Le "Voile de Véronique" ou "Sainte Face" : Une Relique Vénérée à Rome depuis l'Antiquité-RELICS

The “Veil of Veronica” or “Holy Face”: A Relic Venerated in Rome since Antiquity

An Ancient and Sacred History

Since the time of Emperor Tiberius in the 1st century, the "Veil of Veronica" or "Holy Face" has rested in Rome, carefully preserved and venerated in the majestic St. Peter's Basilica since the 8th century. The legend surrounding this relic dates back to a pious woman from Jerusalem, Veronica, who, according to tradition, encountered Christ on her way to Calvary. Full of compassion, she used her veil to wipe Christ's face, marked by sweat and blood. Miraculously, the Most Holy Face of Christ appeared on the fabric when she picked it up.

holy face


An Image “Not Created by Human Hands”

Like the famous Shroud of Turin, the “Veronica” offers a unique vision of the face of Christ, described as “not created by human hands”. This singular representation has left an indelible mark on Christian iconography, crossing the centuries as an inexhaustible source of spiritual inspiration.

A Divine Enigma

The assertion that this image is "not created by human hands" gives "Véronique's Veil" a mystical aura. It suggests that the depiction of Christ's face was not the result of human artistry or skill, but rather the result of divine intervention. This enigma adds a deep spiritual dimension to the relic, inviting believers to contemplate the sacred and transcendent character of this image.

holy relic face veil of Veronica

Relic of the Holy Face on relics.es


Influence on Christian Iconography

The “Veronica” exerted a significant influence on the evolution of Christian iconography. The image, emerging miraculously on the veil, served as a model and source of inspiration for many artists throughout the centuries. Representation not created by human hands encouraged a spiritual approach to religious art, inspiring creators to seek expression of divinity beyond the limits of conventional artistic technique.

Veronica’s Meeting on the Stations of the Cross

Over the centuries, Veronica's encounter with Christ has become an essential step on the way of the cross, symbolizing compassion and closeness to the suffering of Christ. Every year, pilgrims converge on St. Peter's Basilica to receive the blessing with this most holy relic on Passion Sunday. This tradition strengthens the spiritual connection between believers and Christ, emphasizing the importance of compassion and sharing in the Christian faith.

The “Veronica” stands as a divine enigma, an image “not created by human hands,” which transcends conventional art to become a continuing source of inspiration and devotion in Christian iconography. This unique representation of the face of Christ continues to amaze and nourish the faith of the faithful throughout the generations.

holy face


Conservation and Veneration

The "Veil of Veronica" occupies a place of honor within St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, where it is not only carefully preserved but also the object of fervent veneration. This sacred relic is housed in a special chapel, erected with devotion in one of the four main pillars of this emblematic place of the Christian faith.

The Dedicated Chapel: A Sacred Sanctuary

The chapel that houses the "Veil of Veronica" is not just an ordinary space, but rather a sacred sanctuary within the majestic St. Peter's Basilica. Devotees and pilgrims flock to this dedicated place, driven by a deep spiritual quest and devotion to this relic of sacred origins.

Intensification of Veneration in the 19th Century

In the 19th century, the veneration of the “Veil of Veronica” experienced a notable intensification, marked by the leadership of Pope Pius IX. His Holiness helped spread devotion to this exceptional relic, recognizing its spiritual significance and value in Christian heritage. This period saw the emergence of a new wave of pilgrims attracted by the contemplation of the Most Holy Face of Christ.

The influence of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

Among the notable figures who contributed to the intensification of veneration is Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, also known as “Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face”. This saint, recognized for her deep spirituality, adopted the “Veil of Veronica” as a particular source of inspiration in her quest for closeness with Christ. Its choice of name reveals a special devotion to this relic, reinforcing its importance in Christian spirituality.

The meticulous conservation of “Veronica’s Veil” in St. Peter’s Basilica is accompanied by a veneration that transcends eras. Pilgrims from around the world continue to flock to this sacred place, testifying to the continued devotion to this exceptional relic which embodies divine closeness and the spiritual heritage of Christianity.

The Miracle of 1849

An exceptional chapter in the history of "Veronica's Veil" was revealed during the tumultuous unrest of the revolution of 1849. In this turbulent period, the Pope, seeking refuge in Gaeto, took an extraordinary decision which will forever mark the veneration of this precious relic.

The Pope's Decision in Times of Crisis

In the face of political upheaval and imminent threat, the Pope, in an act of faith and hope, ordered that the Holy Veil be publicly displayed between the festivities of Christmas and Epiphany. It is a bold move to invoke divine protection during a time of great instability.

The Miraculous Radiance

On the third day of this extraordinary exhibition, the unexpected happened. The face of Christ, printed on the sacred fabric, becomes visibly visible. A soft light surrounds him, transforming the event into a striking miracle. This divinely inspired manifestation sets off a chain reaction among the faithful and the curious, leading to a collective manifestation of incredible spiritual intensity that lasts for three hours.

The Creation of Second Class Relics

The miracle of 1849 is not limited to divine brilliance. Reproductions of the face, created during this exceptional event, are used on linen canvases. These reproductions, having been touched with the original during the miracle, thus acquire a particular aura. They are elevated to the status of second-class relics, carrying within them a sacred connection with the miracle and becoming objects revered by believers.

The Miracle of 1849 represents a pivotal moment, where faith and devotion are highlighted in the midst of unrest. The Holy Veil, which has become the instrument of a dazzling miracle, continues to inspire the veneration of the faithful and to remind us of the power of faith even in the darkest periods of history.

Tradition and Perpetuation

Since this miracle of 1849, the tradition has been perpetuated at the Vatican, and each year, on Passion Sunday, the "Veil of Veronica" is exposed for public veneration.



Daniélou, Jean. La Vérité du Voile de Véronique. Paris : Éditions du Cerf, 1967.
Bollandistes. Acta Sanctorum : Ianuarius. Bruxelles : Société des Bollandistes, 1643.
Rosenberg, David. La Sainte Face et son Influence. Rome : Éditions Vatican, 1950.
Gonzalez, Maria. Le Voile de Véronique : Histoire et Vénération. Paris : Éditions Saint-Paul, 1982.
Sullivan, Thomas. Les Reliques du Vatican : Le Voile de Véronique et Autres. Londres : Oxford University Press, 1921.
Archives du Vatican. Documents sur le Voile de Véronique et sa Conservation. Vatican, XVIIIe-XXe siècles.

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