Saint Léon le Grand : Le Pape qui a forgé la Doctrine de l'Incarnation-RELICS

Saint Leo the Great: The Pope who forged the Doctrine of the Incarnation

Saint Leo the Great, also known as Leo I, was one of the most prominent figures in the Catholic Church in the 5th century. As pope from 440 to 461, his pontificate was marked by crucial political, theological and pastoral challenges for the Church.

Youth and Rise to Power

Born in Tuscany around 400, Leo was an educated and pious man. His rise in the hierarchy of the Church was rapid, and he was elected pope in 440. His pontificate coincided with a tumultuous period in history, marked by barbarian invasions, the fall of the Roman Empire of West, and deep theological conflicts.

The Council of Chalcedon

One of the most significant moments of Leo's pontificate was his defense of the Catholic faith at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. Faced with the rise of Monophysitism, a heresy which asserted that Christ had only one nature divine, Leo played a central role in defining the doctrine of the Incarnation.

His famous "Tome to Flavian" was a letter addressed to the Archbishop of Constantinople, in which he outlined the Church's view of the nature of Christ. According to Leo, Christ is both fully divine and fully human, without confusion of natures. This document was adopted by the Council and became a fundamental text in Catholic Christology.

Leo the Great and Attila the Hun

In addition to his theological contributions, Leo also played a crucial diplomatic role. In 452, when meeting with Attila the Hun, leader of the Huns, Leo managed to persuade Attila not to attack Rome, thus saving the city from possible destruction. This success earned Léon the nickname "Great" and strengthened his political influence.

Leo and the Papal Primacy

Leo the Great also helped strengthen the primacy of the pope. In his letters he asserted the authority of the See of Peter and the responsibility of the Pope as the successor of Saint Peter. This vision of papal primacy had important repercussions in the subsequent development of the papacy.

Legacy and Canonization

Saint Leo the Great is recognized as one of the greatest popes in the history of the Church. His influence on Christian theology, particularly on Christology, remains significant. His feast day, November 10, recalls his legacy and his impact on the Church.


Saint Leo the Great left a lasting legacy by shaping the doctrine of the Incarnation, defending the Catholic faith at crucial moments in history, and strengthening the pope's position in the Church. His life and teaching continue to inspire Christians around the world and contribute to the understanding of the Christian faith.





  • Bouyer, Louis. Le Mystère chrétien. Paris : Éditions du Cerf, 1966.
  • De Montalembert, Charles. Les Moines d’Occident. Paris : Éditions Charpentier, 1854.
  • Gosselin, Pierre. Histoire des Reliques. Paris : Éditions Desclée de Brouwer, 2000.
  • Vermeersch, Auguste. Les Reliques et leur culte. Louvain : Éditions du Grand Séminaire, 1923.
  • La Croix, Edmond. Les Reliques dans l'Église catholique. Paris : Éditions Albin Michel, 1907.
  • Tertullien. De Corona. Édition critique, traduction et commentaires par Édouard des Places. Paris : Éditions du Cerf, 1955.

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