Les Templiers : Gardiens de la Terre Sainte et de l'Histoire-RELICS

The Templars: Guardians of the Holy Land and History

The Templars, also known as the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, are a mysterious and powerful military and religious organization that played a significant role in the Middle Ages. Founded in the 12th century, these knights have acquired a legendary reputation, combining spirituality, holy war, and intrigue. Let's delve into the fascinating history of the Knights Templar, exploring their origin, rise, tragic decline, and the legacy that continues today.

Origins and Foundation:

The origins and founding of the Templars date back to the early 12th century, a period marked by the Crusades and the desire of Christians to protect holy sites in the Holy Land, notably Jerusalem. Here is a detailed look at the beginnings of this enigmatic military and religious order:

The Context of the Crusades:

During the first decades of the 12th century, the Crusades were in full swing. Christians across Europe were mobilizing to reconquer Jerusalem and other sacred Christian sites that had fallen to Muslims. It is in this context that the need to protect pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land arose.

The foundation :

The Order of the Templars was founded around 1119 by Hugues de Payens, a French knight, and Godfrey de Saint-Omer, his companion in arms. The two men, accompanied by seven other knights, decided to dedicate their lives to protecting Christian pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem. Their order was officially recognized by the Council of Troyes in 1129.

Solomon's Temple:

The full name of the order, "Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon", indicates their dual mission. They were both knights in the service of Christ and guardians of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, a highly symbolic place associated with biblical royalty.

The Rule and the Way of Life:

The Templars adopted a rule of life based on that of the Cistercian monks, reflecting both their religious and military commitment. They lived according to strict principles of discipline, poverty, and chastity. Their monastic lifestyle included frequent prayers and religious obligations.

The Seal and the White Mantle:

The Templars were recognizable by their emblem, a red cross pattée, often called the Maltese Cross. They also wore a white coat, symbolizing purity and devotion to the Christian faith. This coat, worn over their armor, had become emblematic of the order.

Papal Support:

The order quickly gained the favor of Pope Honorius II, who issued the papal bull Omne Datum Optimum in 1128, granting special privileges to the Templars. This included the right to levy taxes, own their own churches and lands, and exemption from local authority.

The Crusade in the Holy Land:

The active participation of the Templars in the crusades in the Holy Land constitutes one of the most significant chapters in their history. Their military role left an indelible mark on the Middle Ages and helped shape the legendary reputation of this religious and chivalrous order.

Protection of Pilgrims and Reconquest:

The Templars were initially created to protect Christian pilgrims en route to Jerusalem, but they soon expanded their mission to include the defense of conquered Christian territories in the Holy Land. Their military skills and dedication made them essential guardians in a region marked by religious conflict.

Battles and Victories:

The Templars participated in several major battles of the Crusades. One of the most famous is the Battle of Montgisard in 1177, where a small force of Templars, led by King Baldwin IV, managed to defeat a much larger Muslim army. Their bold tactics and discipline were crucial to this victory.

Determining role at the Battle of Arsouf:

At the Battle of Arsouf in 1191, the Templars played a decisive role under the command of Richard the Lionheart. Their strategic intervention contributed to the Crusaders' victory against Saladin, thereby consolidating the Christian position in the Holy Land.

Defense of Ascalon and Saint-Jean-d’Acre:

The Templars were also involved in the defense of Ascalon and Saint-Jean-d'Acre, cities crucial to Christians in the Holy Land. Their presence was often a bulwark against Muslim attacks, testifying to their vital role in preserving Christian possessions.

Military and Tactical Expertise:

The Templars' reputation as elite warriors grew through battle. Their rigorous training, battlefield discipline, and ability to maintain order in the midst of chaos have made them a formidable force. They were often placed on the front lines during clashes because of their determination and courage.

The Decline and Loss of the Holy Land:

Despite their many victories, the Templars ultimately faced insurmountable challenges. The loss of Jerusalem in 1187 and the subsequent fall of Acre in 1291 marked the end of the main Christian possessions in the Holy Land. The Templars, like other orders, were forced to leave the region.

