Saint Augustin d'Hippone-RELICS

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Saint Augustine of Hippo is one of the most important and influential saints of the Catholic Church. He was born in North Africa in 354 and became one of the greatest Christian thinkers of all time. He is famous for his writings on faith, grace, redemption and the spiritual life. He is considered one of the Fathers of the Church and is canonized by the Catholic Church.

Saint Augustin d'Hippone


Saint Augustine was born into a pagan family and studied rhetoric and philosophy before converting to Christianity. He then studied the Bible and theology, becoming a priest and bishop of Hippo. He wrote many books on the Christian faith, the most famous of which is "The Confessions", which describes his spiritual life and his conversion to Christianity.

Saint Augustine also wrote many books on grace, redemption and the spiritual life. He taught that the grace of God is necessary for redemption and that the spiritual life is a continuous process of growth and maturation in faith. He also taught that prayer and meditation are important tools for drawing closer to God and becoming closer to him.

Relic of Saint Augustine at


Saint Augustine is also known for his teaching on the Trinity, the Christian doctrine that describes the nature of the relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He wrote many books on this doctrine, including "The Trinity" and "Sermons on the Trinity". He taught that God is an eternal spirit, which is both one and many, and that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct persons who share the same divine essence.

Saint Augustine died in 430 and was canonized by the Catholic Church. His life and teaching continue to inspire believers from all walks of life. His writings are still widely read and studied today and he is considered one of the greatest Christian thinkers of all time. He is celebrated as the patron saint of theologians and bishops.

The bones of Saint Augustine are considered therelics the most valuable. They are kept in the Basilica of Saint Augustine in Hippone, Algeria, where they are venerated by pilgrims who come from all over the world to visit them. The bones include fragments of his vertebrae, rib cage, ribs and limbs.

There are also somerelics of Saint Augustine which are found in other sacred places in the world. For example, the Basilica of Saint Augustine in Rome houses fragments of his bones and relics of his clothes. The Basilica of Saint Augustine in Pavia, Italy also has relics of his bones.

In addition to physical relics, there are also objects that have been symbolically associated with Saint Augustine. For example, a manuscript of his writings, such as "The Confessions" or "The Trinity", can be considered relics because they testify to his teaching and his thought.

The relics of Saint Augustine have been venerated for centuries and continue to be so today. Pilgrims who come to visit them believe that they bring them spiritual inspiration and divine blessing. Relics are also often used in religious ceremonies, such as masses and processions.


"Saint Augustin: Vie et Doctrine" par Pierre Brown. Éditions du Cerf, 2015.
"Les Confessions de Saint Augustin" traduit par Jean-Baptiste Chaignet. Éditions Flammarion, 2007.
"Augustin d'Hippone: De la Grâce à la Révélation" par Jean-François Mattei. Éditions du Seuil, 2008.
"Saint Augustin: L'Homme et l'Œuvre" par Louis Bouyer. Éditions Payot & Rivages, 1993.
"Saint Augustin: Le Docteur de la Grâce" par Robert Louis Wilken. Éditions Oxford University Press, 2010.
"Saint Augustin: Les Confessions et la Trinité" par Henri de Lubac. Éditions de la Table Ronde, 2009.
"Les Reliques de Saint Augustin: Histoire et Vénération" par Vincent J. Smith. Éditions du Patrimoine, 2012.
"La Basilique Saint-Augustin à Hippone: Histoire et Reliques" par Charles Bernard. Éditions Érasme, 2016.
"Les Reliques de Saint Augustin: Patrimoine et Dévotion" par Jérôme Prieur. Éditions de l'Université d'Alger, 2019.

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is it bone or cloth relic.

father cormier

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