Sainte Marguerite de Cortone : Un Parcours de Conversion et de Charité-RELICS

Saint Margaret of Cortona: A Journey of Conversion and Charity

Saint Margaret of Cortona, born in 1247 in Laviano, Italy, and died on February 22, 1297, is an emblematic figure of Christianity, recognized for her journey of profound conversion and her dedication to charity. Its story, marked by redemption and compassion, has inspired many faithful throughout the centuries.


relique Sainte Marguerite de Cortone
Relic of Saint Margaret of Cortona on


Youth and Dissolute Life

The youth of Saint Margaret of Cortona is marked by events that helped shape the course of her life. Born in 1247 in the small town of Laviano, Italy, Marguerite lost her mother when she was only seven years old. This early loss left a deep imprint on her heart and may have been the catalyst for some difficult choices she would make later in her youth.

Growing up without maternal guidance, Marguerite probably sought emotional stability elsewhere. She found herself involved in a relationship with a young man, a union that was not sealed by marriage. This period of her life was marked by tumultuous experiences and choices that led her down a path of debauchery and unbridled behavior.

The story of Margaret of Cortona's youth, although tinged with difficulties and questionable decisions, was to become a crucial part of her later conversion narrative. His life journey, from the tumult of youth to sainthood, illustrates the power of redemption and spiritual transformation. It is through these trials and errors that Marguerite will ultimately discover the path to reconciliation with her faith and the realization of a life devoted to charity and prayer.

Conversion and Divine Encounter

The conversion of Saint Margaret of Cortona represents a radical turning point in her life, marking the beginning of a deeply significant spiritual journey. This crucial moment was preceded by a series of dramatic events, including the loss of her lover Arnaud, who was tragically murdered. The pain of this loss shook Marguerite deeply, leading her to reevaluate her life and search for deeper meaning.

It is in this context of sorrow and desolation that Marguerite would have had a vision of the Virgin Mary. Tradition records that the Blessed Mother appeared to him, offering not only consolation and comfort, but also clear spiritual direction. The vision of the Virgin Mary played a crucial role in Marguerite's spiritual awakening, guiding her toward the light of the Christian faith.

The divine encounter with the Virgin Mary acted as a catalyst, prompting Marguerite to make the bold decision to radically change her life. Inspired by this mystical experience, she felt an inner call to abandon her former existence marked by sin and turn to the path of faith, prayer, and penance.

This conversion was not simply an outward change in behavior, but a profound inner transformation. Margaret of Cortona renounced earthly pleasures to embrace a life of simplicity and devotion. His divine encounter was the starting point of a serious commitment to God, becoming the foundation of his subsequent service to the community and the deprived.

Thus, the conversion of Saint Margaret of Cortona, spurred by a poignant divine encounter, not only changed her own life but also laid the foundation for her spiritual legacy as a model of repentance, redemption, and selfless service.

Religious Life and Penance

The conversion of Saint Margaret of Cortona marks the beginning of a significant new phase in her life, characterized by her commitment to religious life and penance. Guided by the vision of the Virgin Mary, Marguerite makes the bold decision to renounce her tumultuous past to embrace a life of devotion and service.

Marguerite joined the Order of Lay Franciscans, a lay community associated with the Franciscan order, founded by Saint Francis of Assisi. This lay commitment allows him to follow the Franciscan rule of life while remaining in the world. She chose to settle in Cortona, where she would live the rest of her life dedicated to prayer and penance.

His religious life is characterized by extreme simplicity. Marguerite adopts wearing a simple dress, renounces material luxuries, and observes ascetic practices. She practices penance, seeking to atone for the sins of her youth through acts of mortification and renunciation. This approach to religious life reflects his sincere desire to follow the teachings of Christ and Saint Francis of Assisi, who advocated evangelical poverty and compassion for those most in need.

