Saint François de Jérôme-RELICS

Saint Francis of Jerome

Saint Francis of Jerome, also known as Saint Francis of Borgia, is an iconic figure in the history of the Catholic Church, recognized for his piety, his missionary zeal and his ascetic life. Born in 1510 to a noble family in Valencia, Spain, Francis of Borgia lived a life of luxury and privilege as a Spanish nobleman. However, his journey was transformed by a profound spiritual conversion which led him to abandon his worldly life to embrace an existence dedicated to God.

Youth and Conversion

The youth of Francis of Borgia was marked by the privileges and responsibilities inherent to his status as a Spanish nobleman. Born in 1510 into an influential and wealthy family in Valencia, he benefited from a careful education which opened the doors to public life for him. Very early on, he was called to serve at the court of Emperor Charles V, where he held positions as vassal and advisor. This position gave him a high status and offered him unique opportunities, but despite the appearance of success and comfort, Francis of Borgia quickly felt a growing spiritual void.

This feeling of emptiness particularly intensified in 1539, when his father, the Duke of Gandia, died. This painful loss acts like an electric shock, prompting François to reevaluate the meaning of his life and his priorities. Faced with the fragility of human existence and the vanity of earthly honors, he resolutely turned to God, seeking refuge and a deeper meaning in his life.

The decisive meeting with Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1546 marks a crucial turning point in the spiritual journey of Francis of Borgia. Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus, had a profound influence on people seeking spirituality and authentic commitment to God. Under the influence of Saint Ignatius, Francis was confronted with the reality of Christian life and the radical call to follow Christ unconditionally.

This meeting was for Francis of Borgia the catalyst for his profound conversion. Inspired by Ignatian spirituality and the example of Saint Ignatius, he decided to renounce the privileges and ambitions of the world to embrace a life of selfless service and total devotion to God. His entry into the Society of Jesus symbolizes his commitment to follow Christ closely, to renounce himself and to respond to the call of divine love.

Thus, the youth and conversion of Francis of Borgia illustrate the universal quest for meaning and truth, as well as the transformative power of divine grace. His journey, marked by the search for true joy and spiritual fullness, continues to inspire believers throughout the ages, reminding us that even at the height of earthly honors, only the quest for God can bring authentic and lasting peace.

Service and Mission

After having embraced religious life within the Society of Jesus, Francis of Borgia devoted all his energy and zeal to the mission of the order. His deep Ignatian spirituality and unwavering commitment to serving God quickly earned him a reputation for holiness and devotion that spread throughout the ranks of the Church. In recognition of his exceptional qualities, he was appointed third superior general of the Society of Jesus in 1565, succeeding Diego Laynez.

In his role as superior general, Francis of Borgia resolutely committed himself to strengthening and expanding the reach of the Jesuit order. Aware of the challenges and opportunities presented to him, he undertook a series of reforms and initiatives aimed at consolidating the work of the Society of Jesus and extending its influence throughout the world.

One of Francis Borgia's major accomplishments as superior general was overseeing the expansion of Jesuit missions globally. Under his enlightened leadership, the Jesuits expanded their presence in Asia, America and Africa, bringing the message of the Gospel to the most remote and disadvantaged populations on the planet. His visionary leadership and passion for spreading the Catholic faith made him a vital architect of the Church's global mission.

In addition to his involvement in foreign missions, Francis of Borgia also attached great importance to the training and education of members of the Jesuit order. Convinced of the transformative power of education, he encouraged the founding of Jesuit schools, colleges and universities around the world, providing younger generations with the opportunity to acquire a holistic education that integrated faith and reason. .

Francis of Borgia's exemplary leadership and deep spirituality made him a model for many members of the Jesuit order, inspiring fervent devotion and unwavering commitment to the cause of the Gospel. His legacy lives on today through the educational, missionary and charitable institutions founded by Jesuits around the world, reminding all Christians of the importance of responding to the call of mission with generosity and determination.

