La Sainte Ampoule : Un Trésor Sacré de l'Histoire de France-RELICS

The Holy Ampoule: A Sacred Treasure of French History

At the heart of the coronation ceremonies of the kings of France, the Holy Ampoule is an artifact steeped in symbolism and history. Its legendary origin and spiritual significance make it one of the most revered objects of the French monarchy. Let's delve into the fascinating history of this sacred relic.

Origin and Legend

The origin of the Holy Ampoule is shrouded in mystery and piety, closely linked to a legend that dates back to the 7th century. This story finds its roots in the context of the baptism of Clovis I, considered the first Christian Frankish king, in Reims in 496.

According to tradition passed down through the ages, at the crucial moment of this historic baptism, an extraordinary scene took place. As Clovis prepared to receive the sacrament of baptism, a mystical celestial event occurred. A dove, a traditional symbol of the Holy Spirit in the Christian faith, is said to have been sent by God, carrying with it a vial containing a special oil.

This oil, called holy oil or chrism, was considered sacred and endowed with divine powers. According to legend, this oil had been consecrated by the apostles themselves, thus giving the bulb even greater importance. The dove would then have placed this divine vial in the hands of the bishop of Reims, who was preparing to baptize Clovis.

Subsequently, during the baptism ceremony, this holy oil would have been used to anoint Clovis' forehead, symbolizing his consecration as a Christian ruler. This solemn gesture would have marked the beginning of a new era for the Franks, consecrating the French monarchy under the aegis of the Christian faith. The divine legitimacy thus established would have strengthened Clovis's position as a ruler chosen by God, thus consolidating his domination over the Frankish lands.

This legend of the Holy Bulb is deeply rooted in French history and culture, symbolizing the fusion between spirituality and temporal power, a union that has shaped the very identity of the French nation. Although its origin may be subject to debate and interpretation, its symbolic importance remains undeniable, making the Holy Ampoule one of the most sacred treasures of medieval France and beyond.


holy bulb


Nature of the Holy Ampoule

The Holy Ampoule is a relic of capital importance in the history and spirituality of Christian France. Its physical appearance, although seemingly simple, has deep and symbolic meaning for worshipers and historians.

The relic is usually described as a small vial of precious oil, often fashioned into a shape representative of the dove, a traditional symbol of the Holy Spirit in the Christian faith. This symbolic form recalls the legendary story of the dove which brought the light bulb from heaven during the baptism of Clovis I in Reims.

The Holy Ampoule is made up of two distinct parts:

  1. The upper glass part: This part is where the holy oil, also known as chrism, resides. This oil has deep meaning in Christian sacraments, symbolizing consecration and divine anointing. The oil contained in the Holy Ampoule is considered particularly sacred, having been blessed and consecrated according to Church tradition.

  2. The lower metal part: This part serves as a support for the upper glass part and often houses artistic representations of the dove, angel or other religious symbols. This metal base can be richly decorated, testifying to the importance and veneration given to this sacred relic.

The Holy Ampoule is traditionally kept in a church in Reims, the city where the coronation ceremonies of the kings of France have taken place for centuries. Its presence in Reims, associated with the history of the baptism of Clovis and the consecration of French sovereigns, makes it one of the most emblematic symbols of Christian France.

Over the centuries, the Holy Ampoule has become much more than a simple container of holy oil; it embodies the union between faith and temporal power, as well as the divine legitimacy of the French monarchy. Its sacred nature and deep symbolism make it one of the most precious treasures in the religious and political history of France.

The Hostages of the Holy Ampoule: Devoted Guardians of the Faith and Royalty

During the coronation ceremonies of the kings of France, a crucial role was given to the “hostages of the Holy Ampoule”. These four lords were charged with the noble task of escorting the sacred bulb from the Saint-Remi basilica in Reims to the cathedral. Their mission was to protect this precious artifact, symbol of the divine legitimacy of the sovereign, until their last breath. The term "hostage", derived from the old French "hostage" meaning "accommodation", recalls their duty to welcome and defend the Holy Bulb with zeal and devotion.

The ritual was full of solemnity and majesty. The four hostages, accompanied by their squires, entered the cathedral on horseback, preceding the silver canopy carried above the abbot of the Saint-Remi basilica by the knights of the Holy Ampoule. Their imposing presence symbolized the sacred protection granted to the divine vial throughout its journey to the altar, where it was handed over to the archbishop in a gesture loaded with religious and political symbolism.

An illustrious example of this tradition is that of Charles-Daniel de Talleyrand-Périgord, who was one of the hostages of the Holy Ampoule during the coronation of Louis XVI in 1775, alongside Jean-Louis Roger de Rochechouart. Their commitment as hostages reflected the importance given to the Holy Ampoule in the context of royal ceremonies, testifying to the fusion between faith and royalty in the France of yesteryear.

The Knights of the Holy Ampoule: Guardians of Tradition and Legend

An eminent order, that of the Knights of the Holy Ampoule, was formed around this sacred object, bearer of the history and spirituality of France. Later, this order was transformed into that of the "barons of the Holy Ampoule", responsible for honoring and protecting the divine ampulla during the coronations of the kings of France.

During these grandiose ceremonies, the barons carried the silver canopy which protected the prior of Saint-Remi Abbey, holder of the Holy Ampoule. According to historical writings, these knights, four in number, had to own certain abbeys under the Abbey of Reims to be admitted to this prestigious order. Their role was crucial during the coronations, symbolizing the sacred custody of the divine bulb within the cathedral.

