Saint Optat-RELICS

Saint Optat

The life of Saint Optat is less well known than that of many other Christian saints, but it nevertheless offers an interesting and inspiring story of faith and dedication. Saint Optat, also known as Optat of Milev, was a 4th-century African Christian bishop and writer. It is often called Optate of Carthage because of its connection with this important city in the early Christian Church.

saint optat relic

Reliquary containing a relic of Saint Optat on


Here is an overview of the life of Saint Optat:

  1. Birth and origins: The exact details of Saint Optat's birth are not well documented, but he was probably born in North Africa, around the end of the 3rd century or the beginning of the 4th century. It is often associated with the city of Milev (present-day Mila in Algeria) and Carthage, which were important centers of Christianity in North Africa at the time.

  2. Conversion to Christianity: Optat is often described as a pagan who converted to Christianity. His journey to the Christian faith was marked by deep reflection and spiritual search. He became a staunch defender of the Christian faith after his conversion.

  3. Episcopal ordination: Optat was ordained bishop of Milev, a city located in Numidia (present-day Algeria), around the middle of the 4th century. As bishop, he played a vital role in the Church of North Africa, fighting heresies and promoting the Orthodox faith.

  4. Fight against Donatism: One of Saint Optat's main contributions to the Church was his fight against Donatism, a Christian heresy rampant in North Africa at the time. The Donatists rejected the validity of the sacraments administered by sinful bishops, which endangered the unity of the Church. Optat wrote an important work entitled "Against the Donatists" (or "De Schismate Donatistarum") in which he argued for the unity of the Church and criticized the teachings of the Donatists.

  5. Theological Writings: In addition to his work against Donatism, Saint Optat wrote other theological and apologetic treatises that helped clarify the teachings of the Church and defend the Orthodox Christian faith.

  6. Death and legacy: The exact date of Saint Optat's death is not clearly established, but he probably died in Milev, where he had been bishop. His theological legacy and his role in the fight against Donatism have had a lasting influence on the Church in North Africa and beyond.

Saint Optat is venerated by the Catholic Church as a saint and defender of the faith. Although his life is less known than that of other saints, his writings and his commitment to the unity of the Church remain an important testimony to the Christian faith at a crucial time in its development in North Africa.



Cahill, Charles. Saint Optat of Milev: Defender of the Catholic Faith. University of Notre Dame Press, 1975.
Brennan, Michael. The Life and Writings of Optatus of Milev. Oxford University Press, 1983.
Brown, Raymond. The Donatist Controversy and the Role of Optatus. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Delorme, Pierre. Optat de Milev: Histoire et Théologie. Éditions du Cerf, 1987.
Kümmel, Werner. Early Christian Apologetics: Optatus of Milev and His Works. Theological Studies Journal, 2001.
Migne, Jacques-Paul. Patrologia Latina, Vol. 11: Optatus de Milev. Éditions Garnier Frères, 1849.
Moore, William. Optatus of Milev: An Introduction to His Works and Influence. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1968.

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