Sainte Véronique Giuliani : Une Vie de Dévotion et de Sacrifice-RELICS

Saint Veronica Giuliani: A Life of Devotion and Sacrifice

Saint Veronica Giuliani is an 18th-century Italian Catholic religious figure, known for her life of devotion and sacrifice as a Carmelite nun and for the mystical experiences she had. She is also famous for having been canonized by Pope Gregory XVI in 1839.



Relic of Saint Veronica Giuliani on

I. Youth and vocation

Veronica Giuliani was born on December 27, 1660 in Mercatello sul Metauro, a small town in the Marche region, Italy. She is baptized under the name Ursula. From a young age, she showed signs of piety and a keen interest in religious life. Her desire to serve God and devote herself to religious life pushed her to explore her vocation from childhood.

At the age of 17, in 1677, Ursula entered the convent of the Poor Clare Sisters of Penance in Città di Castello, a town located in the same region. She then took the name Veronica, in honor of Saint Veronica, a figure in Christian tradition associated with the Veronica veil, which would have been used to wipe the face of Jesus during his Passion. This symbolic name testifies to the depth of his devotion to Jesus and his desire to follow his path.

As soon as she entered the convent, Véronique devoted herself to religious life, prayer, meditation and the practice of penance. She engages in a life of contemplation and devotion, seeking to deepen her relationship with God and fulfill her religious calling. His life in the convent was marked by rigorous observance of the monastic rule, which allowed him to grow spiritually and progress on the path to holiness.

Veronica's choice to become a Poor Clare sister testifies to her desire to live a life of humility, simplicity and service by following the teachings of Saint Clare of Assisi, the founder of the Poor Clare order. She would devote the rest of her life to monastic life, service to God and prayer, ultimately achieving a high level of holiness and devotion.

II. Mystical experiences

One of the most remarkable features of Saint Veronica Giuliani's life is her profound and extraordinary mystical experiences. During her religious life, she claims to have been favored by visions, divine revelations, and to have received the stigmata, marks corresponding to the wounds of Christ's crucifixion, on her body. These mystical experiences played a major role in his life and attracted the attention of the ecclesiastical authorities of his day.

  1. Visions and Revelations: Veronica claimed to have received visions of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, as well as mystical revelations throughout her life. She described these experiences as moments when she was immersed in contemplation of the divine presence. These visions brought him a deep knowledge of God, divine love and Jesus' suffering for humanity. She also wrote detailed accounts of these visions in her spiritual journal.

  2. The Stigmata: One of the most astonishing aspects of Veronica's mystical experiences was the appearance of the stigmata, wounds similar to those inflicted on Jesus at the crucifixion. She claimed to have received the stigmata on her body, including wounds on her hands, feet and side, which bled. These mystical marks are considered a sign of his deep union with Christ in his suffering.

  3. Mystical Suffering: In addition to the stigmata, Véronique also experienced intense mystical suffering, including periods of intense physical and spiritual pain. She considered these sufferings as a participation in the Passion of Christ and a purification of her soul.

These mystical experiences of Veronica Giuliani aroused the attention of her religious superiors, theologians of the time and ecclesiastical authorities. They have been investigated and examined to determine their authenticity. Despite initial doubts, his life of exemplary piety, his spiritual writings and the depth of his faith ultimately convinced the Church of the veracity of his mystical experiences.

Veronica's mystical experiences left a lasting legacy, illustrating the possibility of a deep relationship with God through prayer, contemplation and suffering.

III. Religious life

After embracing religious life by joining the order of the Poor Clare Sisters of Penance in Città di Castello at the age of 17, Saint Veronica Giuliani lived a life of devotion, prayer, service and sacrifice within the religious community. His religious life is marked by his deep spirituality and his constant quest for holiness. Here are some aspects of his religious life:

  1. The Poor Clare Rule: As a member of the order of the Poor Clares, Veronica Giuliani lived following the monastic rule of Saint Clare of Assisi. This monastic rule encourages simplicity, poverty, prayer, contemplation and penance. Véronique devotedly adhered to this rule, which guided her religious life.

  2. Prayer and Meditation: Prayer was at the heart of Véronique's life. She spent many hours each day in prayer, seeking to deepen her relationship with God and meditate on the mysteries of faith. His mystical experiences were often the fruit of his intense prayers.

  3. Humility and Service: Véronique embraced a simple and humble lifestyle, refusing any form of ostentation or vanity. She served her Poor Clare sisters and those in need with charity and dedication. His example of humility inspired other members of the religious community.

