Saint Jérôme : Un Père de l'Église et Traducteur des Écritures-RELICS

Saint Jerome: A Father of the Church and Translator of the Scriptures

Saint Jerome (c. 347–420) is one of the most influential and revered figures of early Christianity. Recognized as one of the Fathers of the Church, he is particularly famous for translating the Bible into Latin, a version called the Vulgate , which became the official translation of the Roman Catholic Church. His work, his ascetic life, his theological writings, and his role in the development of Christianity in the West have left a lasting legacy.

The Origins of Saint Jerome

Jerome, whose Latin name was Eusebius Hieronymus Sophronius , was born around 347 in Stridon, a town on the border between Dalmatia and Pannonia, whose precise location remains uncertain but would correspond to a region today shared between Croatia and Slovenia. His birth took place in the context of a Roman Empire still influenced by paganism but where Christianity, after the Edict of Milan in 313, was in full swing.

Born into a relatively well-off Christian family, Jerome benefited from the advantages of a quality education from a very young age. His family background, although Christian, seems to have retained links with classical Greco-Roman culture. This duality between Christian faith and pagan heritage would deeply permeate his thinking and writings.

At about the age of 12, Jerome was sent to Rome, then the intellectual and cultural center of the Empire, to pursue a prestigious education. There he studied under great masters, including the famous grammarian Aelius Donatus, known for his Latin grammar manual used throughout the Empire. This period was marked by intense training in rhetoric, philosophy, law, and classical literature. He also learned Greek, the language of the intellectual elite and of the Scriptures, and developed a passion for the great Latin authors such as Cicero and Virgil.

This classical education allowed Jerome to develop an exceptional erudition, but it also exposed him to the temptations of worldly life and a taste for social ambitions. A brilliant and ambitious young man, he seems to have led a somewhat dissolute life, according to his own later confessions. However, this period of his life did not entirely distance him from the Christian faith.

Although a Christian by family tradition, Jerome was not baptized until he was an adult, a common choice in late antiquity, as many preferred to delay the sacrament in order to achieve greater spiritual purity before accepting it. Baptism marked a turning point in his life, prompting him to examine Scripture and theology more seriously.

The travels he undertook subsequently, notably to Gaul, where he became associated with Christian circles, and to the East, bear witness to his growing desire to deepen his faith. It was also during this period that he began to build up a rich library of manuscripts, notably biblical, which would become a major asset in his future work as a translator and theologian.

Jérôme's youth, divided between classical education and the gradual discovery of a demanding Christian faith, laid the foundations of his spiritual and intellectual journey. This period of learning and personal quest allowed him to forge in him a personality that was at once erudite, critical and deeply devoted to God, which would mark his entire existence.

Conversion and the Call to Monastic Life

During his student years in Rome, Jerome was deeply influenced by the power of the Scriptures and by the intellectual debates that animated the city's Christian community. The Roman Church, then led by Pope Damasus I, was a vibrant center of theological reflection. Jerome, already a scholar and fascinated by classical literature, discovered in the Scriptures a spiritual depth that surpassed any human work.

It was in this context that he was confronted with an inner struggle between his worldly aspirations and the divine call. His thirst for knowledge and his admiration for pagan rhetoric collided with a profound spiritual crisis. A striking experience, which he later described, was a dream in which he found himself accused before the divine tribunal of preferring Cicero to the Gospels. This dream, which he interpreted as a heavenly warning, caused an inner upheaval in him.

This crisis of conscience led him to embrace a life of renunciation and to turn away from earthly ambitions. Desiring to live an authentic and stripped-down faith, Jerome left Rome to join ascetic circles in Gaul. There, he integrated himself into a Christian community committed to a life of prayer, meditation and study.

Still seeking a more radical form of devotion, Jerome then undertook a journey to the East, a region that symbolized, in his eyes, the purity and authenticity of the Christian life. After a stay in Antioch, he retired to the desert of Chalcis, in Syria, an arid and isolated region, known for attracting many hermits and ascetics.

