in 1634).
Body intact and flexible in 1644, 1645, with sweet smell, still flexible and spreading an oily substance in 1708 (74 years old), reduced to dust in 1805. JB.

106. Blessed Dionysius of the Nativity Berthelot, Carmelite martyr in Goa (died 1638).
Corpse remained intact, supple and fresh for 7 months, despite immersion in the sea and abandonment on the sand (to cause corruption), surrounded during the first days of bright lights. JB.

107. * Onofrio de Fiamenga, lay Franciscan friar (died 1639).
Flexible and incorrupt body, wound on the side still fresh, in 1653 (14 years old). IG.

108. Saint Jacinta Marescotti, Franciscan Tertiary Regular (died 1640).
Incorrupt body, exposed to the veneration of the faithful in a glass shrine, from 1726 (beatification), still intact, but dried and blackened. JB.

109. Saint Jeanne-Françoise de Chantal, founder of the Visitation (died in 1641).
Embalmed, body incorrupt in 1722 (81 years old). excl. tax.

110. * Delizia de' Giovanni, Dominican (died 1642).
Body intact, supple and sweetly perfumed in 1643 (1 year old). IG.

111. Saint Joseph Calasanz, founder of the Scolopes (died 1648).
Heart and tongue kept supple and fresh for several years after death. excl. tax.

112. François de la Conception de Baeza, Discalced Carmelite (died 1649).
Corpse found incorrupt and flexible in 1663 (14 years old). JB.

113. Blessed Virginia Centurione, foundress of the Daughters of Our Lady at Calvary (died 1651).
Body found perfectly intact, supple and flexible, in 1801 (150 years old), then in 1803 (it can be moved and washed several times), still intact, but stiffened, in 1910 (259 years old). JB.

114. Venerable Marie-Françoise Farnèse, Poor Clare (died 1651).
Body incorrupt in 1653, but decomposed a few years later. JB.

115. Marie Chialli, Servite Tertiary of Mary (died 1651).
Corpse found intact and flexible in 1654, during the canonical translation. JB.

116. Saint Peter Claver, Jesuit priest (died 1654).
Flexible and incorrupt body, fragrant, lasting ten days, intact in 1657 (3 years). bed.

117. * Venerable Cécile Nobili, Poor Clare (died 1655).
Body intact and flexible in 1665, still intact but desiccated in 1712, 1825 and 1946 (ultimate canonical recognition). JB.

118. Saint Andrew Bobola, Jesuit priest martyr (died 1657).
Perfectly incorrupt and supple body, wounds still wet with blood, in 1701, then in 1730 (73 years old). bed.

119. * Marguerite-Marie des Anges Van Valkenissen, Carmelite (died in 1658).
Body incorrupt and desiccated in 1663, oozing an oily substance since death. IG.

120. * Mary of the Holy Trinity, Dominican nun (died 1660).
Incorrupt and flexible body in 1662 (2 years). IG.

121. Saint Vincent de Paul, founder of the Vincentians (died 1660).
Body intact, except eyes and nose, in 1712 (42 years old), skeleton alone in 1737, flesh reduced to fragrant ashes. excl. tax.

122. * Rosanna Battista de Grottaglia, Poor Clare (died 1663).
Incorrupt and flexible body a few years after death. IG.

123. Blessed Marie-Angèle Astorch, Capuchin nun (died 1665).
Body preserved intact, eyes full and shining, in 1683 and in 1725, body still incorrupt in 1867, but desiccated (202 years), desecrated in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War. JB.

124. Venerable Marc Cristofori d'Aviano, Capuchin priest (died 1609).
Body found perfectly intact and flexible, but the teguments browned, in 1703. JB.

125. * Marcelline Pauper, nun of Saint-Gildard de Nevers (died in 1708).
Body incorrupt in 1709 (1 year). IG.

126. Blessed Bonaventure Lanvanga of Potenza, Conventual Franciscan (died 1711).
Body found perfectly intact and supple, spreading a sweet smell, in 1740. JB.

127. * Marie Arcangela Biondini, Servite nun of Mary (died 1712).
Corpse found fresh and incorrupt in 1725. JB.

