Krampus: L'Obscur Compagnon de Noël-RELICS

Krampus: The Dark Christmas Companion

In the dark corners of European Christmas traditions lurks a little-known but fascinating figure: Krampus. While most people happily associate Christmas with Santa Claus and his reindeer, another, more sinister creature haunts the streets of Alpine villages, bringing fear and discipline to disobedient children. In this article, we will explore the history, origins and evolution of Krampus, the dark sidekick of Christmas.

masque krampus
Antique Krampus mask on


Origins and history of Krampus:

The origins of Krampus go back to the deep roots of Germanic mythology, where he appeared as a complementary figure to the benevolent Saint Nicholas. While Saint Nicholas rewarded good children with gifts and treats, Krampus, on the other hand, embodied punishment for those who were naughty or disobedient.

The first written documentation of Krampus dates back to the 12th century in the Alpine regions of central Europe, including Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Hungary. At this time, Krampus was often depicted as a demonic creature, half-man, half-goat, with menacing horns, hooves, and a forked tongue. His terrifying appearance was intended to inspire fear and respect in children, prompting them to behave properly to avoid his wrath.

The night of St. Nicholas, December 5, was traditionally associated with Krampusnacht, literally “Krampus Night.” During this night, Krampus was said to wander the streets, stalking disobedient children. Families often held parades where adults dressed up as Krampus, marching through villages with bells and chains to frighten children and remind them of the importance of being obedient and respectful to their elders.

This tradition has persisted over the centuries, although its importance has varied according to region and time. Sometimes Krampus was seen as Saint Nicholas's accomplice, helping him distribute gifts to deserving children, while in other areas he was seen as a sinister predator hunting down the souls of the wicked.

The history of Krampus is also marked by periods of prohibition and repression, notably by the Inquisition, which sought to eradicate pagan traditions and superstitions associated with this sinister figure.

During the Inquisition, which spanned primarily from the 12th to 15th centuries in Europe, the Roman Catholic Church exercised harsh authority to eliminate practices considered heretical or contrary to official Church doctrine. Krampus, as a pagan figure associated with pre-Christian customs and folk beliefs, was often the target of these suppression efforts.

The Inquisition considered Krampus to be a representation of the devil or demonic forces, and Krampusnacht celebrations were seen as heretical rituals. Church authorities attempted to discourage these practices by issuing decrees banning Krampus parades and severely punishing those who continued to practice them.

Despite these prohibitions, traditions linked to Krampus often survived in remote and isolated regions where the influence of the Church was less strong, and in communities that resisted the pressures of the Inquisition. Krampusnacht celebrations were sometimes held clandestinely, away from the prying eyes of religious authorities.

However, with the decline of the Inquisition and the rise of religious tolerance over the centuries, the traditions of Krampus began to be revived and rediscovered by new generations. Although certain elements of the figure of Krampus have been equated with Christian figures such as the devil or the demon, the true essence of Krampus as guardian of morality and discipline has remained anchored in the collective consciousness of the Alpine and beyond.

Krampus Appearance and Characteristics:

Krampus' appearance is a terrifying sight that embodies the very essence of fear. The creature is often described as a grotesque fusion of human and goat, combining the wilder characteristics of both. Its body is usually covered in shaggy, thick hair, evoking an aura of savagery and brutality.

Krampus' horns are one of his most distinctive features. They are twisted and imposing, bursting from his skull with tangible menace. These horns enhance his evil appearance and help to instill terror in those who see them.

Its feet are often depicted as goat's hooves, with sharp claws that allow it to move silently in the darkness of night. The hooves, combined with its other bestial characteristics, reinforce its image as a creature of darkness.

Krampus is also often depicted wearing chains that trail behind him, producing an ominous clicking sound with each step. These chains symbolize the bonds of hell and remind children of the consequences of their bad actions.

To announce his imminent arrival, Krampus rings bells, spreading terror among those who hear them. These bells, combined with its menacing appearance, create an atmosphere of anxiety and suspense.

In addition to his frightening physical attributes, Krampus is often depicted carrying a basket or bag on his back. These containers are used to capture disobedient children, who then risk being taken to hell or other forms of merciless punishment.

The costumes used in Krampusnacht parades and festivals are elaborate and frightening, designed to embody the very essence of terror. The grotesque masks, faux furs, towering horns and other frightening accessories add to the aura of menace and mystery that surrounds Krampus, making him an unforgettable figure in European Christmas traditions.