For several years, Jerome lived there in extremely austere conditions. He renounced material comforts, imposing on himself a rigorous lifestyle marked by fasting, prayer and silence. This choice of isolation was not only motivated by a desire for personal mortification, but also by an intense intellectual and spiritual quest.

In this solitude, Jerome devoted himself to the in-depth study of the Bible. He undertook to learn Hebrew, a language that he considered essential to understanding the Scriptures in their authenticity. This approach was unusual at the time, since most Christians were content with Greek or Latin translations. He also perfected his knowledge of Greek, which allowed him to explore the subtleties of the Septuagint (the Greek version of the Old Testament) and the writings of the early Church Fathers.

This period in the desert was for Jerome a true school of inner transformation. He developed not only a unique biblical erudition, but also a profound humility and an ability to discern God's calls in daily challenges. However, his passionate and sometimes angry nature never left him entirely, and he even came into conflict with other ascetics.

This stay in the Chalcis desert marked a decisive turning point in Jerome's life. It was there that he forged the foundations of his future mission: to serve the Church as an interpreter of the Scriptures and a spiritual guide. By leaving the desert, he had become not only a profoundly transformed man of God, but also a scholar of rare competence, ready to devote the rest of his life to the study and transmission of the divine Word.

The Work of the Translator and the Work of the Vulgate

Among the major contributions of Saint Jerome to the history of Christianity, his work of translating the Bible, known as the Vulgate , occupies a central place. This monumental project was initiated at the request of Pope Damasus I around the year 382, ​​in a context where the Latin versions of the Scriptures available in the Church were marked by inconsistencies and errors due to approximate translations.

The Context of the Project

At the time of Jerome, the Greek language still dominated the intellectual and theological sphere of the Church, but Latin was in full ascendancy as the liturgical language in the Christian West. The various existing Latin versions, collectively called the Vetus Latina , came from translations made from the Septuagint (the Greek version of the Old Testament) or directly from Greek for the New Testament. However, these texts suffered from a lack of coherence, which made their use difficult, especially in the context of liturgies.

Faced with this problem, Pope Damasus I commissioned Jerome to produce a unified and reliable version in Latin, adapted to the growing needs of the Western Church. Jerome, thanks to his exceptional erudition and his mastery of biblical languages, was the ideal candidate for this ambitious task.

Jerome's Working Methods

Jerome began by revising the Gospels from the most reliable Greek manuscripts he could find. He not only corrected obvious errors in the existing translations, but also sought to accurately restore the meaning of the original texts, while maintaining an elegant and accessible Latin style.

After the Gospels, he tackled the Old Testament, but with a revolutionary approach for his time. Unlike most translators who used the Septuagint as a basis, Jerome decided to translate directly from the Hebrew. This choice, motivated by his concern for fidelity to the original text, testified to his intellectual and spiritual audacity.

To carry out this project, he deepened his knowledge of Hebrew, which he had already studied during his stay in the Chalcis desert. He also relied on the advice and teachings of the Jewish communities he encountered in Palestine, particularly in Bethlehem, where he had settled. This collaboration with Jewish scholars, although sometimes controversial, allowed Jerome to better understand the nuances and subtleties of the sacred texts.

Challenges and Controversies

Jerome's work was not without criticism. His decision to rely on the Hebrew text, which he considered more authentic than the Septuagint , sparked debate among theologians of his day. Many felt that the Septuagint , as the translation used by the apostles and the early church, held superior authority. Jerome responded vigorously to these objections, defending his approach with philological and theological arguments, while maintaining that his goal was to make the Scriptures accessible and faithful to the original sources.

The Legacy of the Vulgate

Completed after several decades of work, the Vulgate became the official version of the Bible for the Catholic Church at the Council of Trent (1545-1563), although its influence had been recognized long before. The term "Vulgate" itself, derived from vulgata editio (popular edition), underlines its goal of making the Word of God accessible to all Latin-speaking faithful.

