Crispino da Viterbo / Crispin de Viterbe-RELICS

Crispino da Viterbo / Crispino de Viterbo

Crispino da Viterbo, also known as Crispin of Viterbo, was a 16th-century Italian Capuchin monk. His life and work are marked by his religious commitment, his piety and his reputation for holiness. In this article, we will explore his biography, spiritual legacy, and impact on the Catholic Church.


Relic of Saint Crispin of Viterbo on


Youth and vocation

Crispino was born as Pietro Fioretti on November 13, 1668 in Viterbo, a city located in the Lazio region of Italy. He grew up in a humble family and from an early age showed a deep interest in the spiritual life. At the age of 16, he joined the order of Friars Minor Capuchins, a branch of the Franciscan order characterized by an austere monastic life and a mission focused on prayer, poverty and service to others.

Religious life

Crispino da Viterbo was known for his life of exemplary piety. He devoted himself to prayer, meditation, and asceticism, seeking to live humbly and emulate the life of St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order. He was also known for his charity towards the poor and needy, distributing alms and providing aid to those in need.

Miracles and reputation for holiness

Crispino da Viterbo quickly acquired the reputation of a holy man with miraculous powers. It is said that he performed miraculous healings, prophecies and other wonders. His reputation spread quickly, attracting many followers who sought his spiritual guidance and blessing.


Relic of Saint Crispin of Viterbo on


Death and beatification

Crispino da Viterbo died on May 19, 1750 in Viterbo, at the age of 81. His death was followed by numerous testimonies of healings and graces obtained through his intercession, reinforcing his reputation for holiness. He was beatified by Pope Leo XIII on December 20, 1900.

The spiritual legacy of Crispino da Viterbo

The life of Crispino da Viterbo is an example of dedication to the Catholic faith and Franciscan spirituality. His humility, charity toward those in need, and spiritual gifts inspired many believers at the time and continue to influence believers today. Here are some aspects of his spiritual heritage:

Model of holiness

Crispino da Viterbo is revered as a model of holiness, showing how prayer, asceticism and charity can transform the life of an ordinary person into an extraordinarily holy one. His life reminds Christians of the importance of following the example of Christ and the saints in their own spiritual journey.


Although Crispino da Viterbo is not as widely known as some other saints, many people continue to pray for his intercession in times of need. He is credited with miracles and answers to prayer, which reinforces confidence in his intercessory power.

Influence on the Capuchin order

Crispino da Viterbo left a lasting imprint on the Capuchin order. His commitment to austere monastic life and his passion for charity inspired many Capuchin brothers to live their vocation in a more profound and authentic way.


Crispino da Viterbo, beatified in 1900, is a remarkable example of Franciscan holiness and dedication to the Catholic faith. His life of prayer, asceticism and charity continues to inspire believers, reminding us of the importance of holiness in the Christian life. His reputation for holiness and his miracles make him a prized intercessor for those seeking special graces. The life of Crispino da Viterbo remains a testimony to the power of faith and divine grace in the life of a humble man.



Bollini, Luigi. Vita di San Crispino da Viterbo. Rome: Edizioni La Libreria, 1950.
Gatti, Sergio. San Crispino da Viterbo: Biografia e Testimonianze. Viterbo: Tipografia Viterbese, 2002.
Mazzarelli, Francesco. Saint Crispin of Viterbo: The Humble Friar's Path to Sainthood. Milan: Mondadori, 2004.
Neri, Mario. San Crispino da Viterbo e la Tradizione Capucina. Florence: Edizioni San Paolo, 1981.
Pistelli, Antonio. San Crispino da Viterbo: Miracoli e Beatificazione. Viterbo: Casa Editrice Viterbese, 1995.
Stella, Giovanni. San Crispino da Viterbo e la Spiritualità Francescana. Naples: Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa, 1988.
The Holy See. San Crispino da Viterbo: Saint and Miracle Worker. Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2022. [Available online at the Vatican's official website]
Valerio, Gennaro. San Crispino da Viterbo: Vita e Opere. Rome: Edizioni Laterza, 2010.

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