La couronne d'épines-RELICS

The crown of thorns

The Crown of Thorns is one of the most valuable and symbolic Christian relics, as it is associated with the passion and death of Christ. According to tradition, the crown was placed on Jesus' head shortly before his crucifixion, to mock and ridicule him. This crown has since become an object of worship and devotion for many believers around the world.

The history of the Crown of Thorns dates back to Roman times. After Jesus' condemnation, he was taken out of the city of Jerusalem to be crucified. The Roman soldiers mocked him and flogged him, then placed a crown of thorns on his head. This crown was supposed to represent the royal crown of the Jewish kings, but was actually an object of derision. Jesus was then crucified on Golgotha, and the crown was forgotten by the soldiers.

The crown was later discovered by Emperor Constantine's mother, Helena, who traveled to Jerusalem to find the holy places of Christendom. According to legend, she discovered the crown in 325, hidden under a church. She brought it back to Rome where it became one of the most precious relics of the Empire.

The Crown of Thorns was kept in the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem in Rome until 1238, when it was transferred to Paris. It was then placed in the Sainte-Chapelle, a jewel of Gothic architecture located on the Ile de la Cité, where it is still preserved today. The Crown of Thorns is kept in a golden shrine which is displayed to the public on certain occasions, notably during the celebration of Holy Week.

The Crown of Thorns has inspired many works of art, such as paintings, sculptures and songs. It has also been associated with many legends and miracles, such as healing illnesses or protecting against dangers. Believers are attracted by its symbolism, which evokes the suffering of Christ and his sacrifice for humanity.

The Crown of Thorns is a relic that inspires both devotion and admiration. It is one of the most powerful symbols of Christianity, representing the suffering and sacrifice of Christ, but also his triumph over death and sin. It continues to attract believers around the world, who seek to connect with their faith and find inspiration in this sacred relic.




  • G. C. G. Tilley, The Crown of Thorns: Its History and Its Symbolism, Oxford University Press, 1987.
  • A. H. M. Jones, The Christian Relics and the Origin of the Crown of Thorns, Cambridge University Press, 1962.
  • C. G. M. Poole, The True Cross and the Crown of Thorns: Historical and Theological Studies, Harper & Row, 1979.
  • D. M. Robinson, The History of the Relics of the Passion: The Crown of Thorns and the Holy Cross, Routledge, 2010.
  • E. F. G. Rogers, The Crown of Thorns and Its Journey Through History, University of Chicago Press, 2003.

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