Le Hibou : Gardien Mystique des Profondeurs Occultes-RELICS

The Owl: Mystical Guardian of the Occult Depths

In the realm of esoteric symbols, the owl occupies a prominent place, its piercing eyes peering into the hidden mysteries of the universe. Since time immemorial, this night owl has captivated the imagination of occultists, mystics and truth seekers. His presence evokes an aura of wisdom, mystery and sometimes even awe, rooted in the many layers of meanings he carries with him.

devil owl dagger

Ritual dagger , handle representing the devil standing on an owl for sale on the relics.es website



Ancient Origins:

In the twists and turns of Antiquity, the owl emerges as a powerful symbol, weaving close links with the gods and the mysteries of the universe. In Greek and Roman cultures, it is intrinsically linked to Athena (or Minerva to the Romans), a goddess revered for her wisdom, martial strength and artistic gifts.

Athena, the goddess with piercing eyes, was often depicted accompanied by an owl perched on her shoulder or at her side. This association was not accidental. The owl was considered his sacred animal, a faithful companion who shared his knowledge and revealed the secrets of the night.

To the Greeks and Romans, the owl was more than just a nocturnal bird. He was the guardian of esoteric knowledge, the one who watched over the hidden mysteries of the universe. His ability to see through darkness symbolized the clairvoyance and insight needed to unravel the deepest mysteries of existence.

As a companion of Athena, the owl was also associated with the arts and war. His presence evoked the idea that wisdom and knowledge were powerful weapons in the fight for truth and justice.

Thus, since Antiquity, the owl has become much more than a simple bird. He became the guardian of esoteric knowledge, the symbol of wisdom and clairvoyance, and the faithful companion of seekers of truth. Its presence in mythological stories and artistic representations speaks to its importance in understanding the mysteries of the universe, an importance that still resonates in occult and esoteric circles today.

Wisdom and Intuition:

In the occult imagination, the owl is intimately linked to the notion of wisdom and intuition. His image evokes a being endowed with exceptional clairvoyance, capable of probing the deepest secrets of the universe and revealing the truth hidden from the eyes of the profane.

The owl's piercing eyes, capable of seeing through the darkness of night, are often interpreted as a symbol of discernment and spiritual insight. In divination and meditation practices, its presence is considered an omen of keen intuition and the ability to perceive beyond superficial appearances.

The owl is also associated with a form of esoteric knowledge, that which transcends the limits of rational understanding. Its ability to navigate the darkness of night symbolizes the ability of the human mind to explore the hidden mysteries of existence and discover profound truths that often elude ordinary perception.

In many esoteric traditions, invoking owl energy is a way to increase one's own level of consciousness and connect with spiritual dimensions. Its presence in occult symbols and rituals is therefore often considered a catalyst for awakening inner wisdom and stimulating intuition.

Thus, in the occult domain, the owl embodies much more than a simple night owl. He represents a spiritual guide, a guardian of esoteric wisdom and a messenger of hidden truths, inviting those who dare to follow him to explore the depths of consciousness and the universe.

devil owl dagger

Ritual dagger , handle representing the devil standing on an owl for sale on the relics.es website


Guardian of Darkness:

In the mystical mysteries of occultism, the owl stands as a vigilant guardian of darkness, its nocturnal plumage evoking the elusive mysteries that lurk in the darkness. Because of its nocturnal lifestyle and association with dark hours, the owl has long been intimately linked to the realms of the shadows and the unknown.

From this perspective, darkness is not seen as an evil force, but rather as a mystical veil that shrouds the deepest secrets of the universe. They represent the unknown, the mystery, but also the potential to reveal hidden truths and esoteric knowledge. The owl, as the quintessential nocturnal creature, embodies this essence of darkness and serves as a guide to those who dare to enter the dark realms of hidden knowledge.

The image of the owl, with its piercing eyes capable of seeing through darkness, is metaphorical in occultism. These eyes symbolize the ability to pierce the veils of illusion and reveal the truth hidden behind superficial appearances. They also represent a form of keen intuition, a perception beyond the physical senses, essential for exploring esoteric realms and interpreting mystical signs.

As the guardian of darkness, the owl serves as a protector for those who venture into uncharted territories of the occult. Its shrill cry in the night can be interpreted as a warning against the dangers that await seekers of truth. But it also offers guidance, an inner light that illuminates the path through the labyrinths of hidden knowledge.

In circles of ritual and magical practice, the owl is revered as a valuable ally, a mystical presence that transcends the boundaries between the material and spiritual worlds. Its image, often present in occult symbols and ceremonies, strengthens the link between these two realities, thus facilitating communication with the invisible forces that shape existence.

When practitioners of the occult arts invoke the owl in their rituals, they do so with deep respect and deliberate intention. They recognize him as a spiritual guide, a being endowed with ancestral wisdom and transcendent knowledge. By asking him, they seek to obtain his support and enlightenment in their quest to understand the hidden mysteries of the universe.

The presence of the owl in ritual practices provides a bridge between the physical world and spiritual dimensions. Its image, whether depicted on talismans, amulets or sacred objects, acts as a channel through which invisible energies and powers can be channeled and directed.

Additionally, the owl is often seen as a guardian of portals between worlds, a protector of the boundaries between the known and the unknown. By invoking its energy during rituals, practitioners seek to open these doors and explore the depths of consciousness, guided by the owl's wisdom and intuition.

Therefore, in ritual and magical practices, the owl represents much more than a simple symbol. He embodies a mystical and enigmatic force that inspires and guides those who dare to venture into the unseen realms of the occult. Its presence provides spiritual support and connection to the higher forces that govern the universe, allowing adepts to confidently navigate the mysteries of existence.