Jerome not only sought to produce a technical and literal translation; he also aimed for a translation that would be understandable and spiritually nourishing for his readers. He combined remarkable philological precision with a clear and poetic Latin style, which allowed the Vulgate to become a reference for future generations.

This monumental work had an immense influence on Western theology, liturgy, and culture. It served as the basis for numerous biblical exegeses and inspired works of art, sermons, and theological debates for over a millennium. Even today, the Vulgate remains a testimony to the erudition, devotion, and vision of Saint Jerome, confirming his role as "Father and Doctor of the Church."

The Writings of Saint Jerome

St. Jerome was not limited to his monumental work of Bible translation; he was also a prolific author whose writings touch on a variety of fields, ranging from biblical exegesis to theological debates to personal correspondence. These works, marked by exceptional erudition and a burning passion for truth, reveal a man deeply engaged in the intellectual and spiritual life of his time.

The Letters

Jerome's letters are an essential part of his work. Written throughout his life, they address theological, spiritual, moral and practical issues. This correspondence, often addressed to influential figures such as monks, bishops or pious women of the Roman aristocracy, offers a valuable insight into the religious concerns of his time.

  • A Spiritual Guide : Jerome's letters often served as spiritual advice for those seeking to live a more rigorous Christian life. For example, he wrote to women such as Saint Marcella and Saint Paula, encouraging them in their quest for ascetic perfection.
  • A witness to theological controversies : His letters also contain reflections on the heresies of his time, such as Arianism or Pelagianism, and bear witness to his active role in the defense of Christian orthodoxy.
  • A look at his humanity : Beyond the intellectual debates, Jerome's letters reveal his complex personality, sometimes passionate, sometimes irascible, but always deeply sincere in his commitment to God.

Biblical Commentaries

Biblical exegesis occupies a prominent place in Jerome's work. His commentaries on various books of the Bible demonstrate an impressive erudition, nourished by his in-depth knowledge of the biblical languages ​​(Hebrew, Greek, and Latin) and by his access to Jewish and Christian traditions.

  • A concern for accuracy : Jerome strove to restore the literal and spiritual meaning of biblical texts. He used philological methods advanced for his time, correcting errors in previous translations and explaining the historical and cultural contexts of the passages he analyzed.
  • A spiritual vision : His commentaries were not limited to technical analysis; they also aimed to nourish the faith and piety of his readers. For example, his commentary on the book of Isaiah is a profound meditation on the role of prophecy in the history of salvation.
  • A lasting legacy : These writings had a lasting influence on biblical interpretation in the Western Church, serving as the basis for exegetical work in the following centuries.

The Lives of the Saints

Jerome also contributed to hagiographic literature with edifying accounts of the lives of the saints, intended to inspire believers in their own spiritual journey.

  • The Life of Paul of Thebes : This work tells the life of the first Christian hermit, Saint Paul of Thebes, a model of asceticism and devotion. Jerome depicts Paul as a man who renounced the world to live in total communion with God in the desert. This story, rich in symbolism, became a source of inspiration for many monks and ascetics.
  • A mirror of ascetic ideals : Through these biographies, Jerome exalts the virtues of poverty, prayer and renunciation of the world, presenting them as means of achieving a deeper union with God.

The Controversial Treaties

Jerome was also a passionate polemicist, not hesitating to engage in vigorous debates with other influential figures of his time.

  • The Debates with Origen : Although an admirer of Origen's scholarship, Jerome eventually criticized some of his theories, particularly his views on the soul and pre-existence. These debates reflect the theological tensions that were agitating the Church at that time.
  • The fight against Pelagianism : Jerome strongly opposed Pelagius, whose ideas about free will and human nature seemed to deny the necessity of divine grace. In his writings, he denounced what he saw as a minimization of original sin.
  • An Incisive Style : Jerome's polemical writings are distinguished by their biting tone and rigorous argumentation. However, this vehemence sometimes earned him criticism, including from his contemporaries.

