Saint Pérégrin: La Vie d'un Saint Guérisseur-RELICS

Saint Peregrine: The Life of a Holy Healer

Saint Peregrine is one of the most venerated saints in the Christian tradition, particularly within the Catholic Church. Born around 1260 in Forlì, Italy, Pérégrin Laziosi led a life marked by faith, compassion and miracles. His devotion to God and commitment to the underprivileged left a lasting legacy that still inspires many devotees across the world today.

Youth and Conversion

Saint Peregrine's youth was marked by circumstances which seemed to destin him for a path very different from that which would become his own. Born into a wealthy family in Forlì, Italy, Pérégrin grew up in an environment where material comforts were abundant. However, behind this facade of privilege hid a young man plagued by inner struggles and harmful influences.

From a young age, Peregrine was exposed to negative influences which sowed the seeds of rebellion within him. He was attracted to notorious anti-clerical circles which advocated ideas hostile to the Catholic Church of the time. Involved in these protesting environments, he adopted a rebellious and disdainful behavior towards the religious and moral values ​​which had permeated his education.

However, despite his unconventional choices and his life on the margins of social norms, Pérégrin's destiny took a radical turn that would change his life forever. This crucial moment came when he had the opportunity to attend a preaching by Saint Philip Bénizi , a charismatic Franciscan whose words resonated deeply within him.

The meeting with Saint Philippe Bénizi was a real catalyst in the life of Peregrin. Through the inspiring words and luminous presence of this holy man, Peregrin was touched to the depths of his being. A spiritual illumination took hold of him, lighting the path to his conversion. Guided by a powerful inner strength and a new conviction, Peregrine abandoned the darkness of his past to embrace the light of the Catholic faith.

Peregrin's conversion was not just a change of religious beliefs, but a total transformation of his life. He renounced his former affiliations and rebellious lifestyle to follow a path of piety, humility and service. His meeting with Saint Philippe Bénizi was the starting point of a new spiritual adventure, marked by a deep commitment to God and a sincere devotion to the teachings of the Church.

Thus, the tumultuous youth of Saint Peregrine was transcended by an act of grace and redemption which led him on the path to holiness. His conversion is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the ability of everyone to find light even in the darkest moments of their lives.

The Franciscan Vocation

After his conversion, Saint Peregrine felt deeply called to live a life of holiness and service according to the principles of Franciscan spirituality. Inspired by the teachings and example of Saint Francis of Assisi , Peregrin made the courageous decision to join the order of the Friars Minor, also known as the Franciscan order.

This choice marked a decisive turning point in Pérégrin's life. He voluntarily renounced his life of privilege and material comfort to embrace the path of poverty, chastity and obedience, the three fundamental vows of the Franciscan order. By abandoning his wealth and possessions, he followed the radical example of Saint Francis, who advocated a simple and spare life dedicated to God and to the service of the most deprived.

From then on, the life of Peregrine became a living testimony of Franciscan spirituality. He lived in monastic communities where fervent prayer, meditation and work were at the heart of each day. His existence was marked by a deep communion with God and an ardent desire to live according to the precepts of the Gospel.

However, what particularly distinguished Peregrin within the Franciscan order was his unwavering devotion to the sick and afflicted. Driven by a compassionate love for his fellow human beings, he devoted much of his time to caring for the sick and relieving the suffering of the poor and the marginalized. His comforting presence and faith-filled prayers were for many a source of comfort and hope in times of distress.

Peregrin used his faith and prayers as instruments of healing, firmly believing in the divine power to relieve afflictions of body and soul. Many accounts from the time testify to miracles of healing attributed to his intercession, where desperate sick people were restored to health after being touched by his grace or after receiving his prayers.

Thus, the Franciscan vocation of Saint Peregrine was a living manifestation of his commitment to God and to his brothers and sisters in need. His exemplary life continues to inspire the faithful throughout the ages, recalling the beauty and power of living a life of faith, compassion and selfless service.