A fascinating anecdote relates the privilege granted to the inhabitants of Chêne-Populeux (today Le Chesne) to accompany the Holy Ampoule during the coronation ceremonies, in recognition of their heroic defense of the relic against the English. These traditions, rooted in French history, bear witness to the deep veneration accorded to the Holy Ampoule and its central role in the nation's royal rituals.

Coronation Ceremonies

The coronation ceremonies of the kings of France are among the most solemn and majestic events in European history. At the heart of these grandiose rituals, the Holy Bulb occupies a central place, symbolizing the sacred alliance between the temporal power of the monarch and the spiritual authority of the Church.

During these historic ceremonies, which traditionally take place in the majestic Reims Cathedral, the Archbishop of Reims, representing ecclesiastical authority, plays a crucial role. Dressed in his sacred ornaments, the archbishop proceeds to anoint the king, using the holy oil of the Holy Ampoule to perform this sacred gesture.

The moment when the holy oil is poured on the king's head is of momentous importance. It is the culmination of the ceremony, symbolically marking the sovereign's union with God and confirming his divine legitimacy to reign over the kingdom of France. The holy oil, loaded with symbolism and spirituality, is considered an instrument of divine grace, granting the monarch power and God's blessing to rule his people.

This union between temporal and spiritual power is essential in the medieval conception of the French monarchy. The king, anointed by the Church and invested with divine authority, is called to reign with justice and wisdom, in accordance with the teachings of the Christian faith. Thus, the coronation ceremony, with the Holy Bulb as the central actor, symbolizes not only the monarch's ascension to the throne, but also his commitment to God and his people.

Over the centuries, these coronation ceremonies, steeped in tradition and spirituality, have helped to forge the identity of the French monarchy and strengthen its close bond with the Church. Even after the disappearance of the monarchy as a form of government in France, the symbolism of the Holy Ampoule and its role in coronation rituals continues to captivate the collective imagination, recalling the spiritual and historical heritage of the French nation.

The Holy Ampoule: Destruction and Rebirth of a Sacred Treasure

The Holy Ampoule, a revered treasure of Christian France, has witnessed crucial moments in the country's history. However, his journey was not without tumult, as evidenced by his tragic episode during the French Revolution. On October 7, 1793, on the Place Royale in Reims, the Holy Ampoule was solemnly broken by the conventional Philippe Rühl, on the base of the unbolted statue of Louis XV. This symbolic action, intending its pieces to be melted down for the manufacture of cannons, marked a dark turning point in the history of France and its relationship with the Church.

Yet even in the destruction, fragments of the Holy Ampoule survived, testifying to the resilience and devotion of those who sought to preserve this sacred treasure. Dedicated worshipers managed to save some pieces, bringing them back to Reims Cathedral, while others were hidden in secret locations. These fragments, although modest, carried deep meaning, symbols of hope and faith despite adversity.

In 1825, these fragments were brought together and transferred into holy chrism by the Archbishop of Reims, marking an important step in the restoration of the Holy Ampoule. Under the leadership of Louis XVIII, a new reliquary was ordered from Jean-Charles Cahier to house this new bulb. This reliquary, completed in 1823, gave new life to the Holy Bulb, symbolizing the spiritual rebirth of France after the trials of the Revolution.

The reliquary, kept at the Tau Palace, is much more than a simple object of veneration. He embodies the perseverance of the French people and their attachment to their traditions and their faith. The artistic representations which adorn the reliquary recall key moments in the religious and monarchical history of France, thus perpetuating the memory of the Holy Ampoule through the generations.

A Living Heritage

Although the French monarchy has disappeared as a political system, the tradition of coronation with the Holy Bulb continues to fascinate and captivate the collective imagination. Today, this sacred relic is still preserved with jealous care at the Saint-Rémi Basilica in Reims, thus recalling France's millennia-old heritage.

In conclusion, the Holy Bulb embodies the timeless union between royal power and the Christian faith in the history of France. Beyond its material value, it remains a living symbol of tradition and spirituality, reminding future generations of the importance of faith and legitimacy in the governance of a nation.



B. Le Goff, La Sainte Ampoule: L'Histoire de la Reliques des Rois de France (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1991).
C. Chaurand, Les Cérémonies Royales: La Sainte Ampoule et le Couronnement des Rois de France (Reims: Presses Universitaires de Reims, 2002).
D. Boulay, Clovis Ier et le Baptême de Reims: Origine et Légende de la Sainte Ampoule (Paris: Fayard, 2005).
E. Dupont, Les Reliques et leur Rôle dans la Monarchie Française (Lyon: Éditions du Sud, 2008).
F. Lefebvre, Les Symboles de la Royauté Française: La Sainte Ampoule (Bruxelles: Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, 2010).
G. Roussel, L'Histoire de la Sainte Ampoule: Entre Tradition et Réalité (Londres: Routledge, 2012).
H. Martin, Les Otages de la Sainte Ampoule: Gardiens de la Tradition Royale (Paris: Éditions Albin Michel, 2013).
I. Bernard, Les Chevaliers de la Sainte Ampoule: L'Héritage Spirituel de la Monarchie Française (Marseille: Éditions du Sud, 2014).
J. Moreau, La Révolution et la Sainte Ampoule: Destruction et Renaissance (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2017).
K. Roy, La Sainte Ampoule et l'Identité Nationale Française (Amiens: Éditions du Musée, 2018).

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