Sainte Philomène-RELICS

Saint Philomena

Saint Philomena is a Catholic saint revered for her faith,martyrdom , and the miracles attributed to her intercession. Although little reliable historical information is available about her life, her popularity and devotion have endured over the centuries. Here are some important facts about Saint Philomena

Saint Philomena

Relic of Saint Philomena on


In May 1802, workers were carrying out renovation work in the Catacombs of Priscilla, located on the Via Salaria in Rome. They discovered a previously unknown tomb decorated with frescoes and Christian symbols.





Catacomb of Priscilla


Catacomb of Priscilla


Inside were bones and fragments of a marble inscription bearing the words "Pax Tecum Filumena" (Peace to you, Philomena).

The discovery of this tomb aroused great interest, and Cardinal Filippo de Angelis, then in charge of the catacombs, began research into the identity of this mysterious saint. More in-depth studies were carried out on the bones and miracles began to be attributed to the intercession of Saint Philomena.
The cult of Saint Philomena spread rapidly and gained popularity. Many testimonies of favors and healings obtained through her intercession were reported by the faithful. Her popularity was reinforced by personalities such as the Curé of Ars, Saint Jean-Marie Vianney, who had a great devotion to her.

Patron saint of impossible causes

Saint Philomena is often invoked as the patron saint of impossible causes, incurable diseases, and desperate situations. Many believe that she intercedes with God to obtain miracles and extraordinary graces.

According to tradition, Philomena was a young girl of noble birth from Greece, living at the beginning of the 4th century. She is said to have come from a Christian family and to have taken a vow of virginity, dedicating her life to God.

During the persecutions of Christians under Emperor Diocletian, Philomena was reportedly arrested because of her faith. She is said to have been subjected to various forms of torture and abuse because of her refusal to renounce her Christian faith and submit to pagan practices.
Tradition reports that Philomena suffered flagellations, whippings, torture by fire and arrows. However, despite the suffering inflicted, she is said to have retained her faith and devotion to God until the end.
Finally, Saint Philomena is said to have been martyred by beheading at the age of 13, around the year 302. Her martyrdom is said to have been accomplished because of her fidelity to Christ and her refusal to renounce her Christian faith.


relic of saint philomena

Relic of Saint Philomena on


Icon of purity and virginity




Saint Philomena is considered an icon of purity and virginity in the Christian tradition. Her vow of virginity and resistance to persecution distinguish her as an example of moral purity and devotion to God.
Purity and virginity are highly valued values ​​in Christian spirituality, and Saint Philomena embodies these virtues in an exemplary manner. She chose to dedicate her life to God by taking a vow of virginity, thus renouncing earthly pleasures and attachments to devote herself entirely to her relationship with God.
As an icon of purity, Saint Philomena is often depicted as an immaculate young girl, exuding an aura of holiness. She is often venerated as a role model for young people and consecrated persons who seek to live a life of purity and holiness in their relationship with God.
Saint Philomena's virginity is also symbolic of her mystical union with Christ. She is considered a spiritual bride of Christ, having dedicated her heart and body to Him alone. Her virginity is a sign of her love and commitment to God, and she is venerated as a model of love and fidelity to Christ.


Miracles and favors attributed to Saint Philomena



Many miracles and favors are attributed to the intercession of Saint Philomena. The faithful report having obtained graces and miraculous healings by praying devoutly and asking for her intercession. Here are some common examples of miracles and favors associated with Saint Philomena:
Unexplained Healings: Devotees claim to have been healed of serious or incurable physical illnesses after praying with trust and asking for the intercession of Saint Philomena. Cases of miraculous healings of cancers, heart disease, fertility problems and other ailments have been reported.
Spiritual Conversion: Many people report profound spiritual conversion after invoking the intercession of Saint Philomena. They report regaining faith, renewing their commitment to God, and experiencing significant inner transformation through her intercession.
Protection and deliverance: Devotees attribute to Saint Philomena protection from evil, physical and spiritual dangers. They believe that she intercedes to free them from negative influences, temptations and spiritual attacks, providing them with divine help and assistance.
Answers to Prayer: Many people attest to receiving specific answers to their prayers after invoking the intercession of Saint Philomena. They testify to graces obtained, problems solved, desperate situations reversed, and blessings received through her intercession.
Divine Providence: The faithful attribute to Saint Philomena providential divine interventions in their daily lives. They testify to improbable situations that were resolved favorably, material needs met, crises averted, and other manifestations of divine providence through her intercession.

These testimonies of miracles and favors obtained through the intercession of Saint Philomena have contributed to increasing her popularity and devotion throughout the world. Many faithful continue to pray with confidence and ask for her intercession for their spiritual and material needs, hoping to receive divine graces and favors through her powerful intercessor.


Canonization and recognition of Saint Philomena



The canonization and official recognition of Saint Philomena by the Catholic Church has been the subject of debate and discussion.
Initially, Saint Philomena's popularity and devotion were primarily the result of accounts of miracles and favors obtained through her intercession. However, official canonical recognition of her sainthood according to the procedures of the Catholic Church was not immediate.
In the 19th century, many believers and priests encouraged the veneration of Saint Philomena and promoted her cult. In 1833, Pope Gregory XVI authorized her public cult, thus permitting the celebration of her Mass and the use of her images in churches.
However, the canonical recognition of her holiness according to the strict norms of the Church was still pending. Some theologians and experts doubted the authenticity of the story of Saint Philomena and the relics attributed to her.
Finally, in 1837, Pope Gregory XVI appointed a commission of experts to study the case of Saint Philomena and evaluate the historical and scientific evidence for her existence. This commission conducted extensive investigations of Saint Philomena's relics , including inscriptions and skeletal remains.
In 1838, the commission concluded that the relics of Saint Philomena were authentic and that her cult was legitimate. Pope Gregory XVI then granted official recognition of Saint Philomena as a saint and granted her the title of "Virgin and Martyr."

Devotion to Saint Philomena continues to inspire many of the faithful who consider her a friend and heavenly protector. Her example of faith, purity, and courage in the face of adversity remains an inspiration to Catholics across generations.



  • "Saint Philomena: The Story of a Little Known Saint" by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan . Tan Books, 2012.
  • "The Life and Miracles of Saint Philomena" by John H. Hagan . Catholic Book Publishing Corp., 1947.
  • “Saint Philomena: The Wonder Worker” by Rev. AJ Maas . B. Herder Book Co., 1915.

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    Je rends grâce à DIEU au Seigneur par l’intercession de Sainte Philomène pour sa présence dans vos vies et pour la réussite scolaire de mes enfants et je confie le concours de ma fille à sainte Philomène

    Gisèle Scholast yoman N'GUESSAN

    Je promet à Sainte Philomène de lui rentre témoignage pour le bac de mon fils

    N'Guessan Yoman Gisele

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