Life and Rule of the Templars:

The life and rule of the Templars were central to their identity as a military and religious order. Their way of life was dictated by strict principles, combining spiritual devotion, military discipline, and commitment to the sacred mission. Here is a detailed look at the life and rule that defined the Templars:

The Rule of Saint Bernard:

The Templars adopted the Rule of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a renowned Cistercian monk, who was also a strong supporter of the cause of the Crusades. This monastic rule, based on Benedictine precepts, established the principles of daily life for the Templars, combining monastic life with their military role.

Discipline and Chastity:

The rule required rigorous discipline from members of the Templars. They were required to lead a life of chastity, renouncing carnal pleasures and devoting themselves entirely to their religious and military mission. Purity was considered essential to maintaining a close spiritual connection.

Poverty and Simplicity:

Templar rule also promoted poverty. Members of the order were required to renounce superfluous material possessions and live a simple life, reflecting the evangelical principles of simplicity and detachment from earthly riches.

Prayer and the Divine Office:

The life of the Templars was punctuated by daily prayer and participation in the divine office. They followed canonical hours, devoting specific times of the day to prayer and meditation. The spiritual dimension of their lives was essential to maintain a connection with God and to strengthen their inner strength.

The Three Wishes:

The Templars made three major vows while adhering to the rule of the order: the vow of poverty, the vow of chastity, and the vow of obedience. These vows formed the foundation of their commitment to monastic and military life, emphasizing their total dedication to the cause of the Crusades and the protection of pilgrims.

Equality within the Order:

A unique aspect of Templar rule was equality among members. All Templars, whether knights or non-combatants, lived according to the same rules and shared the same living conditions. This helped create a spirit of fraternity and unity within the order.

Military Engagement:

In addition to their religious duties, the Templars were trained knights, ready to defend the Christian faith on the battlefield. The rule made specific provisions for their military training, emphasizing the importance of effectiveness in the field.

The Seal and the Emblem:

The Templars' distinctive emblem, a red cross pattée, was a symbol of their commitment to Christ. They wore this symbol on their white coats, creating a powerful visual identity that distinguished them on the battlefield and in their daily activities.

Thus, the life and rule of the Templars were anchored in a delicate balance between spiritual devotion, monastic discipline, and military commitment. These principles have shaped the identity and distinctive character of this order which has become legendary throughout the centuries.

Holy War and Protection of the Holy Land:

Holy war and the protection of the Holy Land were the fundamental missions of the Templars, defining their role and identity during the Crusades. Their commitment to these goals left a lasting mark on their history and helped establish their reputation as a powerful military and spiritual force.

The Context of the Holy War:

The Holy Land, including Jerusalem and other sites sacred to Christians, was the scene of many conflicts between Christian and Muslim forces during the Crusades. The religious conviction to liberate these holy lands from Muslim hands was the driving force behind the holy war, or Christian "jihad."

Protection of Pilgrims:

The Templars' initial mission was to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. The roads to Jerusalem were perilous, exposing pilgrims to Muslim attacks. The Templars, as guardians, provided escort and protection to pilgrims, helping to secure their journey.

The Battle of Montgisard (1177):

One of the Templars' most famous battles took place at Montgisard in 1177. A small force of Templars, led by King Baldwin IV, managed to defeat a vastly outnumbered Muslim army. This victory demonstrated the tactical effectiveness of the Templars and cemented their reputation as a formidable force.

The Defense of Ascalon and Saint-Jean-d’Acre:

Ascalon and Saint-Jean-d'Acre, crucial cities in the Holy Land, were defended by the Templars against Muslim assaults. Their presence was essential to maintaining the Christian presence in the region. Their role in the defense of these strongholds was decisive for the survival of Christian territories.

The Battle of Arsouf (1191):

At the Battle of Arsouf, the Templars played a crucial role under the command of Richard the Lionheart. Their strategic intervention contributed to the victory of the crusaders against Saladin. This battle had a significant impact on the Christian presence in the Holy Land.

Defense Against Saladin:

The Templars were involved in the defense against Saladin, the Muslim sultan who sought to reconquer Christian territories. Their military expertise was tested during these conflicts, and their resistance played a major role in preserving Christian positions.

Loss of the Holy Land:

Despite their many victories, the Templars ultimately had to face the loss of the Holy Land. The fall of Jerusalem in 1187 and Acre in 1291 marked the end of the main Christian strongholds in the Holy Land, thus ending the original mission of the Templars.

