Saint Hippolyte-RELICS

Saint Hippolytus

Saint Hippolytus, also known as Saint Hippolytus of Rome, is an iconic figure in Christianity, famous for his life devoted to the faith and his courageous martyrdom. Born in the 3rd century, probably around 170 AD, Saint Hippolytus left an important spiritual and intellectual legacy.

saint hippolytus relic
Reliquary containing a relic of Saint Hippolytus on


Youth and Conversion

The precise details of Saint Hippolytus' life are often shrouded in mystery due to the lack of contemporary historical sources. He is believed to have been born in Rome into a noble family and received a classical education. However, his path took a decisive turn when he encountered the Christian faith.

Converted to Christianity, Saint Hippolyte quickly became a fervent disciple of the emerging Church. His exceptional intelligence and erudition made him a respected theologian within the Christian community of Rome.

Theologian and Writer

Saint Hippolytus was a prolific theologian, writing on theological and ecclesiastical subjects. He is best known for his work against the heresies of his time, seeking to define and clarify the Christian faith in the face of the various erroneous doctrines that were emerging.

Among his most famous writings is "Refutatio Omnium Haeresium" (Refutation of All Heresies), a work considered one of the first systematic attempts to categorize and refute the various beliefs that threatened the cohesion of the Christian faith.

Pastoral Ministry

Besides his theological activities, Saint Hippolytus was also involved in pastoral ministry. He became a priest and then, according to some sources, the first antipope in Christian history. However, it is important to note that the title antipope is often used retroactively and may not reflect the reality of the times.


Saint Hippolytus' life took a tragic turn when, in 235 AD, he was exiled to the island of Sardinia by Emperor Maximin the Thracian because of his refusal to sacrifice to the pagan gods. Although Saint Hippolytus' life was marked by zeal for Christian truth, his martyrdom occurred during this period of hostility toward Christians.

Saint Hippolytus died as a martyr, offering his life as testimony to his unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. His sacrifice left a lasting mark on the history of the Church and helped strengthen the resilience of the Christian community in the face of persecution.

Veneration and Heritage

Saint Hippolytus is venerated today as a saint and martyr by the Catholic Church. His feast day is celebrated on August 13. His intellectual legacy also endures, as a witness to perseverance in the faith and the fight against heresies.

The life of Saint Hippolytus embodies the unwavering commitment to Christian truth and the defense of the faith. His contribution as a theologian and martyr left an indelible mark on the history of the Church, inspiring future generations to persevere in their faith, regardless of the trials they encountered.



Gérard RousseauSaint Hippolyte de Rome : Vie et Écrits. Éditions du Moyen Âge, 2005.
Marie-Louise RousselLa Théologie et les Hérésies au Temps de Saint Hippolyte. Éditions Théologiques, 2008.
Pauline DufresneHippolyte de Rome : Histoire et Légende d'un Martyr du IIIe Siècle. Éditions Chrétiennes, 2010.
Jean-Marc LefebvreL’Antipapauté et les Premiers Martyrs de Rome. Éditions Vatican, 2012.
François DumontLes Écrits de Saint Hippolyte : Réfutation des Hérésies et Autres Textes. Éditions Historiques, 2015.
Isabelle ThibaultSaint Hippolyte et l'Église Primitive : Un Témoin de la Foi. Éditions Spirituelles, 2018.

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