Role in tradition:

The role of Krampus in Christmas traditions is deeply rooted in the popular culture of the Alpine regions of Central Europe, but it varies from region to region. However, its fundamental goal remains the same: to encourage children to be good by reminding them of the consequences of their disobedient behavior.

On St. Nicholas' Night, December 5, children face a crucial choice: be good and deserve rewards, or be disobedient and risk meeting Krampus. That evening, good children receive candy, fruit and gifts from the benevolent Saint Nicholas, while those who misbehave must face the threat of Krampus.

In some regions, adults dress up as Krampus and participate in parades during Krampusnacht. Roaming the streets with eerily clanging bells and rattling chains, these fake Krampuses frighten disobedient children and remind them of the importance of morality and appropriate behavior. This ritual also serves to strengthen the bond between generations, with adults passing on traditional values ​​and life lessons to children through the legends of Krampus.

Krampus' goal is not only to strike fear into children, but also to inspire them to think about their actions and behave responsibly. As the punishment for naughty children, Krampus plays a crucial role in the moral education of younger generations, while adding a dose of mystery and excitement to the Christmas season.

Despite his frightening nature, Krampus is also seen as a guardian of local tradition and culture, reminding people of the importance of preserving customs and beliefs passed down for generations. So while Krampus' presence may seem dark and ominous, it ultimately helps enrich and preserve Christmas traditions in the regions where he is revered.

Modern Renaissance:

In recent decades, Krampus has emerged from the obscurity of regional traditions to become an iconic figure of the Christmas period, sparking renewed interest and fascination across the world. This modern revival of Krampus has been fueled by several key factors.

First, growing interest in folk traditions and ancient customs has helped shine a spotlight on figures like Krampus, who were once relegated to the margins of society. At a time when many people are seeking to reconnect with their roots and rediscover the traditions of their ancestors, Krampus offers a fascinating window into a past rich in superstitions and popular beliefs.

Additionally, the appeal of the dark and mysterious side of Christmas has also played a role in Krampus' growing popularity. While the holiday season is often associated with joy, generosity and light, there is also a fascination with the darker and stranger aspects of the season. Krampus perfectly embodies this duality, providing a sinister counterpart to the jovial and benevolent Santa Claus.

Krampusnacht festivals, once confidential local events, have exploded in popularity and now attract thousands of visitors each year. These festivals offer attendees the opportunity to experience the culture and traditions of Krampus first-hand, with elaborate costume parades, theatrical performances, and festive events that celebrate the mythical figure of Krampus.

Additionally, Krampus' growing popularity has also translated into popular media, with the release of films, books, and artwork featuring this legendary creature. These modern depictions of Krampus have helped increase his visibility and introduce him to a wider audience, while fueling people's imaginations with new interpretations and stories about this fascinating figure.

In summary, the modern revival of Krampus is the result of a renewed interest in folk traditions, an attraction to the dark and mysterious side of Christmas, and increased visibility through festivals, media, and the arts . This resurgence has allowed Krampus to emerge from the shadows to become an iconic figure of the holiday season, capturing the imagination of people around the world.

Krampus embodies the dark and mysterious aspect of European Christmas traditions, providing a sinister counterbalance to the joviality of Santa Claus. As a figure of punishment and discipline, he reminds children that Christmas is not only a time of gifts and festivities, but also an opportunity to reflect on their behavior and actions. Whether through fear or fascination, Krampus continues to capture the imagination of people around the world, serving as a reminder of the incredible diversity of Christmas customs across cultures.



Alfons KlossKrampus: The Devil of Christmas (Innsbruck: Tyrolia Verlag, 2013).
Brigitte KralKrampus: A Christmas Legend Revisited (Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2010).
Hannah A. LewisThe Dark Side of Christmas: The History and Mythology of Krampus (London: Routledge, 2015).
Michael ReineckeKrampusnacht: The Night of Krampus (Salzburg: Edition Drava, 2009).
Ruth M. M. HuttonTraditions of the Alpine World: Krampus and the Festivities of December (Vienna: Springer, 2011).
Thomas WeinerThe Krampus Tradition in Central Europe (Prague: Charles University Press, 2012).
Anna-Marie KlugeKrampus: The Face of Christmas Fear (Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2014).
Sophie BergerThe Myth and the Mask: Krampus in Modern Media (Zurich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2018).
Gerhard F. SchmidtKrampus: The Pagan Roots of Christmas (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2007).
Lena SchönKrampus in the Shadows of Christmas (Graz: Leykam Verlag, 2021).

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