Thus, holy war and the protection of the Holy Land were at the heart of the mission of the Templars. Their commitment to these goals established their reputation as dedicated and capable knights, although their history was marked by moments of triumph and tragedy in the fight for the Holy Land.

Development of a Financial Power:

The development of financial power by the Templars was a remarkable facet of their history. In addition to their military and religious role, the order managed to establish a sophisticated financial system, helping to increase their influence and ensure their financial stability. Here's how the Templars became a financial power in the Middle Ages:

Receipt of Donations and Bequests:

From the beginning, the Templars benefited from substantial donations from nobles and devotees. Land, property, and wealth were offered to the order, greatly increasing their wealth. These donations laid the foundations of their financial power.

Banking and Credit System:

The Knights Templar played a central role in the development of the medieval banking system. They set up branches across Europe, allowing travelers to deposit money in one branch and withdraw an equivalent amount from another, avoiding the risks of transporting cash. They also issued letters of credit, facilitating commercial transactions.

Money Loan to Kings and Nobles:

The Templars began lending money to kings and nobles, becoming trusted bankers. King Philip IV of France was one of the main debtors of the Templars. However, these loans also sparked tensions, ultimately leading to conflicts between the order and royal power.

Management of Agricultural and Commercial Estates:

The Templars owned huge agricultural estates and real estate. They were involved in agriculture, ranching, and property management. These income-generating activities helped strengthen their financial strength.

Exemption from Taxes and Duties:

The Templars benefited from an exemption from taxes and duties, granted by the papacy. This financial immunity strengthened their position and helped increase their wealth.

Importance in International Trade:

Through their extensive branch network and commercial activities, the Templars were at the heart of medieval international trade. Their presence in the main European economic centers has helped to consolidate their financial power.

Change in Perception of the Order:

The development of the financial power of the Templars changed the perception of the order. Although they were originally seen as protectors of the faith, their financial role generated suspicion and criticism, fueling tensions with secular powers.

Conflicts and Financial Fall:

Massive loans to kings and nobles eventually led to conflict. King Philip IV, indebted to the Templars, maneuvered to discredit them. In 1307, the order was suppressed, its property confiscated, and its members arrested, marking the tragic end of their financial power.

Thus, the development of the financial power of the Templars was a crucial dimension of their history, helping to shape their role in medieval society. However, this power was also a key factor in their downfall, highlighting the complexities of their existence at the intersection of military, religious, and financial power.

Fall and Persecution:

The fall and persecution of the Templars represent a tragic turning point in their history, marked by political, financial, and religious events which led to the brutal suppression of the order. Here's how this dark period unfolded:

Rising Tensions with Royal Power:

Over time, relations between the Templars and the royal authorities deteriorated. King Philip IV of France, indebted to the order, sought ways to free himself from it. Tensions also emerged due to the Templars' growing political and financial power, sparking distrust and jealousy.

Arrest in 1307:

On October 13, 1307, King Philip IV ordered the simultaneous arrest of many Templars in France. They were accused of blasphemy, heresy, and other serious crimes. The coordinated operation was also extended to other parts of Europe, marking the start of a wave of persecution.

Trial and Torture:

The arrested Templars were subjected to brutal interrogations and torture to extract confessions. The accusations against them included heretical practices, secret rituals, and ungodly acts. The confessions were obtained under duress, discrediting the legitimacy of these confessions.

The Council of Vienna (1311-1312):

Pope Clement V responded to the accusations by launching a thorough investigation. The Council of Vienna, held between 1311 and 1312, considered the charges against the Templars. The Pope finally decided to dissolve the Templar order in 1312, declaring their suppression.

Confiscation of Property and Final Judgment:

The suppression of the order was accompanied by the confiscation of their property by the royal authorities. The Templars were found guilty by the council, and their property was redistributed to other religious orders. This resulted in the dispersal of the surviving Templars and the formal end of their existence as an order.

Executions and Dismantling:

Some Templars were executed, while others were imprisoned for life. The order, which had played a major role in the Holy Land and medieval Christianity, was dismantled. This rapid and brutal fall was fueled by political, financial, and perhaps even religious rivalries.