Ascetic Life and Miracles

The ascetic life of Francis of Borgia was a living testimony to his deep commitment to the pursuit of Christian holiness and perfection. Driven by an ardent desire to conform to the divine will, he embraced rigorous austerity and an intense practice of prayer and penance. His days were filled with long hours of silent meditation and contemplation, as he sought to deepen his relationship with God and find the guidance necessary to live a life fully consistent with the teaching of Christ.

His ascetic practice was characterized by acts of mortification and renunciation, thus strengthening his control over his earthly desires and passions. He fasted regularly, depriving himself of the pleasures of food and material comforts, in order to concentrate fully on his spiritual quest. This austere discipline was the fruit of his deep conviction that only detachment from earthly goods could lead to a closer union with God.

Accounts of the time abound with testimonies of miracles attributed to Francis of Borgia, attesting to the special favor of God on his life and to his eminent holiness. These miracles included miraculous healings of physical and mental illnesses, divine interventions to protect and rescue souls in distress, and celestial visions that confirmed the presence and action of God in one's life.

These supernatural manifestations were seen as tangible signs of Francis of Borgia's closeness to God and his receptivity to divine grace. They reinforced his reputation for holiness among his contemporaries and inspired deep respect and fervent devotion to his person.

In conclusion, the ascetic life of Francis of Borgia and the miracles that accompanied it testify to his deep union with God and his ability to be a channel of divine grace. His example continues to inspire believers throughout the ages, recalling the transformative power of prayer, penitence, and complete trust in divine providence.

Canonization and Legacy

The canonization of Francis of Borgia by Pope Clement X in 1671 was the crowning achievement of a life marked by exemplary holiness and unwavering devotion to God and his Church. This official recognition of his sainthood is a testament to the profound impact he had on the spiritual life of his time and his enduring legacy that continues to influence future generations of believers.

The canonization of Francis of Borgia was not only a recognition of his own holiness, but also an affirmation of the importance of his testimony for the universal Church. By declaring him a saint, the Catholic Church affirmed the validity of his example of life, thus encouraging the faithful to follow in his footsteps in the search for holiness and selfless service.

The legacy of Francis of Borgia lives on today through the many educational, missionary and charitable institutions founded by Jesuits around the world. Inspired by his example of life, the members of the Society of Jesus continue to work for the propagation of the Gospel and for the service of the most deprived, striving to follow the teachings of Christ with the same determination and generosity as their spiritual founder.

Furthermore, the spiritual legacy of Francis of Borgia continues to inspire generations of believers through his writings, teachings and life examples. His deep devotion to God, compassion for others, and commitment to social justice serve as a model for those seeking to live an authentically Christian life in today's world.

In conclusion, the canonization of Francis of Borgia and his spiritual legacy illustrate man's capacity to respond to God's call and become an instrument of his grace in the world. His example continues to inspire and guide believers throughout the ages, reminding us of the transforming power of faith and love in the life of every individual.

In conclusion, Saint Francis of Jerome, or Francis of Borgia, embodies the ideal of the Catholic saint, combining deep spirituality with an active commitment to the service of God and humanity. His life is a powerful testimony to the transforming grace of God and to man's capacity to respond to his call to holiness and mission.



  1. Hervé de Cormier, Saint François de Borgia : Un saint jésuite du XVIe siècle, Éditions du Cerf, 1999.

  2. José de Sigüenza, Histoire des Jésuites en Espagne, Éditions de l’Université de Valence, 1996.

  3. Jean-Claude Darragon, François de Borgia : Saint, général et réformateur, Éditions du Cerf, 2005.

  4. Sœur Marie-Thérèse de Saint-Joseph, La Vie de Saint François de Borgia, Éditions des Éditions Saint-Paul, 1983.

  5. Antoine de Saint-Joseph, La Compagnie de Jésus : De Saint Ignace à François de Borgia, Éditions du Seuil, 2001.

  6. Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, 15e édition, 2010, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc..

  7. R. A. B. Meyer, Les Jésuites : Histoire et influence, Harvard University Press, 2007

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