128. Venerable Benoîte Rencurel, Dominican tertiary, clairvoyant of Laus (died in 1718).
Body intact and fresh in 1788 (age 70), bleeding from an accidental wound; still intact in 1819, but "sagging", broken down in 1854. JB.

129. Venerable Antonia Maria Belloni, Franciscan nun (died 1719).
Body found intact in 1738 (19 years old), state of advanced decomposition in 1743. JB.

130. Jean-Baptiste de Laveyne, osb, founder of the Sisters of Nevers (died 1719).
Body intact during the canonical exhumation, "shortly before the Revolution", skeleton alone in 1870. JB.

131. Saint Pacific Divini of San Severino, Franciscan (died 1721).
Perfectly incorrupt and supple body, spreading a sweet smell, spilling fresh blood from an accidental wound, in 1725 (4 years old). JB.

132. * Saint Véronique Giuliani, Capuchin Poor Clare (died 1727).
Body incorrupt and supple in 1735, in 1750 (23 years old), then desiccated. IG.

133. Saint Lucia Filippini, founder of the Pious Mistresses (died 1732).
Body supple and intact in 1748 (16 years old), still incorrupt, but desiccated in 1991. JB.

134. Raymond Recrosio, Barnabite, Bishop of Nice (died 1732).
Corpse intact and perfectly flexible in 1633, during the translation of the remains. JB.

135. Pierre Vigne, founder of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (died 1740).
Corpse remained perfectly intact and supple, fresh, ruddy complexion, spreading an exquisite smell, for four days after death, despite adverse atmospheric conditions (stormy heat wave) and the transfer of the body from the place of death to the place of burial (several tens of kilometers). JB.

136. * Blessed Crescence Hoss, Franciscan nun (died 1744).
Body found perfectly supple and intact, fresh complexion, 6 months after death. JB.

137. Eustace Entreri, Bishop of Nicastro (died 1745).
Body found perfectly incorrupt in 1748 (3 years old). IB.

138. Venerable César Sportelli, Redemptorist priest (died 1750).
Corpse perfectly intact and supple in 1753 (3 years old). JB.

139. Saint Leonard of Port-Maurice, Franciscan priest (died 1751).
Incorrupt body some time after death (). excl. tax..

140. Venerable Dominique Blasucci, Redemptorist cleric (died 1752).
Perfectly incorrupt and supple body, shedding lively blood, 20 days after death. JB.

141. Venerable Marie-Céleste Crostarosa, founder of the Redemptoristines (died in 1755).
Perfectly intact and supple body, with blood emissions in 1785, 1788, slight traces of mold in 1830 and browning of the skin (185 years). I.

142. Saint Julie Billiart, foundress of the Sisters of Notre-Dame de Namur (died in 1816) .
Incorrupt and flexible body, oozing of an oily liquid in 1817 (15 months), only skeleton remaining in 1842. HT.

143. * Anne-Catherine Emmerick, Augustinian nun (died 1824).
Intact, supple and fresh five weeks after death, first signs of putrefaction six weeks after death, skeleton still perfectly intact in 1974. JB.

144. * Elisabeth Canori-Mora, secular, Trinitarian tertiary (died 1825).
Incorrupt and supple body, "a little withered cheeks", lively blood gushing from the mouth in 1834 (9 years old). JB.

145. Venerable Marie-Christine de Savoie, Queen of the Two Sicilies (died in 1836).
Body perfectly intact in 1853, then 1859 (23 years old). excl. tax.

146. Blessed Anne-Marie Taïgi, mother of a family, Trinitarian tertiary (died in 1837).
Supple and perfectly incorrupt body in 1868 (31 years old), still intact today, but dried out and browned. excl. tax.

147. Venerable Librada (Liberate) Ferrarons, tertiary of Carmel (died 1842).
Body found incorrupt, supple and exhaling a sweet smell, in 1847. JB.

148. Victoire-Françoise Brielle, young secular girl (died in 1847).
Corpse perfectly intact and supple in 1865. JB.

149. Blaise Marmoiton, religious of the Society of Mary, martyr (died in 1847).
Body and head (separated) intact and spreading a sweet smell, despite immersion in water for several days. JB.