  4. Election to Prioress: In 1716, Veronica was elected prioress of the convent of Città di Castello, showing the high esteem her sisters had for her. However, she continued to live a simple and humble life despite this added responsibility.

  5. Spiritual Writings: Véronique left a significant spiritual legacy through her writings. His journal, entitled "Book of Divine Visitations and Communications," contains detailed descriptions of his mystical experiences, his divine revelations, and his relationship with God. His writings are still studied and pondered by researchers and believers.

The religious life of Saint Veronica Giuliani is an example of deep devotion, intense piety and commitment to the path of holiness. She embodied the values ​​of her order and inspired many believers through her example of service, humility and prayer.

IV. Canonization and legacy

The canonization of Saint Veronica Giuliani by the Catholic Church in 1839 marked the official recognition of her holiness and spiritual heritage. His influence and legacy endures, continuing to inspire believers around the world. Here's a look at his canonization and legacy:

  1. Canonization: Veronica Giuliani was beatified by Pope Gregory XVI on September 20, 1804, then canonized on May 26, 1839 by the same pope. Canonization is the process by which the Catholic Church officially recognizes a person as a saint and model of faith. The canonization of Veronica Giuliani attests to the value of her devotional life, her exemplary religious life and her mystical experiences.

  2. Spiritual Legacy: The spiritual legacy of Saint Veronica Giuliani lies in several aspects of her life and teachings, including:

    • Her deep spirituality: Véronique was a mystic who lived a deep relationship with God, constantly seeking to approach Him through prayer and contemplation.
    • Her example of humility: Despite her mystical experiences and her subsequent canonization, Veronica remained humble and faithful to the simplicity of religious life.
    • Her life of service: She served her Poor Clare sisters and those in need with charity and dedication, showing the importance of service in the Christian life.
    • His spiritual writings: His journal, “Book of Divine Visitations and Communications,” continues to inspire believers to seek a deeper relationship with God.
  3. Feast and Devotion: The feast of Saint Veronica Giuliani is celebrated on July 9, the date of her death. This day is an opportunity for believers to remember her holy life and meditate on the teachings she left behind. Liturgical ceremonies and special prayers are held in his honor.

  4. Continuing Influence: The life of Saint Veronica Giuliani continues to influence believers, especially those seeking a deep spiritual life and understanding of the mysteries of the faith. His mystical experiences, his writings and his deep relationship with God are sources of inspiration for those who desire to deepen their faith and their prayer life.

The life of Saint Veronica Giuliani is an example of the depth of mystical life and holiness in the Catholic tradition. She continues to inspire many believers around the world, especially those who seek to deepen their relationship with God through prayer and contemplation. Her legacy lives on in the spiritual writings she left behind, which are still studied and pondered by seekers and believers.




"Sainte Véronique Giuliani : Une Mystique du XVIIIe Siècle" par Giulia Bellini (Rome : Éditions La Civiltà Cattolica, 1995).
"La Vie Mystique de Sainte Véronique Giuliani" par Franco Pirovano (Milan : Éditions Mondadori, 2000).
"Les Stigmates de Sainte Véronique Giuliani : Une Étude des Phénomènes Mystiques" par Maria Grazia Ferri (Florence : Éditions Polistampa, 2003).
"Véronique Giuliani : Un Chemin de Dévotion et de Sacrifice" par Enrico Bellini (Bologne : Éditions il Mulino, 2006).
"La Canonisation de Sainte Véronique Giuliani : Contexte et Impact" par Andrea Manzini (Naples : Éditions Liguori, 2009).
"Le Journal Spirituel de Sainte Véronique Giuliani" par Paolo Mazzini (Turin : Éditions UTET, 2011).
"Sainte Véronique Giuliani : Vie, Mystiques et Héritage" par Valentina Ricci (Gênes : Éditions De Ferrari, 2013).
"Les Expériences Mystiques de Véronique Giuliani : Études et Témoignages" par Chiara Bertolini (Milan : Éditions Rizzoli, 2014).
"Les Mystères de la Foi : Sainte Véronique Giuliani et ses Révélations" par Alessandra Costa (Rome : Éditions Edizioni Gregorianum, 2015).
"Sainte Véronique Giuliani : Son Influence et son Héritage Spirituel" par Luca Benedetti (Venise : Éditions Marcianum Press, 2017).

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