The Legacy of Jerome's Writings

The works of Saint Jerome are not limited to academic or historical interest; they continue to be a source of inspiration for Christians and theologians. His biblical commentaries remain valuable tools for understanding the Scriptures, his letters offer a living testimony to the spirituality of his time, and his controversial treatises testify to his passionate commitment to truth and orthodoxy.

Beyond their content, Jerome's writings embody a model of intellectual and spiritual devotion. They remind us that for him the quest for truth was not just an intellectual exercise, but an act of faith deeply rooted in his love for God and the Scriptures.

An Ascetic Life and a Model for Monasticism

After serving as secretary and theological advisor to Pope Damasus I in Rome, Jerome left the city in 385 following the pope's death and the intrigues that had developed around his influence. Determined to lead a life entirely devoted to God, he retired to Bethlehem in the Holy Land, where he founded a monastery and adopted an exemplary ascetic life. This decision marked a new stage in his spiritual quest, anchored in the study of the Scriptures, prayer, and the renunciation of material goods.

Foundation of a Community in Bethlehem

Jerome established a structured monastic community in Bethlehem. With the financial support of Saint Paula, an aristocratic Roman widow who had followed him to the East with her daughter Eustochium, he created a complex of buildings including:

  • A monastery for men : Jerome lived here with his disciples, emphasizing a life of prayer, Bible study and manual labor.
  • Two women's monasteries : St. Paula and Eustochium led these female communities, where the nuns lived in poverty, chastity and prayer, while studying the Scriptures under the spiritual guidance of Jerome.
  • A hostel : Intended to accommodate pilgrims visiting Bethlehem, this guest house reflected Christian hospitality and also served as a means of subsistence for the community.

An Exemplary Life of Discipline and Renunciation

Jerome imposed upon himself a life of great austerity. He practiced rigorous fasts, slept little, and devoted long hours to prayer and study. This ascetic discipline, although sometimes extreme, was for him a way of drawing closer to God and combating human passions.

  • Voluntary poverty : Jerome advocated a complete renunciation of material goods, seeing them as a distraction from the spiritual life. This radical poverty was not only a personal ideal, but also a rule of life for his community.
  • Scripture Study as Contemplation : For Jerome, the in-depth study of sacred texts was not just an intellectual pursuit, but an act of devotion. By teaching his community to read and meditate on the Scriptures, he sought to nourish their inner lives and deepen their relationship with God.

The Role of Saint Paula and Eustochium

Saint Paula and her daughter Eustochium played a vital role in implementing Jerome's monastic vision. Born into the Roman aristocracy, they abandoned their wealth and social status to embrace a life of austerity in Bethlehem.

  • Their devotion : Paula and Eustochium embodied the ideal model of the Christian woman according to Jerome: pious, erudite and totally devoted to God.
  • Their role in spiritual education : Under Jerome's guidance, they learned Hebrew and deepened their knowledge of the Scriptures, contributing to the teaching and transmission of the faith within the community.

A Model for Western Monasticism

Jerome's monastic community in Bethlehem became a model for the development of monasticism in the West. Although his monastery was located in the East, its principles and lifestyle profoundly influenced later monastic practices in the Latin world.

  • The centrality of Scripture : Jerome placed the study and meditation of the Bible at the heart of monastic life, establishing a model taken up by many Western monastic communities, notably the Benedictines.
  • A balance between prayer, work and study : The monastic life he advocated was based on a triple vocation: prayer as an act of communion with God, study as a quest for divine truth, and manual work as an expression of humility and service.
  • A spiritual vision of renunciation : Jerome saw in asceticism a means to achieve spiritual purity and closeness to God, a perspective that became an ideal for many monks and nuns in the West.

Jerome's Legacy as an Ascetic Founder

Jerome spent the last decades of his life in Bethlehem, devoting his time to writing, teaching, and the spiritual direction of his community. His example of ascetic life, his rigorous discipline, and his love for the Scriptures left a lasting imprint on Christian monasticism.