150. Saint Vincente Gerosa, co-founder of the Sisters of Charity of Lovere (died 1847).
Body found incorrupt, supple and fresh in 1858, then in 1871 (24 years old). JB.

151. * Venerable Antoine Pennacchi, secular priest (died 1848).
Incorrupt corpse, limber and bleeding 18 days after death; made under secret since then (probable case of stigmatization, with visible wound on the side). JB.

152. Saint Vincent Pallotti, founding priest of the Catholic Apostolate (died 1850).
Body intact and supple in 1857, blackened and mummified in 1950. JB.

153. Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey, foundress of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny (died in 1851).
Incorrupt and flexible body in 1911 (60 years). JB.

154. Saint Joaquina de Vedruna, foundress of the Carmelites of Charity (died 1854).
Corpse intact and flexible in 1923 (69 years old). JB.

155. Blessed Laurent of Saint-François-Xavier Salvi, priest, Passionist (died 1856).
Intact and supple corpse, flexible skin, colored complexion, 10 months after death. Reduced to the state of a skeleton in 1892. JB.

156. Paul Packenham, Passionist priest (died 1857).
Body perfectly incorrupt in 1894 (37 years). excl. tax.

157. Saint Jean-Marie Vianney, Curé of Ars (died 1857).
Incorrupt body, slightly dried out, tanned complexion, in 1904 (47 years old). excl. tax.

158. Venerable Nimatullah' al-Hardiny, priest of the Maronite Order of Lebanon (died 1858).
Body found perfectly intact in 1914, 1923, 1924, 1927, drying out little by little. JB.

159. Anne-Marie Fiorelli-Lapini, founder of the Sisters of the Holy Stigmata (died in 1860).
Body intact and supple in 1863 (3 years). JB.

160. François-Marie Giusti de Collodi, Franciscan (died 1863).
Body preserved intact, supple and fresh, exhaling sweet perfumes for 18 days after his death. JB.

161. Venerable Philomène-Jeanne Genovese, Franciscan Tertiary (died 1864).
Corpse intact, flexible and fresh for a month after death, found incorrupt and flexible in 1885 (21 years old), reburied, currently the facts remain under secret. JB.

162. Sainte Madeleine-Sophie Barat, founder of the Society of the Sacred Heart (died in 1865).
Incorrupt body, despite the humidity and rotting of the coffin, in 1893 (28 years old). excl. tax.

163. Sainte Marie de Sainte-Euphrasie Pelletier, foundress of the Good Shepherd (died in 1868).
Body intact in 1903, following a saponification process (35 years). excl. tax.

164. Saint Pierre-Julien Eymard, founder of the priests of the Most Holy Sacrament (died in 1868).
Body intact, but desiccated and blackened, in 1876 (8 years old). JB.

165. * Pauline de Nicolay, Franciscan tertiary (died 1868).
Body perfectly intact, supple and fresh at the time of exhumation, six months after death. JB.

166. Venerable Philomène Ferrer de Sainte-Colombe, Minime nun (died 1868).
Body found intact, supple and fresh, in 1869, 1879 and 1880 (12 years old). JB.

167. Marie-Dominique Brun Barbantini, foundress of the Ministers of the Infirm (died 1868).
Body found perfectly intact and supple in 1898 (30 years old), still intact, but desiccated in 1928 (60 years old), totally corrupted in 1979. JB.

168. Venerable Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moràn, secular (died 1869).
Body remained intact, supple and fresh, exhaling a sweet smell for more than a week after death, found in the same condition in 1916 (37 years old). JB.

169. Joséphine Faro, young secular girl (died in 1871).
Corpse found incorrupt and supple in 1872, still intact, slightly stiff but exhaling sweet perfumes in 1896 (25 years old). JB.

170. Saint Catherine Labouré, Daughter of Charity (died 1876).
Body perfectly intact and supple in 1933 (56 years old). RL.

