Les reliques de Saint Paul-RELICS

The relics of Saint Paul

Saint Paul, also known as the Apostle to the Gentiles, is one of Christianity's most important missionaries and theologians. After his death, his relics became an object of devotion for Christians around the world.

relique saint paul

Relic of Saint Paul on Relics.es


Saint Paul's relics are in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls in Rome, which was built over his tomb. According to tradition, Saint Paul was beheaded in Rome under Emperor Nero around the year 67. His body was buried in a cemetery located outside the city walls, near the Ostian way.


Relic of Saint Paul on Relics.es


In the 4th century, Emperor Constantine ordered the construction of a basilica on the site of St. Paul's tomb. The basilica has undergone many modifications over the centuries, notably after a fire in 1823, but it still houses the relics of Saint Paul in a marble sarcophagus under the main altar.

St. Paul's relics have been the subject of many miracles and healings. In the Middle Ages, pilgrims came from all over Europe to venerate them and ask for their intercession. The relics were also used to take oaths in ecclesiastical and civil courts.

In 2006, Pope Benedict XVI ordered a scientific study of the relics of Saint Paul to confirm their authenticity. The results confirmed that the bones found in the sarcophagus were those of a first-century man, but it was not possible to confirm that it was St. Paul with certainty.

Despite this, veneration of the relics of Saint Paul remains strong in the Catholic Church and in other Christian traditions. Relics are considered a tangible link to an important saint and a testament to the Christian faith that has stood the test of time.

he relics of Saint Paul are an important symbol of the Christian faith and of the heritage of the Apostle of the nations. Although there is no absolute scientific proof of their authenticity, the veneration of these relics is an expression of devotion and gratitude for the life and work of Saint Paul.



Grillmeier, A. (1975). Christ in the Church: A History of the Early Church. Vol. 1. Atlanta: John Knox Press.
Duchesne, L. (1910). Les églises de Rome au Moyen Age. Paris: Éditions Picard.
Brown, R. (1989). The Death of Jesus: Understanding the Last Seven Words from the Cross. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company.
Krautheimer, R. (1980). Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture. Baltimore: Penguin Books.
Borelli, M. (2003). Reliques des saints et pèlerinages à Rome. Rome: Éditions de l'Institut Historique.
Cameron, A. (2010). The Last Pagans of Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Horsley, R. (2008). Paul and the Roman Imperial Ideology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cunningham, J. (2017). Saint Paul: Apostle of the Gentiles. New York: Oxford University Press.
Miller, C. (2006). The Archaeology of Early Christianity. New York: Routledge.

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