Sainte Françoise Romaine : Une vie de sainteté-RELICS

Saint Frances of Rome: A life of holiness

Saint Frances of Rome (1384-1440) is a major figure in Christian spirituality, known for having reconciled an exemplary family life with a deep religious vocation. Her life was marked by a quest for holiness in the realities of everyday life, making her an inspiration to lay people and religious alike. Canonized in 1608 by Pope Paul V, she is the patron saint of widows and motorists, and her spiritual legacy continues to this day.

This article traces the life of Saint Frances of Rome, her commitment to charity and prayer, as well as her spiritual and historical influence.


relic of Saint Francis of Romanos

Relic of Saint Frances of Rome on


The youth of Françoise Bussa de Leoni

A birth into the Roman nobility

Françoise Bussa de Leoni was born in 1384 in Rome, into an aristocratic family. Her parents, Paolo Bussa and Jacobella de Roffredeschi, belonged to the high Roman nobility, which ensured her a careful education and prestigious prospects. From a very young age, she showed great piety and a deep desire to devote herself to God.

A call to religious life thwarted

From the age of eleven, Françoise felt a strong call to monastic life. She expressed the wish to become a nun, but her family strongly opposed it. At that time, arranged marriages were the norm for daughters of the nobility, and her parents forced her into a marriage with Lorenzo Ponziani, a young nobleman from an illustrious Roman family.

An exemplary wife and mother

A marriage based on faith

Françoise married Lorenzo Ponziani at the age of 13. This marriage, although forced, proved harmonious thanks to the kindness and understanding of her husband. Lorenzo, a renowned military man, respected his wife's piety and supported her charitable works. Together, they had several children, some of whom died prematurely, an ordeal that further strengthened his faith.

A life of charity and service

Despite her duties as a wife and mother, Frances devoted her life to helping the poor and the sick. She transformed her home into a refuge for the needy and orphans, and distributed her own goods to the most destitute. During the epidemics and periods of civil war that shook Rome at the beginning of the 15th century, she distinguished herself by her courage and dedication.

A mystical vision and supernatural gifts

Françoise is endowed with exceptional mystical gifts: angelic visions, miraculous healings and prophecies. According to tradition, she would have benefited from the protection of a visible guardian angel, who helped and advised her in her trials.

Founder of the Oblates of Tor de' Specchi

A community dedicated to prayer and service

After the death of her husband in 1436, Francesca decided to withdraw completely from the world to devote herself to God. Already in 1425, she had founded the community of the Oblates of Tor de' Specchi , an order of women living in the world, without taking strict monastic vows, but dedicated to prayer and works of mercy.

The Oblates of Tor de' Specchi live according to Benedictine spirituality, but they are not cloistered, which allows them to act directly with the needy. This form of religious life, mixing contemplation and action, is a novelty at the time and will later inspire other lay movements involved in the Church.

His commitment until the end of his life

Françoise spent her last years surrounded by the Oblates, in prayer and service. She continued to receive visions and gave spiritual advice to many of the faithful. On March 9, 1440, she died at the age of 56, leaving behind a legacy of faith and devotion.

Canonization and posterity

Canonization and cult

In 1608, Pope Paul V officially canonized her in recognition of her virtues and the many miracles attributed to her intercession. Her feast day is celebrated on March 9 , the day of her death.

She became the patron saint of motorists , due to the legend that her guardian angel guided her through the dark streets of Rome with a heavenly light.

The monastery of Tor de' Specchi

The monastery of the Oblates of Tor de' Specchi, founded by Francesca, still exists today in Rome. This place, located near the Capitol, is a living testimony to her work and remains a place of pilgrimage for the faithful.

A model for women and lay people

Saint Frances of Rome is a unique model in the history of the Church. She embodies the harmony between family life and spiritual life, showing that holiness is accessible to all, including the laity. Her commitment to the poor, her obedience to the divine will and her unwavering love for God make her a timeless figure of the Christian faith.


Saint Frances of Rome remains an inspiration to those seeking to balance their daily responsibilities with a deep life of faith. Her life proves that holiness can be achieved in the simplicity of service and love of neighbor. Her legacy lives on not only in the community of the Oblates of Tor de' Specchi, but also in the Catholic Church, which continues to venerate her as a model of piety, charity, and humility.

His example reminds us that holiness is not reserved for monasteries, but can be lived in the heart of the world, in the service of others and fidelity to God.

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