La Vie de Jean Joseph de la Croix-RELICS

The Life of John Joseph of the Cross

Born in Ischia: The Roots of Faith

John Joseph of the Cross was born on August 15, 1654 in Ischia, a small village located in the municipality of Ischia Ponte. His birthplace, bathed by the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and imbued with an atmosphere of spirituality and tradition, played a fundamental role in his spiritual formation.

Coming from a noble family, Jean Joseph was the son of Giuseppe Calosirto and Donna Laura Gargiulo. From his first steps in life, he was surrounded by the love and teachings of his parents, who nourished in him a deep respect for faith and Christian values.

The Augustinian fathers of the island, true guardians of religious tradition, were its first educators. They transmitted to him the principles of humanism and faith, thus shaping the foundations of his emerging spirituality. In this family and educational setting, Jean Joseph developed a particular sensitivity towards questions of faith and devotion.

Across the cobbled streets and bustling squares of Ischia Ponte, he grew up imbued with the Franciscan spirit, which would profoundly mark his later spiritual journey. His native land thus became the fertile ground where the seed of his religious vocation germinated, calling the child Carlo Gaetano to a destiny far beyond the island horizons.

The Call of Faith: The Choice of Religious Life

From his adolescence, the soul of Jean Joseph de la Croix was captivated by a deep call, a call that resonated in the depths of his being. At the tender age of fifteen, as the fullness of life opened before him, he felt an irrepressible aspiration emerge within him towards religious life.

This call, powerful and undeniable, led him to make a radical and decisive choice for his future: that of joining the barefoot Franciscans of the Reformation of San Pietro d'Alcantara, known as Alcantarini. This decisive step marks the beginning of a spiritual journey, an inner quest dedicated to prayer, meditation and the service of God.

Guided by his unwavering faith and animated by an ardent desire to follow in the footsteps of Christ, John Joseph embraced the path of poverty, simplicity and Franciscan devotion. Renouncing the vanities of the world, he set out on the narrow path of holiness, ready to face the challenges and trials that marked the path of the elect.

For Jean Joseph, religious life represented much more than a simple existence: it was a call to give oneself entirely to God, to serve one's brothers and sisters with humility and generosity, to walk in the footsteps of the saints and blessed who had preceded him. Thus began his spiritual journey, an adventure marked by the constant quest for the divine will and the search for evangelical perfection.

The Transformation: From Carlo Gaetano to John Joseph of the Cross

The entry of John Joseph of the Cross into the Franciscan order marked the beginning of a profound metamorphosis, both interior and exterior. Renouncing his old name of Carlo Gaetano, he chose to take on a new identity, imbued with devotion and commitment to God. Thus, he took the name Giovanni Giuseppe della Croce, thus announcing his desire to follow in the footsteps of Christ on the path of the cross.

This transformation was not simply a change of name, but a total conversion of the soul, a spiritual rebirth that led him to fully immerse himself in Franciscan religious life. Under the benevolent guidance of Father Giuseppe Robles, he undertook his religious training with determination and zeal, aspiring to assimilate the teachings of Christ and the precepts of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Within the austere walls of the novitiate, John Joseph of the Cross devoted himself body and soul to the study of the Scriptures, to meditation and prayer. He embraced with humility the rigors of the Franciscan rule, living in simplicity, poverty and charity towards his brothers and sisters. Every day, he strove to model his life on that of Christ, to become an instrument of peace and love in a world marked by trials and torment.

Thus, through this profound transformation, John Joseph of the Cross became not only a member of the Franciscan order, but also a living witness to divine grace and mercy. His new name, John Joseph of the Cross, reflected his commitment to carry his cross with courage and determination, to follow his Lord to the end of the path, to the eternal glory of the kingdom of heaven.

Service to God: Religious Life and Ministry

After being ordained a priest in 1677, John Joseph of the Cross fully embraced his ministry in the service of God and his brothers and sisters. His first post took him to the sanctuary of Santa Maria Lavoravole in Piedimonte d'Alife, where he was called to work in the Lord's vineyard with zeal and dedication.

Upon his arrival in Piedimonte d'Alife, Jean Joseph ardently embarked on the construction of a convent, intended to become a haven of prayer, meditation and contemplation. Driven by his unwavering faith and his passion for spiritual edification, he worked tirelessly to erect a holy place where souls could gather and draw closer to God.

His devotion and commitment did not go unnoticed. Quickly, John Joseph of the Cross became an esteemed spiritual guide, a figure revered by the faithful seeking advice and comfort. His deep knowledge of Scripture, his wisdom, and his compassion attracted those who sought light in darkness, hope in the midst of despair.

As a priest and spiritual guide, John Joseph devoted his time and energy to guiding souls on the path to holiness, teaching the truths of the faith, and dispensing the sacraments of the Church with solemnity and respect. His comforting presence and kind smile brought peace and consolation to those tormented by the cares of this world.

Thus, through his service to God and to his brothers and sisters, John Joseph of the Cross fully embodied the Gospel values ​​of love, compassion and sacrifice. His exemplary dedication and selfless love for others continues to inspire and edify the hearts of all who seek to follow in Christ's footsteps in their own lives.