171. Saint Bernadette Soubirous, nun of Saint-Gildard de Nevers (died in 1879).
Body perfectly intact, face slightly darkened in 1909 (30 years old). HT, RL.

172. Saint Marie-Josèphe Rossello, foundress of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy (died in 1880).
Body found intact in 1917 (37 years old). JB.

173. Blessed Mercedes of Jesus Molina, foundress of the Sisters of Blessed Marianne of Jesus (died 1883).
Body found flexible and intact in 1884, remained exposed in this state without change until 1904, then was reinterred canonically. Reduced to skeleton status in 1948. JB.

174. Maria Antonia de Saint-Pierre Paris, founder of the Claretine nuns (died 1885).
Remained intact and supple for a month after death, body found intact, but blackened and desiccated in 1920 (35 years old). JB.

175. Saint Mary Soledad Torres Acosta, foundress of the Servants of Mary Ministers of the Sick (died 1887).
Body intact and flexible in 1893 and in 1901 (14 years). JB.

176. Blessed François Faà di Bruno - founding priest of the Sisters of Saint Zita (died 1888).
Body intact in 1900, reduced to a skeleton in 1925. JB.

177. Saint Vincente Lopez Vicuna, foundress of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (died 1890).
Body intact and flexible in 1893, still intact, but stiffened, in 1898 (18 years old). JB.

178. Blessed Innocent Scalvinoni de Beno, Capuchin (died 1890).
Corpse found perfectly intact and supple, the face slightly browned, 6 months after death, during the translation; reduced to the state of a skeleton in 1895. JB.

179. Blessed Marie-Anne Sala, nun of the "Marcellines" (died in 1891).
Body found incorrupt and fresh in 1920 (29 years old). JB.

180. Blessed Joseph-Benoît Dusmet, OSB Archbishop of Catania, Cardinal (died 1894).
Body found perfectly incorrupt and supple in 1904. JB.

181. Venerable Galileo Nicolini, Passionist novice (died 1897).
Corpse found intact and supple in 1899 (2 years old). JB.

182. Saint Charbel Makhlouf, priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order (died 1898).
Intact and supple body spilling serous fluid, in 1899, still intact and oozing in 1950 and 1952 (54 years old). HL.

183. * Rosa Gattomo, founder of the Daughters of Saint Anne (died 1900).
Body perfectly intact and supple, cool and moist, in 1932 (32 years old). JB.

184. Raphaël Petrucelli de Sant'Elia a Pianisi, Capuchin priest (died 1901).
Corpse found intact, but browned and dried out, spreading a sweet smell, in 1936 (35 years old). JB.

185. Blessed Gertrude Comensoli, founder of the Sacramentines (died 1903).
Body perfectly incorrupt and flexible in 1908 (5 years). JB.

186. Mary Crucified Caputo, co-foundress of the Baptistine nuns (died 1903).
Body perfectly intact and supple in 1939 (36 years old). JB.

187. * Mélanie Calvat (1831-1904): the visionary of La Salette, stigmatized.
Incorrupt and flexible body at the exhumation, in 1905. JB.

188. Blessed Marie Assunta Pallotta, Franciscan Missionary of Mary (died 1905).
Body intact and supple in 1913 (8 years old). JB.

189. Venerable Valentin Paquay, Franciscan priest (died 1905).
Corpse found largely intact in 1926, with the beginning of a process of mummification. JB.

190. Carl Marie Schilling, Barnabite priest (died 1907).
Body found intact in 1924, the beard having grown a little. JB.

191. Gaspard Goggi, priest of Divine Providence (don Grione), (died 1908).
Body found perfectly intact in 1925 and 1960 (52 years old). JB.

192. Blessed Arnold Janssen, founder of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (died 1909).
Corpse intact in 1945, with beginning of a process of mummification. JB.

193. Blessed Marie Schininà, foundress of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart (died in 1910).
Body perfectly intact and supple in 1913, still intact, but browned and stiffened in 1977 (beginning of a process of mummification). JB..

194. * Blessed Thérèse-Marie de la Croix Manetti, foundress of the Carmelites of Sainte-Thérèse (died in 1910).
Body found intact and exhaling a sweet perfume, in 1912 (2 years). JB.

