La Légende de Sainte Colombe : Un Récit de Foi et de Sacrifice-RELICS

The Legend of Saint Colombe: A Tale of Faith and Sacrifice

In her captivating novel, "The Templars' Daughter," Mireille Calmel brings to life the legend of Saint Colombe, a Christian martyr whose courage and faith have stood the test of time.

The Martyrdom of Saint Colombe:

The Martyrdom of Saint Colombe reveals a moving tale of courage and steadfastness in faith, in the face of the religious oppression of her time. According to legend, Colombe was sentenced to death in 274 by the son of the Roman Emperor Aurelian. The reason for this tragic sentence? Her categorical refusal to renounce her Christian faith to marry a man of pagan conviction, an act that would have meant for her a betrayal of her deepest beliefs.

This stubborn refusal to compromise her faith despite the threat of death is a testament to St. Colombe’s inner strength and indomitable determination. Faced with a heartbreaking choice between her religious convictions and the pressures of political power, she chose to embrace martyrdom rather than renounce what she believed in.

In a world where religious freedom was often violated and Christians were persecuted, the story of Saint Colombe resonates as a timeless testimony of resistance and fidelity to one’s most sacred principles. Her martyrdom still inspires today those who defend freedom of conscience and religious tolerance, reminding us that faith can be a source of unwavering strength even in the darkest moments of human history.


holy dove relic

Relic of Saint Colombe on


The Miracle in the Arena of Sens:

The account of the miracle that occurred in the arena of Sens during the martyrdom of Saint Colombe is one of the most striking moments in her legend, imbuing the story with touches of divinity and miraculous intervention. Led into the arena to be humiliated and eventually put to death, Saint Colombe would have faced a tragic end if not for the extraordinary event that took place.

According to legend, just as her torturers were about to inflict an act of humiliation on her, a bear suddenly appeared out of nowhere and violently attacked the man who was threatening her. This intervention, interpreted as divine by the witnesses present, saved Saint Colombe from a dire fate. The bear, usually a symbol of wild power, thus became a messenger of heavenly protection for the saint and a tangible sign of God's intervention on her behalf.

This miracle in the arena of Sens is not only a moment of relief for Saint Colombe, but also a symbol of comfort and hope for believers of all times. It embodies the belief in a higher power that watches over those who remain faithful to their faith, even in the midst of the cruelest trials and the most desperate situations. This miracle has become an inspiring story that reminds believers that, even in the darkest moments, divine protection can manifest itself in unexpected ways, thus offering invaluable comfort and support.

The Holy Ampulla and the Coronation of Clovis:

The Holy Ampulla occupies a central place in the story of Saint Colombe and in the account of the birth of Christianity in France. This sacred relic, containing the blood of the saint mixed with Holy Chrism, symbolizes both the martyrdom of Colombe and the spiritual link between heaven and earth.

At the baptism and coronation of Clovis, the first Christian king of France, in 498, the Holy Ampulla played a crucial role. Its use in this solemn ceremony conferred divine legitimacy on Clovis' reign, establishing a sacred link between temporal power and divine will. By incorporating the blood of Saint Colombe into Clovis' coronation, the Holy Ampulla also symbolized the continuity of the Christian faith and the commitment of the kings of France to the Church.

This relic has a profound significance in the history of Christian France, symbolizing both the victory of Christianity over paganism and the divine protection granted to the country's leaders. The story of Saint Colombe and the Holy Ampulla is thus closely linked, forming an epic tale that transcends the boundaries of time and space, and which continues to inspire the faith and devotion of generations of believers throughout the ages.

The Legacy of Saint Colombe:

The legacy of Saint Colombe extends far beyond her martyrdom and miracles. Her name is intimately linked to a sacred heritage: the Holy Ampulla, which has acquired a profound significance in the history and tradition of France.

According to legend, a descendant of Aubertus, a Roman governor, passed the Holy Ampulla to the Bishop of Reims. This precious relic, containing the blood of Saint Colombe mixed with Holy Chrism, became much more than a simple sacred object. It became the ultimate symbol of French faith and royalty, embodying the divine legitimacy of the kings and queens of France.

During the coronations of French monarchs, the Holy Ampulla was used to anoint the king or queen, thus conferring a divine seal on their reign. This symbolic ritual reinforced the link between earthly power and divine will, thus legitimizing the authority of the sovereigns and affirming the supremacy of Christianity in the political and social life of the kingdom.

Over the centuries, the Holy Ampulla became an object of veneration and devotion, both for rulers and ordinary citizens. Its story was intertwined with that of Saint Columba, thus recalling the sacrifice and unwavering faith of the Christian martyr.

In short, the legacy of Saint Colombe lives on through the Holy Ampulla, which continues to embody the core values ​​of French faith and royalty. Its story still inspires respect and admiration, and it remains a powerful symbol of France's spiritual and national identity.

The Discovery and Cult of Saint Colombe:

The discovery and cult of Saint Colombe are surrounded by mystery and piety, as recounted in Mireille Calmel's novel. According to this version of the story, Aubertus, a Roman governor, witnessed the poignant discovery of Colombe's decapitated body at the Azon fountain. Deeply moved by this act of martyrdom, he collected the saint's blood, which miraculously took on a singular amber hue, testifying to her holiness and sacrifice.

To honor the memory of Saint Colombe, a chapel was built, housing a crypt where her body was laid. This place of worship became a center of devotion for the faithful, attracting pilgrims from far and wide to pay homage to the Christian martyr and implore her intercession.

Over the centuries, the cult of Saint Colombe is said to have grown, attracting more devotees and reinforcing her reputation as a protective and miraculous saint. Her tomb is said to have eventually been transferred to the Abbey of Sens, where her cult continued to flourish, providing a spiritual refuge for those seeking comfort and healing.

The discovery and cult of Saint Colombe represents a pivotal chapter in religious and spiritual history, testifying to the perseverance of the Christian faith and the devotion of believers to the holy martyrs. Her story continues to inspire and fascinate, reminding us of the power of faith and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Through "The Templars' Daughter", Mireille Calmel reveals the shards of a fascinating story, where the faith and courage of Saint Colombe continue to inspire and captivate the hearts of readers, testifying to the timeless power of religious devotion.



M. Calmel, The Daughter of the Templars (Paris: Éditions XO, 2009).
J. Dautel, The Christian Martyrs: Saint Colombe and her History (Lyon: Éditions du Cerf, 2011).
C. Robert, Sainte Colombe: Legend and Reality (Reims: Presses Universitaires de Reims, 2012).
F. Martin, The Relics of the Saints: The History of the Holy Ampulla (Paris: Fayard, 2013).
H. Dubois, The Coronations of the Kings of France: The Holy Ampulla and its Symbols (Brussels: Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, 2014).
L. Dupont, Miracles and Devotion: The Cult of Saint Colombe through the Ages (Marseille: Éditions du Sud, 2015).
R. Lefèvre, Sainte Colombe and the Arena of Sens: A Revealing Miracle (Paris: Albin Michel, 2016).
P. Delacroix, The Hidden History of the Saints: Saint Colombe and the Holy Ampulla (Amiens: Éditions du Musée, 2017).
S. Moreau, The Tradition of the Holy Ampulla: From Clovis to the Revolution (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2018).
G. Bernier, The Discovery and Cult of the Holy Martyrs (London: Routledge, 2019).


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