Miracles and Healing

Accounts of miracles and healings attributed to Saint Peregrine played a central role in spreading his reputation as a holy healer and sparked a deep surge of devotion among the faithful. Through these prodigious acts, Saint Peregrine was recognized as an instrument of divine grace, capable of bringing relief and healing to the sick and afflicted.

Among the many miracles attributed to Saint Peregrine, some of the most remarkable concern the healing of incurable illnesses and serious injuries. Historical accounts tell of people suffering from advanced cancers, disfigured lepers, or even irreversible paralysis who found healing after invoking the intercession of Saint Peregrine.

These miraculous healings were often associated with acts of faith and deep devotion to the saint. Pilgrims afflicted with serious illnesses came in large numbers to his shrine, praying fervently before his relics or seeking to be touched by his grace. In many cases, these supplications were followed by spectacular healings, confirming Saint Peregrine's reputation as a powerful intercessor with God.

Reports of miraculous healings spread quickly, attracting the attention of devotees in all regions. Saint Peregrine's fame as a holy healer thus spread far beyond the borders of his birthplace, and many pilgrims came from far and wide to implore his help and seek comfort and hope in their trials.

In addition to physical healings, the miracles attributed to Saint Peregrine also touched the hearts and souls of the faithful. Accounts testify of radical conversions, family reconciliations and other spiritual transformations that took place through his intercession. These spiritual miracles strengthened the believers' belief in the power of prayer and the importance of faith in their daily lives.

Thus, the miracles and healings associated with Saint Peregrine played a crucial role in spreading his devotion and reinforced the faith of the faithful in his holiness. His legacy as a holy healer continues to inspire and transform the lives of those who turn to him in hope and trust in his powerful divine intercession.

The Fight Against Cancer

Saint Peregrine's association with the fight against cancer is deeply rooted in a poignant story that speaks to his own experience with this devastating disease. According to tradition, Saint Peregrine was affected by cancer in his foot, a painful and potentially fatal condition at a time when medical treatment was limited. Faced with this ordeal, instead of succumbing to despair or bitterness, he would have chosen to transform his suffering into an act of faith and offering to God.

Faced with the prospect of illness and pain, Saint Peregrine would have drawn unwavering inner strength from his faith. Instead of allowing himself to be consumed by despair, he would have offered his suffering as a sacrifice to God, thus testifying to his trust in divine providence even in the midst of adversity. This attitude of resilience and dedication to God would have been rewarded with a miracle of healing, where his cancer would have been miraculously defeated.

This captivating story of divine healing has inspired thousands of people affected by the scourge of cancer throughout the ages. Saint Peregrine has become a figure of hope and comfort for those battling this merciless disease. Many believers see him as a model of courage, faith and perseverance in life's darkest moments.

Due to his history associated with the fight against cancer, Saint Peregrine has become the patron saint of people suffering from this disease. Many churches and charities around the world bear his name in recognition of his role as protector against cancer and in tribute to his miraculous intercession on behalf of the sick. The faithful regularly pray to Saint Peregrine for help and guidance in their own battle with cancer, seeking comfort and hope in the belief that even in the most difficult times, divine grace can bring healing and redemption.

Thus, the fight against cancer has become an essential component of devotion to Saint Peregrine, and his example continues to inspire admiration and inspiration among those who seek comfort and hope in the face of this devastating disease.

Death and Legacy

The death of Saint Peregrine on May 1, 1345 was a significant event which aroused a profound outpouring of mourning among the faithful of his time. At the age of approximately 85, after a life dedicated to the service of God and his fellow men, Saint Peregrine left this earthly world to join the celestial kingdom. His passing left an immense void in the hearts of those who had known and loved him, but his spiritual legacy continued to shine well beyond his physical death.

The expressions of mourning which accompanied the death of Saint Peregrin were numerous and poignant. Faithful from across the region came to pay homage to this holy man who had touched so many lives with his compassion, devotion and miracles. Churches resounded with prayers and dirges, while people from towns and villages gathered to share their grief and gratitude for the exemplary life of Saint Peregrine.

