Les reliques Ex Ossibus-RELICS

The Ex Ossibus relics

Since ancient times, Christians have tended to preserve and venerate any remains of saints, including their bones or ashes. Possession of a venerable relic had the power to transform a church or monastery in which a particular reliquary was kept into a place of pilgrimage for believers.

This practice dates back to the beginnings of Christianity, where the veneration of relics played a central role in Christian spirituality. The physical remains of saints were considered holy objects, carrying sacred meaning and capable of facilitating contact between the faithful and the divine. The preservation of these relics was seen as a sacred duty, and the places which housed them became spiritual sanctuaries.

Relic Ex Ossibus of Saint Hyacinthe on Relics.es

The possession of a holy relic also conferred particular importance on the church or monastery which was its guardian. These places of worship became popular pilgrimage destinations, attracting believers from various regions seeking spiritual blessings. Thus, the presence of a sacred relic not only transformed the place into a center of devotion, but it also strengthened the faith of the faithful in the intercessory power of these sacred objects.

The appeal of relics was often linked to tales of miracles and healings associated with their presence. Believers believed that proximity to these relics could lead to exceptional spiritual experiences and divine favor. Pilgrimages to these holy places were therefore marked by devotion, prayers and the hope of benefiting from the special graces linked to the relics.

ex ossibus relics
Set of 4 Ex Ossibus relics of holy martyrs on Relics.es


The preservation and veneration of relics, such as the bones or ashes of saints, played a crucial role in Christian spirituality, transforming the places that housed them into popular centers of pilgrimage. This tradition continues to influence religious life, demonstrating how ancient beliefs have shaped Christian practice and devotion throughout the centuries.

So, what is a reliquary ? and what does “ex ossibus” mean? A reliquary is a receptacle containing relics or "ex ossibus" (from the Latin meaning "of bone") of saints. They come in all kinds and sizes, from small containers to large chests. Reliquaries are often made of precious metals, while some of them represent true jewelry masterpieces.

In addition to the sacred bones or flesh of the martyrs, other relics linked to their lives (clothing or even fragments of their coffin) could be placed in the reliquaries.

ex ossibus relic
Relic Ex Ossibus of Saint Francis de Sales on Relics.es


Reliquaries play a vital role in the preservation and presentation of these sacred objects, acting as physical witnesses to Christian spirituality. Their diversity of shapes and sizes testifies to the richness and variety of this tradition.

The precious materials used in the manufacture of reliquaries underline the importance and value attributed to the relics they contain. Some of these objects are more than just containers; they are works of art adorned with gems, engravings and other details that demonstrate the meticulous care taken in their creation.

relic Ex Ossibus
Relic Ex Ossibus of Saint Berthold on Relics.es


In Christianity, the cult of these relics has an ancient origin, dating back to the writings of the 2nd century. Many stories of the saints' "ex ossibus" redemption are an integral part of their hagiographies. For example, the life of Saint Boniface relates that he was sent by the Righteous Aglaides to the East to redeem and bring back the remains of themartyrs to Rome, but he himself was killed. His companions bought his remains for five hundred gold coins.

The act of redeeming the remains of saints, or “ex ossibus,” was documented in the early centuries of Christianity. These accounts are often part of the pious stories that surround the lives of saints, highlighting their dedication and sacrifice for the Christian faith.

The example of Saint Boniface illustrates the sacred character attributed to the relics of saints and martyrs. His journey east to recover the remains of the martyrs reflects the value placed on these sacred objects, seen as tangible links to the holiness and virtuous lives of revered Christian figures.

ex ossibus relic
Relic Ex Ossibus of Saint Yvon on Relics.es


The tragic death of Saint Boniface during this mission also highlights the dangers that believers were prepared to face to preserve the relics of the saints. The fact that his companions purchased his own remains for a substantial sum testifies to the special esteem given to these relics and the belief in their spiritual power.

These “ex ossibus” redemption stories helped strengthen the practice of veneration of relics in Christianity. They also played a role in the spread of the Christian faith by highlighting the heroic exploits and sacrifices of the saints, thus strengthening the devotion of the faithful towards these exemplary figures of the Christian faith. Thus, the cult of "ex ossibus" relics remains anchored in Christian history, recalling the depth of piety and respect towards sacred relics.