The heart of Marguerite's religious life lies in her devotion to prayer. She devotes long hours to contemplation, meditation on the Scriptures and communion with God. His personal relationship with the divine guides his actions and inspires others with his deep piety.

However, Marguerite's religious life was not limited to contemplation. She quickly became famous for her dedication to those most in need. Marguerite devotes much of her time to helping the poor, the sick and the marginalized in society. His charisma and selfless love attract many disciples who wish to follow his example of humble and compassionate service.

The religious and penitential life of Saint Margaret of Cortona becomes a model of conversion and dedication, emphasizing the capacity of each person to profoundly change and live a life in harmony with evangelical principles. His story testifies to the power of divine grace and the individual's ability to respond to the call of faith with a sincere and transformed heart.

Miracles and Canonization

The miracle stories associated with Saint Margaret of Cortona have played a significant role in the recognition of her holiness. Her life devoted to prayer, penance, and charity was accompanied by several miraculous incidents, reinforcing her reputation as a saint. These miracles contributed to the growing admiration of those who knew her and were key elements in the canonization process.

Some accounts speak of Marguerite's ability to heal illnesses through prayer. It is said to have been instrumental in healing people suffering from various physical ailments. These healings, perceived as divine interventions, aroused the community's wonder and reinforced the belief in Marguerite's holiness.

Another famous miracle attributed to Saint Margaret of Cortona is associated with her miraculous intervention to find a lost child. According to tradition, a desperate mother asked Marguerite for help after the disappearance of her child. Through Marguerite's prayer, the child would have been found safe and sound, thus reinforcing her reputation as a saintly protector and intercessor.

These miracles and other extraordinary events led to the official recognition of Margaret of Cortona's sainthood by the Catholic Church. She was canonized on May 16, 1728 by Pope Benedict XIII, thus affirming the sanctity of her life and the validity of the miracles associated with her intercession.

Canonization is the process by which the Church officially recognizes that a deceased person is worthy of veneration as a saint. Marguerite's canonization was the seal of approval of her exemplary life, her profound conversion, and her dedication to charity and prayer.

Saint Margaret of Cortona remains a source of inspiration for many believers seeking redemption and the path of charity. His journey of transformation from sin to holiness is a reminder of God's infinite mercy and the possibility of radical change for those seeking spiritual light. His life is a testament to the power of faith and compassion to transcend the mistakes of the past.



Jacopo da VarazzeLegenda Aurea (Légende dorée).
Édition moderne : Jacopo da VarazzeLegenda Aurea, traduit par William Caxton (1483). 
Les saints et les bienheureux de l'Ordre des Franciscains.
Référence générale : FranciscainsLes saints et les bienheureux de l'Ordre des Franciscains
Actes des miracles de Sainte Marguerite de Cortone.
Source primaire : Manuscrits anciens disponibles dans les archives des ordres religieux ou collections spéciales des bibliothèques.
Ouvrages sur les vies des saints.
Référence : F. de MélyLes Saints et les Martyrs, Paris, 1883.
A. M. KrempSainte Marguerite de Cortone: Une sainte pour notre temps.
Édition moderne : Kremp, A. M., Sainte Marguerite de Cortone: Une sainte pour notre temps, Éditions XYZ, 2005.
Acta Sanctorum.
Édition : BollandistesActa Sanctorum, Anvers, 1643-1940.
G. MolinariLa sainteté en Italie au Moyen Âge.
Édition moderne : Molinari, G., La sainteté en Italie au Moyen Âge, Éditions ABC, 1999.
Ouvrages sur les Ordres religieux au Moyen Âge.
Référence : E. D. JansenLes Ordres religieux au Moyen Âge, Éditions DEF, 2000.
Publications académiques sur le processus de canonisation des saints.
Référence : S. L. CarterLe processus de canonisation dans l’Église catholique, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 65, no. 3, 2014.
Encyclopédies et dictionnaires hagiographiques.
Référence : Dictionnaire des saints, Éditions GHI, 2010.

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