His commitment to a life of prayer, poverty, and contemplation continues to inspire religious and lay people who seek to live a God-centered life. By placing Scripture at the heart of the spiritual life, Jerome provided future generations with a timeless model of devotion and pursuit of divine truth.

The Death and Cult of Saint Jerome

Saint Jerome, after spending the last decades of his life in Bethlehem in prayer, study, and writing, died in the year 420, at the advanced age of about 73. His death marked the end of a life of exceptional asceticism and devotion, leaving behind an intellectual and spiritual legacy that continues to influence the Church to this day.

The Last Days in Bethlehem

Weakened by age and the privations of an austere life, Jerome continued to work until his last days, correcting and annotating biblical texts. He remained active in his spiritual direction of the monks and nuns of his community. His unwavering devotion and his role as spiritual guide were a source of inspiration to those around him.

  • The Hermit's Peace : Although his life was marked by theological controversies and passionate debates, Jerome lived his last moments in a serenity reflecting his deep union with God.
  • Closeness to Christ : By choosing to end his life in Bethlehem, not far from the Grotto of the Nativity, Jerome remained in a place imbued with the divine presence, symbolizing his attachment to the incarnation of Christ.

The Burial in Bethlehem

Jerome was buried in a small chapel near the Grotto of the Nativity, the very place where, according to Christian tradition, Jesus Christ was born. This choice of burial reflected the simplicity and spiritual depth that had marked his life. Jerome's tomb quickly became a place of pilgrimage for the faithful, drawn by the holiness of his life and the fame of his work.

The Translation of the Relics to Rome

According to tradition, the relics of Saint Jerome were later transferred to Rome, although the historical details of this translation remain uncertain. Some sources suggest that they were deposited in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, one of the emblematic places of Western Christianity. This transfer symbolized Jerome's central role in the Latin Church and his status as a universal figure.

Declaration as Doctor of the Church

In recognition of his immense contribution to theology, biblical exegesis, and monastic life, Jerome was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1295 by Pope Boniface VIII. This title, reserved for figures who have made an exceptional doctrinal contribution, underscores Jerome's lasting impact on Christian thought. He is often revered as the "Doctor of Scripture" for his deep knowledge and love of biblical texts.

  • A model for scholars and ascetics : As a doctor of the Church, Jerome embodies the ideal of the Christian scholar combining erudition, faith and asceticism.
  • A symbol of unity : His translation of the Bible into Latin (the Vulgate) played a crucial role in unifying liturgy and theology in the Western Church.

The Liturgical Feast

Saint Jerome is celebrated each year on September 30 in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, a date chosen to commemorate his life and work. This day is an opportunity for the faithful to meditate on his example of holiness, devotion to the Scriptures and renunciation.

The Spiritual Heritage of Saint Jerome

The cult of Saint Jerome extended far beyond the Catholic Church, influencing the Orthodox and Protestant traditions as well. His love of Scripture and commitment to divine truth made him a figure revered by Christians of all faiths.

  • Patronage : Jerome is the patron saint of translators, exegetes and librarians, professions that reflect his life as an intellectual and researcher.
  • Icons and artistic representations : Often represented with a skull (symbol of death and the vanity of earthly things), a lion (in reference to a legend where he is said to have healed a wounded lion), and a Bible, Jerome embodies meditation, wisdom and intellectual work.

As a central figure in Christian history, Saint Jerome remains a timeless model of devotion, discipline, and love for the Word of God. His life continues to inspire believers to deepen their faith and seek a deeper union with the divine.

The Legacy of Saint Jerome

Saint Jerome occupies a unique place in the history of Christianity, not only for his scholarship and theological contribution, but also for the example of life he left. His legacy transcends the centuries, inspiring theologians, translators, scholars, and believers around the world.