The relics of saints represented valuable property, which sometimes exposed them to the risk of crime. According to church archives, in the early Middle Ages , the "ex ossibus" relics of Saint Mark kept in Venice were stolen by Venetian merchants from Alexandria with the aim of putting them up for sale later.


ex ossibus relic
Relic Ex Ossibus of Saint Julitte on Relics.es


This incident highlights the dark side associated with the veneration of relics, where the material value of sacred objects could arouse lust and even lead to criminal acts. In this case, Venetian merchants undertook a daring flight to acquire the relics of Saint Mark, probably motivated by the prospect of making a substantial profit by putting them up for sale.

The story highlights the tension between the sacredness of the relics and the economic realities of the time. While these relics were revered as spiritual connections to holiness, they were also likely to be perceived as valuable possessions, leading to less altruistic motivations on the part of some individuals.

This historical episode demonstrates the complexities surrounding the preservation and circulation of relics through the centuries. Relics, as objects of devotion, were often the target of sacrilegious acts, highlighting the challenges Christian communities faced in preserving their sacred heritage.

ex ossibus relic
Relic Ex Ossibus of Saint Gerard Majella on Relics.es


The transfer of the remains of saints, like that of other relics, has an important sacred significance in the Christian worldview, symbolizing the spread of Holiness. Therefore, most Christian churches have gone to every possible means to acquire important Catholic reliquaries.

This practice is part of the deep belief that the physical presence of relics, especially those of saints, can bring blessings and a special connection with the divine. The transfer of these relics from one place to another is seen as an expansion of holiness, spreading the sacred presence across different regions and communities.

Christian churches have viewed relics as tangible links to the spirituality and devotion of the saints. Owning reliquaries was not only a sign of prestige for a church, but also a means of strengthening the faith of the faithful by providing direct access to the holiness associated with revered saints.

The means used to acquire relics could vary, from pious donations to specific missions aimed at obtaining valuable relics. Churches sometimes competed to obtain particularly venerated relics, because possession of these sacred objects increased the fame and spiritual influence of a religious community.

According to the teachings of the Church, when one separates a particle from a relic, its blessing does not diminish. The particle is the same receptacle of the Holy Spirit as the whole relic. The division of the "ex ossibus" relics of the saints was initially motivated by the need to move them to other cathedrals and monasteries for the celebration of the liturgy. Sacred remains were also placed in small objects, often in weapons, crosses, rings and jewelry.

Ex Ossibus relics
Relics Ex Ossibus on Relics.es


This practice of separating particles from relics while retaining their spiritual power reinforces the belief in the continued presence of the divine in these objects. The belief that each particle remains a receptacle of the Holy Spirit highlights the importance of these fragments in the spiritual lives of believers.

The origin of the division of the relics of the saints, linked to the need to move them for liturgical ceremonies, contributed to the dispersion of the relics in different regions, thus strengthening the diffusion of holiness throughout the Christian world.

The fact that these sacred remains are incorporated into smaller objects, such as weapons, crosses, rings and jewelry, testifies to the diversity of forms that relics can take. These objects, now considered first-class relics, are sought after by connoisseurs of religious art as spiritual and cultural treasures.

Today, these relics continue to attract sustained interest and represent a tangible form of the connection between the material and the sacred in Christian religious practice.



  • Rivault, Daniel. Les Reliques dans le Christianisme. Éditions du Cerf, 2018.
  • Dap, Marie-Jeanne. La Vénération des Reliques. Éditions Beauchesne, 2016.
  • Théron, Frédéric. Les Cultes des Reliques. Éditions Albin Michel, 2015.
  • Bouffard, Élisabeth. L'Art des Reliquaires. Éditions Flammarion, 2017.
  • Charon, Laurent. Reliques et Reliquaires. Éditions du Rocher, 2019.
  • Berger, André. Les Récits de Rachat des Reliques. Éditions du Seuil, 2020.
  • Caron, Jean-Pierre. La Convoitise des Reliques. Éditions de l'Atelier, 2021.


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