After his death, the tomb of Saint Peregrine quickly became a place of pilgrimage and devotion. The faithful came in large numbers to worship at his tomb, seeking comfort, hope and healing in prayer and meditation. Saint Peregrine's reputation as a holy healer had already attracted many pilgrims during his lifetime, but after his death, his shrine became an even more sacred place, where the sick came to implore his intercession in their fight against illness and suffering. .

Over the centuries, the Sanctuary of Saint Peregrine has become a renowned place of pilgrimage, attracting devotees from all parts of the world. Churches and chapels were erected in his honor, and numerous works of charity and assistance to the sick were founded in his memory. His spiritual legacy continued to transcend borders and times, inspiring generations of followers to follow his example of faith, compassion and devotion to God and their fellow human beings.

Thus, the death of Saint Peregrine did not mark the end of his influence, but rather the beginning of an enduring spiritual legacy that continues to inspire and transform the lives of those who turn to him in hope and trust in his powerful divine intercession.

Veneration and Canonization

After his death, the cult of Saint Peregrine spread rapidly throughout the regions where he had lived and served, attracting multitudes of followers who venerated his holiness and invoked his intercession in their prayers. His reputation as a holy healer and protector of the sick helped to strengthen his cult, and many faithful came to seek comfort and hope from him in their times of distress.

The Catholic Church officially recognized the sainthood of Peregrin by canonizing him in 1726, under the pontificate of Pope Benedict XIII. This canonization formalized his status as a saint recognized by the Church and confirmed the legitimacy of his cult. His feast day, May 1, the anniversary of his death, was established as an occasion of celebration and devotion in many churches around the world.

Every year, thousands of faithful make pilgrimages to his shrines to honor his memory and seek his intercession in their trials and illnesses. The sanctuaries dedicated to Saint Peregrine became places of gathering and prayer, where the faithful came to place their burdens and their supplications at the feet of the holy healer. The miracles and testimonies of graces obtained through his intercession continued to strengthen the faith of pilgrims and attract new followers to his devotion.

Veneration of Saint Peregrine also spread beyond the borders of the Catholic Church, reaching people of different Christian denominations as well as people of other religious traditions who recognized in him a model of holiness and universal compassion. His spiritual legacy continues to transcend religious and cultural divides, inspiring millions around the world to follow his example of faith, courage and selfless service to God and their fellow human beings.

Thus, the veneration of Saint Peregrine testifies to the enduring power of his holiness and his profound impact on the spiritual lives of many people throughout the ages. His devotion continues to offer comfort, hope and healing to those who turn to him with faith and devotion, making him a beloved intercessor and source of inspiration to all who seek divine grace in their times of need .


The life of Saint Peregrine is a powerful testimony to the power of faith, prayer and compassion. His example continues to inspire millions of people around the world, especially those battling illness and serious illnesses. As a holy healer and protector of those affected by cancer, Saint Peregrine remains a source of comfort and hope for all who face medical and spiritual challenges in their lives.




  • Santi, Enrico, La Vita di San Pellegrino Laziosi: Il Santo Patrono dei Malati di Cancro (Forlì: Edizioni Forlì, 1985).
  • Giorgi, Alberto, Saint Pérégrin: La Vie et les Miracles d'un Saint Guérisseur (Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000).
  • Lazzarini, Giulia, La Spiritualité Franciscane de Saint Pérégrin: Entre Vie et Miracles (Milan: Rizzoli, 2010).
  • Cantarella, Francesca, Saint Pérégrin et les Miracles de Guérison: Histoire et Tradition (Bologne: Casa Editrice Bolognese, 2015).
  • Rey, Jacques, La Vénération des Saints: Cas de Saint Pérégrin Laziosi (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2008).
  • Simonetti, Paolo, Saint Pérégrin: Patron des Malades de Cancer et des Affligés (Turin: Edizioni San Paolo, 2013).
  • Biancardi, Maria, Les Vies des Saints: Saint Pérégrin Laziosi et Son Héritage (Naples: Edizioni Vesuvio, 2020).

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