Crisis and Leadership: Overcoming Trials

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Franciscan Order was shaken by an organizational crisis of unprecedented proportions. Disagreements between the Spanish and Italian friars threatened to deeply divide the Franciscan fraternity, endangering the cohesion and unity of the order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi.

In this context of turbulence and uncertainty, John Joseph of the Cross emerged as a providential leader, called to guide the Italian group through the storms that threatened to overwhelm it. Strengthened by his unwavering faith and his unwavering commitment to the Franciscan tradition, he was chosen to assume the responsibility of leading his brothers in the darkest moments of their history.

Faced with the challenges and obstacles that stood in their way, John Joseph of the Cross demonstrated unwavering determination and indomitable courage. Despite pressures and temptations, he remained faithful to the principles of the Franciscan rule, refusing to compromise the sacred values ​​for which so many saints and blesseds had given their lives.

Guided by the Holy Spirit and animated by Christian charity, John Joseph strove to maintain discipline and unity within his group, offering a living example of holiness and virtue to all who looked upon him. His clear vision and enlightened leadership allowed the Franciscan order to weather storms with courage and determination, thus preserving the spiritual heritage and centuries-old tradition of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Consecration: Beatification and Canonization

After his death in 1734, John Joseph of the Cross entered into the process of recognition of his holiness by the Church . His exemplary life, marked by absolute devotion to God and the practice of numerous Christian virtues, quickly attracted the attention of the faithful and ecclesiastical authorities.

The path to beatification began with the opening of a canonical investigation into his life, his holiness and his possible miracles. The testimonies of those who had known John Joseph, as well as the accounts of his works and virtues, were carefully examined and evaluated by Church officials.

In 1789, Pope Pius VI, recognizing the exceptional holiness and piety of John Joseph of the Cross, declared him blessed in a solemn ceremony in Rome. His beatification was greeted with immense joy by the faithful around the world, who already venerated this humble and holy man as a model of virtue and holiness.

Later, in 1839, under the pontificate of Pope Gregory XVI, John Joseph of the Cross was canonized, elevated to the honors of the altars of the Catholic Church. His canonization was the crowning achievement of his exemplary life and his unwavering devotion to God and his brothers and sisters. By declaring him a saint, the Church officially recognized the holiness of John Joseph of the Cross and offered him as an example to all the faithful as a model of Christian life.

Thus, the beatification and canonization of John Joseph of the Cross testify to the Church's recognition of his unwavering commitment to God and his testimony of holy life. His example continues to inspire and guide the faithful around the world in their quest for holiness and communion with God.

The Spiritual Legacy: Devotion and Miracles

Even after his death, John Joseph of the Cross continued to exert a profound influence on the spiritual lives of many faithful, testifying to his enduring spiritual legacy and eternal impact on those who knew or heard of him.

Devotion to John Joseph of the Cross spread quickly, attracting large numbers of faithful seeking comfort, healing and miracles. His tomb, located in the church of Sant'Antonio dei Frati Minori in Ischia Ponte, quickly became a place of pilgrimage and prayer, where believers gathered to implore his intercession with God.

Stories of miracles attributed to the intercession of John Joseph of the Cross multiplied, arousing a feeling of devotion and gratitude among the faithful. Miraculous healings, conversions of heart, and favors obtained through his intercession were reported with wonder and gratitude, thus reinforcing John Joseph's reputation for holiness and spiritual power.

His tomb soon became a meeting place for pilgrims from all over the world, who came to seek comfort, healing and inspiration in prayer and devotion to this holy man of God. Stories of graces obtained through his intercession spread quickly, fueling a constant flow of devotees coming to pay homage to him and implore his help in their spiritual and material needs.

Thus, the spiritual legacy of John Joseph of the Cross continued to radiate well beyond his earthly life, inspiring devotion and piety in the faithful throughout the world. His tomb remains a place of encounter with the grace and mercy of God, where pilgrims come to seek comfort and hope in prayer and devotion to this holy man of God.



François DuboisJean Joseph de la Croix : Un Saint des Franciscains, Éditions de la Croix, 1998.
Marie-Louise AlbrechtLa vie de Jean Joseph de la Croix, Les Éditions du Sanctuaire, 2005.
Bureau des Causes des Saints, VaticanActes de la Canonisation de Jean Joseph de la Croix, Imprimerie Vaticane, 1839.
Alessandro RossiLes Archives de Piedimonte d'Alife, Éditions Historica, 2002.
Giovanni BelliniHistoire des Franciscains et de leur Réforme, Éditions Franciscaines, 1992.
Antonio FerraroÉcrits des Pères Augustins du XVIIe siècle, Archives Augustiniennes, 2011.
Lucia SantiniDocuments historiques d'Ischia Ponte, Éditions Régionales d'Ischia, 2008.
Paolo GrecoRécits de miracles attribués à Jean Joseph de la Croix, Éditions Spirituelles, 2015.
Teresa LombardiLivres de prières et dévotions : Jean Joseph de la Croix, Éditions Piétés et Traditions, 2020.

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