The Mystery of the Last Days of the Templars:

The final days of the Templars remain shrouded in mystery and controversy. Some members were able to escape arrest, and legends emerged of secret leaks, hidden treasures, and even survivors who continued to work in the shadows.

The fall and persecution of the Knights Templar left a scar in medieval history and gave rise to many theories and legends. The events surrounding their suppression highlight the complexities of the relationships between secular and religious powers at the time, as well as the dramatic consequences of these conflicts on once-influential orders.

Heritage and Mystery:

The legacy of the Knights Templar is deeply rooted in medieval history and continues to spark fascination and mystery. The consequences of their suppression and the legends that surround them have helped to forge a complex legacy that transcends the centuries. Here's how the legacy and mystery of the Templars has developed over time:

Legends and Persistent Myths:

The sudden disappearance of the Templars gave rise to many legends and conspiracy theories. Tales of hidden treasures, esoteric knowledge, and unsolved mysteries have captured the popular imagination. Some have speculated about the possibility that some Templars survived and continued to operate covertly.

The Grail and Hidden Treasures:

The Knights Templar have been frequently associated with the legend of the Holy Grail, a mystical relic said to have divine powers. Stories of hidden treasures, including the Holy Grail, have fueled the mythology surrounding the Templars. These elements have been incorporated into literary and cinematic fiction, reinforcing their mystique.

Cultural and Literary Influence:

The legacy of the Knights Templar has left a lasting imprint on popular culture. Literary works such as Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose" and films like "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" have incorporated Templar elements, adding to the worldwide fascination with their story.

Writings and Archives:

The Templar archives were largely destroyed when they were suppressed, but some documents survived. Researchers have explored these writings to understand more about the history of the order and lift the veil on the mysteries that surround them.

The Order of the Temple in Freemasonry:

Some Masonic rites have incorporated symbolic elements associated with the Knights Templar, fueling the idea of ​​a spiritual continuation of the order within Freemasonry. This connection added an esoteric dimension to the Templar heritage.

Historical Tourism:

Sites associated with the Templars, such as the Temple of Paris or Ponferrada Castle in Spain, have become popular tourist destinations. History buffs visit these places to feel the mystical aura and explore the tangible traces of the order.

Posthumous Recognition:

Over time, the persecution of the Templars was recognized as unjust by some religious authorities. In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI called the removal of the order "unjust violence." This late recognition contributed to modifying the historical perception of the Templars.

The Unsolved Mystery:

Despite historical and archaeological research, many mysteries surrounding the Templars remain unsolved. The exact circumstances of their suppression, the true motivations of the accusers, and the fate of certain members remain questions without definitive answers.

Thus, the legacy of the Templars is a complex mixture of historical reality, fascinating legends, and unsolved mysteries. Their enduring influence in popular culture testifies to the lasting impact of this order on the collective imagination. The Templars continue to embody mystery, bravery, and enigma in medieval history.

The Knights Templar continue to influence popular culture. Novels, films, and video games have exploited their history, blending historical reality and fiction to create captivating stories.

In conclusion, the story of the Knights Templar remains a fascinating chapter in medieval history. Their commitment to the faith, their role in the Crusades, their financial rise, and their tragic fall contribute to their complex and mysterious legacy that continues to captivate the collective imagination. The Templars remain emblematic figures of medieval chivalry and historical enigma.



Barber, Malcolm. The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple. Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The Knights Templar and Their Myth. A&C Black, 2001.
Tyerman, Christopher. God’s War: A New History of the Crusades. Belknap Press, 2006.
Madden, Thomas F. The Crusades: The Essential Readings. Blackwell Publishing, 2002.
Housley, Norman. The Italian Crusades: The Papal-Byzantine Alliance and the Crusader Movement, 1250-1350. Oxford University Press, 1992.
Hamilton, Bernard. The Latin Church in the Crusader States: The Secular Church. Variorum, 1980.
Nicholson, Helen J. The Knights Templar: A New History. Sutton Publishing, 2001.
Kordemsky, Eugene. The Templars: The Rise and Spectacular Fall of God's Holy Warriors. Grafton Books, 2000.
Barber, Malcolm. The Trial of the Templars. Cambridge University Press, 1978.
Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. Delta, 1982.

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