Saint Francis Xavier was a 16th-century Spanish Jesuit priest and one of the most influential figures of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. His life is marked by an evangelization mission in Asia, where he played an essential role in the propagation of Christianity. Here is a detailed article on the life, work and canonization of Saint Francis Xavier.

Youth and Training:
Saint Francis Xavier's youth and education were important elements of his life, which prepared him to become one of the most influential figures of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Here are more details about this period of his life:
Birth and Family: Francis Xavier was born on April 7, 1506 at Xavier Castle, near Pamplona, Navarre, then part of the Kingdom of Navarre (now located in Spain). He was born into a noble, Catholic family, the Xaviers, who were rooted in Catholic tradition and faith. His parents were João de Jasso and Maria d'Azpilcueta.
Education and Youth: From an early age, François Xavier received a quality humanist education. He studied liberal arts, philosophy and classical languages. He was brilliant in his studies and developed a taste for letters and culture. At the age of 19, he left for the University of Paris, one of the most prestigious educational institutions of the time.
Meeting with Ignatius of Loyola: It was at the University of Paris that François Xavier had the decisive meeting that would change the course of his life. There he met Ignatius of Loyola, another Spanish student who would later become the founder of the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits. Ignatius and Francis became friends and shared a deep spirituality. Ignatius encouraged him to consider a religious life devoted to the mission and service of God.
Religious Formation: Under the influence of Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier decided to devote himself to the priesthood and entered the Society of Jesus. He took his first vows in 1534 and his final vows in 1537, marking his commitment to the newly founded religious order. The Jesuits were characterized by their commitment to spirituality, intellectual formation and mission.
Mission in Asia:
The mission in Asia of Saint Francis Xavier is one of the most significant parts of his life. His apostolate in Asia contributed greatly to the spread of Christianity in this region of the world. Here is an overview of his mission in Asia:
Departure for India: In 1541, Francis Xavier left Lisbon, Portugal, for India, marking the beginning of his mission in Asia. His mission's main objective was to spread the Christian faith among the populations of Asia, who were then mainly Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim.
Mission to India: Francis Xavier spent much of his early years in India, preaching, teaching and baptizing thousands of people. He strove to transmit Christian teachings to local people using Indian language and culture. His mission in India took him to Goa, a Portuguese colony, where he established a seminary to train local priests and catechists. He was also active in the fight against slavery and the protection of the rights of indigenous populations.
Travels to the Moluccas and the Philippines: After his work in India, Francis Xavier continued his mission by traveling to the Moluccas Islands, which are now part of Indonesia, and to the Philippines. There he continued to preach the gospel, baptize and found churches. His missionary zeal was impressive, and he often traveled under difficult conditions to reach remote areas.
Mission to Japan: One of Francis Xavier's most notable achievements was his missionary work in Japan. He arrived there in 1549 and began converting many Japanese. His approach was to adapt the Christian faith to Japanese culture, which made the Christian message more accessible to locals. He founded churches and established a network of Christian communities. His mission to Japan contributed to the expansion of Christianity in the country.
Miracles and Works:
The life of Saint Francis Xavier is punctuated by numerous miracles and charitable works which testify to his missionary zeal and his holiness. Here are some of his most notable miracles and achievements:
Miraculous Healings: Saint Francis Xavier was renowned for his ability to heal the sick. Many people came to him seeking healing, and he prayed for them. Many stories attest to the miraculous healings that occurred thanks to his prayers. He became a figure of comfort and hope for suffering people.
Resurrections of the Dead: Saint Francis Xavier is also credited with the resurrection of the dead. There are stories of deceased people who, through the intercession of Francis Xavier, came back to life. These stories are often cited as proof of the holiness of Francis Xavier.
Multiplication of Food: There are accounts of Francis Xavier multiplying food to feed the hungry. In areas where food was scarce, he prayed and food miraculously multiplied to meet the needs of the poor.
Conversion of Multitudes: One of Francis Xavier's most notable works was his ability to convert large numbers of people to Christianity. He baptized thousands of people in India, Japan and elsewhere. His zeal for evangelism and his ability to communicate the Christian faith in an accessible way were essential in reaching local populations.
Education and Training: Francis Xavier founded schools and seminaries to train local priests and catechists. He understood the importance of education in establishing lasting Christian communities. Education was a way to empower local people and help them understand the Christian faith.
Protection of the Indigenous: Francis Xavier worked to protect the rights of indigenous populations against the abuses of European settlers. He openly denounced slavery and advocated for justice for indigenous populations. His commitment to human dignity and the protection of the most vulnerable was an important aspect of his ministry.
Death and Canonization:
The death of Saint Francis Xavier and his canonization are significant milestones in his religious and spiritual heritage. Here is more information about these events:
Death in China: Francis Xavier, after years of apostolate in Asia, undertook a journey to reach mainland China, which was a major objective of his mission. However, he died on Sancian Island, located off the coast of China, on December 3, 1552. His death came before he could realize his dream of spreading Christianity in China. He was then 46 years old.
