Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre-RELICS

Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre

Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre, born January 6, 1802 in Montgesty, in the Lot department in France, and died September 11, 1840 in Wuchang, China, is a French missionary priest canonized by the Catholic Church. His life is marked by his devotion to the Christian faith and his commitment as a missionary in China. Here is a detailed article about his life:


Reliquary containing a relic of Jean Gabriel Perboyre on


Youth and training Jean-Gabriel Perboyre was born into a deeply religious peasant family. From an early age, he showed great interest in the Catholic faith. At the age of 16, he entered the seminary of Montauban to pursue studies with a view to becoming a priest. He quickly distinguished himself by his religious zeal, his piety and his desire to serve God.

Missionary vocation After being ordained a priest in 1826, Jean-Gabriel Perboyre decided to answer the call to the mission in China. He joined the Congregation of the Mission, also known as the Vincentians, which was a religious community devoted to missions abroad. In 1835, he left for China, despite the challenges and dangers inherent in serving in a foreign country.

Mission in China Upon his arrival in China, Perboyre devoted himself to spreading the Christian faith among the local population. He works in the province of Hubei, where he shows great dedication to the people he meets. He quickly mastered the Chinese language to be able to communicate better with the Chinese.

However, the situation for Catholic missionaries in China was difficult at the time. They often faced persecution and government restrictions. Perboyre had to practice his faith clandestinely and demonstrate courage in the face of threats and difficulties.

Arrest and martyrdom In 1839, Jean-Gabriel Perboyre was arrested by the Chinese authorities on false accusations. He is subjected to interrogation and torture to force him to renounce his Catholic faith, but he remains faithful to his religious beliefs. Despite the persecutions, he continued to comfort his fellow prisoners and to pray for the conversion of his persecutors.

On September 11, 1840, after an unfair trial, Jean-Gabriel Perboyre was sentenced to death by strangulation. He died as a martyr, affirming his faith until his last breath. His body is publicly displayed as an example, but his last words and his courage impress those who witness his execution.

Canonization Jean-Gabriel Perboyre was beatified in 1889 by Pope Leo XIII and canonized in 1996 by Pope John Paul II. He is revered as an example of unwavering faith and missionary dedication. His liturgical feast is celebrated on September 11, the date of his martyrdom.

The life of Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre is a testimony of faith, dedication and courage in the accomplishment of the Christian mission, despite obstacles and persecution. He continues to inspire believers around the world and serve as a reminder of the importance of perseverance in faith.



Caron, Pierre. Jean-Gabriel Perboyre: Martyr et Missionnaire en Chine. Éditions du Signe, 1996.
Dulaurier, Eugène. La Vie de Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre. Librairie Victor Lecoffre, 1888.
Meyer, Maurice. Les Martyrs du XIXe Siècle: Jean-Gabriel Perboyre. Éditions du Cerf, 2002.
Papin, Albert. Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre: Prêtre et Missionnaire. Éditions du Cœur Immaculé, 2005.
Olivier, Jean-Pierre. Saints et Martyrs: Jean-Gabriel Perboyre. Éditions de l’Atelier, 2010.
Patrologia Orientalis. Les Actes des Martyrs Chinois. Éditions de Migne, 1906.
Vignal, Joseph. Les Missionnaires du XIXe Siècle: Témoignages et Sainteté. Éditions Nouvelle Cité, 1999.

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