Les reliques de Saint Marc-RELICS

The relics of Saint Mark

Saint Mark is an important figure in Christian tradition, being one of the four evangelists in the Bible. He is also known to be the founder of the Coptic Church of Alexandria in Egypt. Due to its religious importance, the relics of Saint Mark have played an important role in Christian history.

Relic of Saint Mark at Relics.es

According to tradition, Saint Mark was buried in Alexandria, Egypt, where he was martyred. Over the centuries, the city of Alexandria has become an important religious center, attracting pilgrims from all over the world to visit the tomb of Saint Mark and venerate his relics. However, over the centuries, Saint Mark's tomb was lost, and his relics were scattered across the world.

Today there are several sites where the relics of Saint Mark are venerated. St. Mark's Basilica in Venice, Italy is one such place. The basilica has housed the relics of Saint Mark since the 9th century, when Venetian merchants stole the relics from Saint Mark's tomb in Alexandria. Since then, the basilica has become an important place of pilgrimage, attracting thousands of visitors each year.

Saint Mark's relics are also venerated in other places around the world, including Egypt and France. In Egypt, Saint Mark's Cathedral in Cairo houses part of the relics of Saint Mark, which were brought from Venice in the 19th century. In France, the Church of Saint Mark in Lyon houses a relic of Saint Mark, which was donated to the church by Pope Pius XI in 1928.

In addition to these places of veneration, there are also many relics of Saint Mark in private collections and in museums around the world. These relics include bone fragments, pieces of cloth and other objects that are associated with Saint Mark.

For Christians, the veneration of relics is an important practice that dates back to the earliest days of the Church. Relics are considered sacred objects that connect believers to saints and martyrs in Christian history. The veneration of relics is therefore a way for believers to connect with their faith and their religious history.

The relics of Saint Mark are an important part of Christian history. Although the relics have been scattered across the world over the centuries, they continue to be venerated by believers around the world. Whether in a church, a museum or a private collection, the relics of Saint Mark testify to the importance of the Christian faith and the veneration of saints.

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1 comment

Il est écrit que les croisés ont portés avec eux le rocher sur lequel le Crist se reposait devant la ville de Tyr et sur ce rocher ils ont batti la chapelle du Sauveur pour vénérer le roc dont ils ont emporté avec eux zvant la chute de Tyr et le rocher finira par se trouver à st-Marc à Venise…
Je cherche des indices sur ce sujet si quelqu’un pourra m’aider…merci

Edgard Raad

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