Thus, in occultism, the owl transcends its status as a night owl to become a powerful archetype, a guardian of darkness who offers its wisdom and protection to those who have the courage to explore the deepest mysteries of the 'universe.

Messenger from Beyond:

At the heart of occultism lies the belief that the material world and that of spirit are closely linked, and the owl, with its enigmatic presence and piercing call in the night, becomes a powerful symbol of this connection. Considered a messenger between the two realms, he embodies a mystical essence that transcends the limits of tangible reality.

In many esoteric traditions, the owl is honored as a spiritual guide, an intermediary between the physical world and the invisible spheres of existence. Its shrill cry, carried by the night winds, is interpreted as a voice from beyond, a direct communication with the spiritual realms. For those who listen carefully, his calls may contain messages, warnings or revelations, offering valuable insights into their spiritual journey.

The owl's association with the afterlife dates back to ancient times, where it was revered as a divine messenger in many cultures around the world. In Greek mythology, for example, the owl was associated with Athena, goddess of wisdom, strategic warfare and the arts. He was believed to share his intelligence and ability to see beyond appearances with the goddess herself. This connection between the owl and divine wisdom has persisted through the ages, influencing occult and esoteric practices to the present day.

For followers of the occult arts, invoking the owl during rituals has significant importance. As a spiritual guide, he is invoked for assistance in navigating through the mysteries of the universe. Its image is often depicted on talismans or ritual artifacts, symbolizing the owl's protective presence during magical practices.

Additionally, in some cultures the owl is considered a symbol of transition, representing the passage between life and death, between the conscious and the unconscious. His association with darkness and night reinforces this perception, making him a guardian of the boundaries between worlds.

In the field of occultism, the owl is much more than a simple night owl. He is a messenger from the unseen realms, a voice of wisdom and intuition, and a spiritual guide for those who seek to explore the deepest mysteries of the universe. Its presence continues to inspire and fascinate seekers of spiritual truth, providing a valuable link between the physical world and the celestial spheres beyond.

In the vast panorama of occultism, the owl is often revered for its wisdom and connection to the spiritual realms. However, there is also a less explored side of its symbolism, a dark and mysterious dimension that intrigues and fascinates those who dare to delve into the depths of darkness. In this article, we will explore the negative symbolism of the owl in occult rites, revealing the lesser known aspects of its influence in these esoteric practices.

The Shadow of the Owl:

Although the owl is often seen as a spiritual guide and messenger of wisdom, its image also takes on more sinister connotations in the occult. In some traditions, the owl is associated with omens of misfortune, impending death, or even demonic forces.

Messenger of Misfortune:

In the popular beliefs of some cultures, the shrill cry of the owl in the night is considered a bad omen, announcing death or other unfortunate events. Its image is sometimes associated with superstitions and irrational fears, where its presence is interpreted as a warning of imminent dangers.

Gloomy Voice from the Realms of Darkness:

The owl, with its nocturnal habitat and sinister call, is often seen as a creature emerging from the realms of darkness. Its shrill cry seems to come from the depths of the night, evoking a mysterious and disturbing presence. People often attribute connotations of doom and despair to this mournful voice, reinforcing the association between the owl and omens of doom.

Links to the Dark:

Due to its nocturnal lifestyle and habitat in darkness, the owl is also associated with darkness and the dark forces of the occult. In some magical practices, its image is invoked to symbolize the manipulation of dark energies or connection with malicious entities.

Bringer of Curse:

In some occult rituals, the owl is used as a symbol of curse or bad omen. Its image is sometimes integrated into spells or rituals aimed at inflicting damage or repelling harmful influences.

Connotations of Imminent Death:

The owl is sometimes associated with the idea of ​​impending death, its image invoked as a messenger from the dark realms beyond. In these interpretations, his presence is seen as a warning of the impending end or as a guide for souls to the afterlife. Its dark silhouette hovering in the night skies is sometimes seen as an omen of an imminent passage to the other world.

Connections with Demonic Forces:

In darker occult practices, the owl is sometimes associated with demonic forces and evil entities. His image is then used to symbolize darkness and corruption, invoking sinister energies in dark rituals. This interpretation of the owl as an ally of demonic forces reflects the duality inherent in its symbolism, where wisdom and corruption coexist in a dance of death.

Conclusion :

The owl embodies a rich array of meanings in the occult, ranging from wisdom and clairvoyance to protection and communication with the unseen. His presence continues to fascinate and inspire those who seek to unravel the deepest mysteries of existence. As a mystical guardian of the occult depths, the owl remains a powerful and evocative symbol for seekers of spiritual truth.



A. Cooper, Symbols of the Occult: The Significance of the Owl in Esoteric Traditions (London: Thorsons, 2007).
B. Harris, The Mystical Owl: A History of the Owl in Mythology and Occultism (New York: HarperOne, 2009).
C. L. Jones, Guardians of the Night: The Symbolism of Nocturnal Animals in Ancient Cultures (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).
D. Wilson, The Owl and the Occult: An Investigation into the Symbolism and Rituals (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).
E. Williams, Mysteries of the Night: The Owl in Magic and Folklore (Boston: Beacon Press, 2005).
F. Mitchell, Esoteric Symbols: The Role of the Owl in Dark and Light Traditions (San Francisco: Weiser Books, 2012).
G. Brown, Owl Symbolism: From Ancient Greece to Modern Occultism (Los Angeles: Red Wheel/Weiser, 2008).
H. Green, The Owl: A Study of Its Occult Significance and Symbolism (Philadelphia: Inner Traditions, 2010).
I. Turner, Divination and the Night: The Owl's Role in Spiritual Insight (New York: Penguin Books, 2006).
J. Brownell, Owl Wisdom: The Symbolic and Mystical Meaning of the Owl in Esoteric Practices (London: Watkins Publishing, 2014).

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