195. * Marie-Louise Nerbolliers, "the visionary of Diémoz" (died in 1910).
Body found perfectly intact, supple and exhaling a sweet smell, in 1939. JB.

196. Blessed Bernard-Marie de Jesus Silvestrelli, Passionist priest (died 1911).
Body found perfectly incorrupt and flexible in 1931 (20 years). JB.

197. Venerable Mary of the Heart of Jesus Sancho de Guerra, foundress of the Servants of Jesus (died 1912).
Body found completely intact in 1926, although having been buried in quicklime. JB.

198. Jacques Viale, Franciscan, parish priest of Bordighera (died in 1912).
Body intact, but in the process of mummification, in 1925 (13 years old). JB'

199. * Mary of the Passion Tarallo, Religious Adorer of the Eucharist (died in 1912).
Body found intact, but stiffened, exhaling a sweet smell, in 1919. JB.

200. François Spinelli, founding priest of the Sacramentine Adorers (died 1913).
Body found perfectly intact and supple in 1924 (11 years old). JB.

201. * Maria Benedetta Frey, Cistercian nun (died 1913).
Corpse found intact, but desiccated and browned, in 1968 (55 years old). JB.

202. André Prévost, priest of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (died in 1913).
Body found intact and supple in 1936 (23 years old). JB.

203. Venerable Adolphe Petit, Jesuit priest (died 1914).
Body found intact, but hardened and browned, in 1938 (mummification). JB..

204. * Maria Rosa Zangara, founder of the Daughters of Mercy (died 1914).
Body perfectly intact, supple and fresh, emitting lively blood, in 1927; in the same condition and with the same phenomena in 1964 (50 years), now sub secreto. JB.

205. Fé Moronati (1862-1915), nun of the Adoratrices Handmaids of Charity and of the Blessed Sacrament
Body still incorrupt in 1991. JB.

206. Marie-Claire-Séraphine de Jésus Farolfi, founder of the Missionary Poor Clares of the Blessed Sacrament (died 1917).
Body found perfectly intact and supple in 1936 (19 years old). JB.

207. Venerable Jacinta Marto, little seer of Fatima (died in 1920).
Body found perfectly intact spreading a sweet smell, in 1935 and 1950. JB.

208. Sainte Bertille Boscardin, nun of the Sisters of Sainte-Dorothée (died in 1922).
Body intact and supple, fresh and morbid in 1937 (15 years old), decomposed in 1952. JB.

209. Adrien Osmolowski, Franciscan priest (died 1924).
Corpse found intact during the translation in 1950. JB.

210. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, lay (died 1925).
Body perfectly intact, supple and spreading a sweet smell, in 1981 (56 years old). JB.

211. Venerable Margaret of the Five Wounds of Jesus Sinclair, Poor Clare (died 1925).
Body found intact and flexible in 1927. JB.

212. * Marie de Jesus Landi, Franciscan Tertiary (died 1931).
Corpse still intact, supple and spreading a sweet smell, in 1932; subsequent actions are kept sub secreto. JB.

213. Caroline Beltrami, founder of the Immaculatin nuns (died 1932).
Body found intact in 1944 (12 years old). JB.

214. Anfrosina Berardi, girl who died at age 13 (died in 1933).
Body found intact, flexible and sweetly scented in 1950. JB.

215. * Marie-Thérèse de Jésus Cortimilia, foundress of the Sisters of Saint Clare (died in 1934).
Body found intact in 1949 (aged 15); subsequent actions sub secreto. JB.

216. André-Hyacinthe Longhin, Capuchin, Bishop of Trevi (died 1936).
Body found intact in 1984 (48 years old), but partly mummified. JB.

217. Ignatius Casanovas Peramons, religious martyr Scolope (died 1936). Corpse found perfectly intact, wounds still wet with blood in 1948. JB.

218. * Marie-Rose Ferron, secular (died 1936).
Found perfectly incorrupt, supple and exhaling a sweet smell, in 1947. The fact was denied and gave rise to a fierce controversy, but the testimonies seem unassailable. JB.