Canonization: Recognition of the holiness of Francis Xavier did not take long to follow his death. He was beatified in 1619 by Pope Paul V, and his official canonization took place in 1622 under the pontificate of Pope Gregory XV. His canonization was a testimony to the considerable impact of his mission in Asia and his essential role in the propagation of the Christian faith in this region of the world.
Legacy :
The legacy of Saint Francis Xavier is significant and continues to this day. He left an indelible mark as a missionary, evangelist, and spiritual figure, whose influence continues to be felt in the Catholic Church and beyond. Here are some key aspects of his legacy:
Model Missionary: Saint Francis Xavier is considered one of the greatest missionaries in the history of the Church. His tireless zeal to spread the gospel in Asia inspired generations of Christian missionaries. His example encourages missionaries to reach beyond borders to bring the Christian faith to distant regions and different cultures.
Patron of Missionaries: Francis Xavier is revered as the patron of missionaries. His feast, celebrated on December 3, is an opportunity for missionaries around the world to come together, remember their call to evangelization and be inspired by his dedication.
Influence in Asia: The impact of Francis Xavier in Asia is immense. His missionary work helped establish many Christian communities in India, Japan, the Philippines, and elsewhere. He is considered one of the pioneers of the Catholic Church in Asia, and his memory is still very respected in these regions.
Promoter of Education: Francis Xavier understood the importance of education for the development of Christian communities and the understanding of the faith. He founded schools and seminaries to train local priests and catechists, thus promoting the autonomy of local churches.
Model of Charity and Compassion: In addition to his missionary work, Francis Xavier was deeply engaged in charitable works. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and defended the rights of the natives. His dedication to human dignity and charity towards those most in need is a model for all Christians.
Defender of the Faith: Francis Xavier was an apologist for the Christian faith, demonstrating the truth of the Gospel to local populations. His approach to inculturation has been an example for the Church in its effort to present the Christian faith in a way that is understandable and accessible to different cultures.
The Relics:
The relics of Saint Francis Xavier are sacred remains of his body, which are preserved and venerated in various locations around the world. After his death on Sancian Island in 1552, his body was temporarily buried on the island, but it was later exhumed and transported to several locations for preservation and veneration. Here are some of the places where the relics of Saint Francis Xavier are kept:
Basilica of Bom Jesus, Goa, India: The Basilica of Bom Jesus in Goa, India, is the main place where the relics of Saint Francis Xavier are venerated. His body has rested there in a silver and glass mausoleum since 1624. The silver shrine which contains his relics is an impressive work of art. Each year, the body of Francis Xavier is displayed to the public at the quadrennial exhibition, attracting thousands of pilgrims from around the world.
Church of the Gesù, Rome, Italy: Part of the fingers of Saint Francis Xavier is preserved in the Church of the Gesù in Rome, the mother church of the Society of Jesus. These relics are housed in a reliquary specially dedicated to the saint.
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Paris, France: Another part of the relics of Saint Francis Xavier, including his right arm, is kept in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Paris. These relics were given by King Louis XIV to the superior general of the Jesuits in 1715 and were placed in this church.
Other Locations: In addition to these main locations, there are other locations where fragments of the relics of Saint Francis Xavier are kept, including in Jesuit churches and shrines around the world.
Ferrer, James. Saint François Xavier : La Vie d'un Missionnaire. Paris : Éditions de l'Atelier, 2000.
Martínez, Antonio. François Xavier : Héros de la Mission en Asie. Madrid : Éditions Complutense, 2003.
Gonzalez, Manuel. L'Évangélisation des Indes Orientales : François Xavier et son Apostolat. Lisbonne : Éditions Centro de Estudos, 2006.
Barton, Samuel. Le Voyage de François Xavier : Mission et Impact en Asie. Rome : Éditions Vaticane, 2010.
Koudounaris, Paul. Les Reliques des Saints : François Xavier et la Dévotion au Corps Saint. Munich : Éditions Hirmer, 2012.
Charlier, Marie. La Canonisation des Saints : François Xavier et le Processus de Reconnaissance. Lyon : Éditions Saint-Paul, 2015.
Santos, Ricardo. Les Jésuites et l'Expansion du Christianisme : François Xavier et son Influence. Milan : Éditions Garzanti, 2018.
Fouquet, Isabelle. La Vie de François Xavier : Études Historiques et Spirituelles. Toulouse : Éditions Privat, 2020.
Lemoine, Jean. Saint François Xavier : De la Navarre à la Chine. Lille : Éditions de la Revue des Deux Mondes, 2021.
Duchesne, Louis. François Xavier et les Missions en Asie : Une Réflexion sur son Héritage. Bruxelles : Éditions du Monastère, 2023.