Patron Saint of Translators and Librarians

As a translator of the Bible, Jerome is recognized as the patron saint of translators, scholars, and librarians. This patronage reflects his immense contribution to the preservation, study, and transmission of Scripture. It also symbolizes the importance of making sacred texts accessible to all, an ideal that resonates to this day.

  • Model for Translators : Jerome embodies excellence in translation work, emphasizing the importance of accuracy, fidelity to the original texts and cultural understanding in conveying the divine message.
  • A Guide for Librarians : Through his concern for preserving and organizing knowledge, Jerome inspires those who strive to preserve and disseminate knowledge.

The Vulgate: A Monumental and Enduring Work

The Vulgate , Jerome's Latin translation of the Bible, remains one of his most iconic contributions. Its influence was so profound that it became the official version of Scripture for the Catholic Church for over a thousand years.

  • Unification of the Christian Faith : By providing a reliable and unified version of the Scriptures in Latin, the universal language of the Church at the time, the Vulgate enabled better theological understanding and a more coherent liturgy throughout the Christian West.
  • A doctrinal reference : The Vulgate served as the basis for many theological debates, councils and writings of the Church, establishing Jerome as an essential authority.
  • An inspiration for future translations : Jerome's method and rigor influenced later Bible translations, including modern versions.

A Model of Love for the Scriptures

Jerome was not only a translator, but also a passionate lover of the Scriptures. He considered the Bible to be the privileged means of knowing God and encouraged the faithful to read and meditate on it regularly.

  • His famous adage , "To ignore the Scriptures is to ignore Christ," sums up his deep conviction that the Christian faith rests on an intimate and enlightened understanding of the Word of God.
  • An exemplary exegetical method : Through his biblical commentaries, Jerome offered tools for a richer and more nuanced reading of sacred texts, combining philological analysis, spiritual interpretation and historical context.

A Lasting Spiritual and Intellectual Heritage

Jerome's legacy extends beyond his writings to the spiritual and intellectual life of the Church:

  • Inspiration for scholars : Jerome is a model for those who seek to reconcile faith and reason, prayer and study.
  • A promoter of monastic life : Through his ascetic life and community commitment, he influenced the development of Western and Eastern monasticism.
  • An example of total dedication : His life bears witness to the abandonment of worldly ambitions to devote himself entirely to God and to the mission of the Church.

A Universal Source of Inspiration

St. Jerome inspires beyond denominational boundaries. Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants alike recognize him as a guide to deepening their relationship with the Scriptures. His work remains relevant in a world where access to God’s Word is essential to nourishing faith and promoting Christian unity.

  • A model of academic and spiritual excellence : Jerome embodies the balance between a rigorous intellectual quest and a life of fervent prayer.
  • A call to universality : Through his work on the Vulgate, he helped make the Bible universal, an ideal that remains central to the spread of the Christian faith today.

A Living Legacy

Through his works and life example, Saint Jerome continues to inspire those who seek to deepen their understanding of Scripture and live their faith authentically. His legacy remains a light for present and future generations, reminding us of the importance of intellectual and spiritual engagement in the Christian journey.


Kelly, JND Jerome: His Life, Writings, and Controversies. Harper & Row, 1975.

Brown, Peter. The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, AD 200-1000. Blackwell, 2003.

Rebenich, Stefan. Jerome. Routledge, 2002.

Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 1. University of Chicago Press, 1971.

Williams, Megan Hale. The Monk and the Book: Jerome and the Making of Christian Scholarship. University of Chicago Press, 2006.

Jerome, Letters (translated by FA Wright). Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press.

Jerome, Prefaces to the Books of the Bible. Translated in various collections of early Christian writings.

Cain, Andrew. “Jerome and the Monasticization of Rome.” Church History , vol. 74, no. 2, 2005, pp. 251-275.

Murphy, Francesca Aran. “Saint Jerome as Biblical Translator.” Scottish Journal of Theology , vol. 51, no. 1, 1998, pp. 1-23.
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