219. Marie Conception Cabrera Armida, widow, foundress (died 1937).
Body partly intact in 1962; subsequent actions are sub secreto. JB.

220. Blessed Marie Gabriella Saggheddu, Trappistine nun (died 1939).
Body intact and flexible in 1957, decomposed in 1975, except forearms and hands joined in the attitude of prayer. JB.

221. Jean Nadiani, religious of the Blessed Sacrament (died in 1940).
Body perfectly preserved, but desiccated, in 1988. JB.

222. * Marie Amparo of the Sacred Heart Delgado, Poor Clare (died 1941).
Body found intact in 1946; the facts are sub secreto. JB.

223. Saint Leopold Mandic of Castelnuovo, Capuchin priest (died 1942).
Body found incorrupt and slightly mummified, in 1963 (21 years old). JB.

224. Marie-Josèphe Giaccobini, Dominican nun (died 1944).
Body intact and flexible during the translation of the remains, in 1961 (17 years old); the facts are now sub secreto. JB.

225. Venerable Francis Chiesa, secular priest (died 1946).
Body intact during the translation of the remains, in 1960 (14 years old); the facts are now sub secreto. JB.

226. Venerable Alberto Marvelli, young secular man (died 1946).
Body found perfectly intact and supple during the translation of the remains, in 1974 (28 years old). JB.

227. Venerable Josephine Bakhita, Canossian nun of Sudanese origin (died in 1947).
Body intact, supple and fresh, during the translation of the remains in 1967 (20 years), JE.

228. * Venerable Marie-Josephine of Jesus-Crucified Catanea, Carmelite (died in 1948).
Body remained intact, supple and sweetly perfumed for more than a month, found incorrupt a few years later; the facts are now sub secreto. JB.

229. Joachim-Marie Stevan, professed Servant of Mary (died 1949).
Body found perfectly incorrupt in 1959, then in 1961 during the canonical recognition of the remains (12 years). JB.

230. * Léonie Van den Dijck, mother, visionary of Onkerzele (died in 1949).
Body found intact during the exhumation in 1972 (23 years old). JB.

231. *Anna Henle, secular (died 1950).
Body found incorrupt and flexible in 1977; the facts are sub secreta. JB.

232. Josefa Campos Talamantes, founder of the Catechists of Our Lady of Sorrows (died 1950).
Body found perfectly intact in 1955. JB.

233. Alfred Ildephonse Schuster, OSB Archbishop of Milan and Cardinal (died 1954).
Body found perfectly incorrupt in 1985 during the canonical exhumation; subjected to conservative treatment after death, but the fact was retained as exceptional. JB.

234. * Yvonne-Aimée de Malestroit, Augustine hospitaller, resistance fighter decorated by de Gaulle (died February 3, 1951).
His body, having begun its process of decomposition before its burial, was found perfectly intact in 1957.

235. Itala Mela, Benedictine Oblate (died 1957).
Body found perfectly intact in 1983, saponification process. JB.

236. Monica de Jesus Cornago Zapater, Augustinian Récolette nun (died 1964).
Body found intact, but desiccated and browned, in 1967 (mummification). JB..


Thurston, HerbertThe Physical Incorruptibility of the Bodies of the Saints. Longmans, Green and Co., 1909.
Miller, MichaelSaints and the Incorruptible Body. Routledge, 2017.
Garrigou-Lagrange, ReginaldThe Divine Providence and the Incorruptibility of the Saints. Ignatius Press, 1962.
Healy, MargaretThe Mysteries of the Incorruptible. Paulist Press, 2010.
Grillmeier, AloysChrist in the Christian Tradition: Volume 2 - From the Apostolic Age to the Council of Chalcedon. Oxford University Press, 1975.
Cook, JoanThe Preservation of the Saints: A Study of the Incorruptibility of the Body in Christian Tradition. University of Notre Dame Press, 2012.
Bosch, PeterHoly Relics and Incorruptibility: A Historical and Scientific Perspective. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Gribbin, JohnThe Science of the Saints: A Study of the Natural Explanations for Religious Phenomena. HarperCollins, 2016.

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