Saint Symphorien : Un Martyr de la Foi et un Témoin du Christianisme Primitif-RELICS

Saint Symphorien: A Martyr of the Faith and a Witness to Primitive Christianity

Saint Symphorien, whose name means "bearer of consolation" in Greek, is a Christian saint venerated for his testimony of faith and his martyrdom in the early 3rd century. His life, although relatively poorly documented, is celebrated in the Catholic and Orthodox liturgical calendar, leaving a lasting spiritual imprint.

relic of Saint Symphorien
Reliquary containing a relic of Saint Symphorien on


Youth and Conversion

Symphorien was born in Autun, in Roman Gaul, towards the end of the 2nd century. Coming from a wealthy pagan family, he would have been raised in respect of Roman traditions and deities. However, his life took a turning point when he met Christians and was deeply touched by their faith.

Under the influence of Christian teachings, Symphorien decided to convert to Christianity, thereby causing discontent among his family and the surrounding society. His conversion testifies to the transformative power of the Christian faith even in hostile cultural and social contexts.

Martyrdom for the Faith

The period in which Symphorien lived was marked by sporadic persecutions against Christians during the reign of the Roman emperor Septimius Severus. Symphorien, faithful to his new faith, refused to participate in pagan rites and attracted the attention of local authorities.

Symphorien was arrested and brought to justice. In court, he did not renounce his faith, affirming his belief in Jesus Christ with unwavering firmness. His refusal to sacrifice to the Roman gods led to his death sentence, marking the beginning of his martyrdom.

Death and Legacy

Symphorien's martyrdom is generally associated with the cruel method of beheading, a common practice for capital punishment at the time. According to tradition, Symphorien was beheaded on the road from Autun to Langres, thus marking the site of his torture.

Symphorien's death was not in vain. On the contrary, she inspired other Christians in the region, strengthening the emerging Christian community despite persecution. His martyrdom became a powerful testimony to the strength of faith in the face of oppression, and he has been celebrated as a martyr and saint ever since.

Worship and Recognition

The cult of Saint Symphorien has developed over the centuries. Autun, his hometown, was the main place of his veneration. A basilica dedicated to Symphorien was erected in Autun in the 5th century, marking the growing importance of his legacy in local spirituality.

August 22, the traditional feast day of Saint Symphorien, is an opportunity for the faithful to remember his courage and devotion. His life and martyrdom continue to inspire believers to persevere in their faith, even in the face of adversity.


The life of Saint Symphorien embodies the strength and perseverance of a young man who chose to follow his Christian faith despite social pressures and threats of persecution. His martyrdom left a significant spiritual legacy, reminding believers of the importance of remaining true to their beliefs, even in difficult times. The annual celebration of his life offers Christians the opportunity to be inspired by his example and renew their commitment to their faith.



Jacques de Voragine. La Légende dorée. Édition originale du XIIIe siècle, de nombreuses rééditions disponibles, notamment : Gallimard, collection "Folio classique", Paris, 2004.
Godescard, Abbé Jean-François. Vies des Pères, des martyrs et des autres principaux saints. Nouvelle édition revue et corrigée, tome IV, Librairie Poussielgue Frères, Paris, 1876.
Société des Bollandistes. Acta Sanctorum. Août II, jour 22 : De S. Symphoriano Martyre Augustoduni in Gallia, Société des Bollandistes, Bruxelles, 1868.

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